And in nightclubs if your name is Plaxico and you don't think the cops will help you if you lose a dance-off.
Dunno, maybe because most people don't really need one, and people are pretty good at accidentally killing themselves and/or their family with them I guess.
It's a complex issue. Canada's gun laws are not that different to those in the US, but they have a much lower rate of gun deaths. I'm now going to misuse a word to annoy Lingard. It's a confluence of many factors in the US, but a high rate of gun ownership is, at the very least, a facilitating factor in their astronomical rate of violent deaths (for a developed country with a stable political system).
In what way do you think they breached that responsibility Lingard? Or more specifically....what is the 'responsibility'?
PS: Shots are being fired again in Paris.
Freedom of speech is not the holy grail it's made out to be. I think freedom of speech should never be an end in itself, but more a means. A means to what? To say whatever the f**k comes into your head without any thought to the possible ramifications? I don't think so. These guys at Charlie Hebdo aren't heroes and champions of freedom and liberty - they are just making a buck. I'm not condoning for a second the acts of a group of psychopaths whose behaviour is pure evil, I'm just saying there is another facet to this.
This whole notion that the word 'confluence' annoys Lingard, is a myth. I don't even know what it means. And I never will. In fact I'm going to go out of my way to remain ignorant of its meaning. The next time the guys are standing around the water-cooler talking about how they had a confluence of beers last night, I'm going to block my ears.
Freedom of speech is not the holy grail it's made out to be. I think freedom of speech should never be an end in itself, but more a means. A means to what? To say whatever the f**k comes into your head without any thought to the possible ramifications? I don't think so. These guys at Charlie Hebdo aren't heroes and champions of freedom and liberty - they are just making a buck. I'm not condoning for a second the acts of a group of psychopaths whose behaviour is pure evil, I'm just saying there is another facet to this.
f**ken Bangalow! When I was little I lived nearby. I went to Newrybar Public School.
That's near Harvest. Probably one of the best restaurants I have had the pleasure of eating in.
Elite Belle just dropped dead...Heart attack while on a plane to Melbourne.