If it had nothing to do with religion why are most terrorist a certain religious bavkground? Cant just be a coincidence.
Most Muslim are peacefull, just as most catholics are too.But plenty of those dirty priests who touched kids and gave catholic church a bad name too.
Your brain learn so much in your first 6 years of life and how you perceive things.It continues too learn and perceive things by the people your around . People coming from war stricken countries have less value for human life as they have seen death around them. When people are bored-Lonely or depressed they will turn to something.ISIS preys on the weak and vulnerable.
I guess what I'm saying is that terrorism has nothing to do with pure religion. But religion is often hijacked by politics. And, as O M C. pointed out, in some areas of the world and perhaps in some religions, the separation of Church and state is less well-defined. When the brave and noble knights of England went across to fight in the first Crusades, for instance, how could this have been a religious war (as it was called), when their religion forbids them to kill? It is not religion per se that is at fault, it is human beings and their interpretation/misinterpretation of religion.