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The Ayshford appreciation thread.


First Grade
Thanks for taking he, Heighno & Sleau Ryan off our hands.

Any money we are paying those guys to play against us is money well spent


First Grade
I think Gordon is one of the few players that has been busting his ass each week. Maybe not the smartest player (or a great ball player), but does have plenty of heart. There's no way in hell I would want Gardner at fullback in firsts ever again. At least flash can catch!


First Grade
Happy to see all of them walk personally.

Heighno has been in decline for years, Sleau is a f**king worthless turd, Ayshford had 6 good months that we held hope he could recapture but is another lazy pos like Collis and Gibbs body lets him down

Since 73

First Grade
Tv heads keep rattling on about no Gal, LL, Toops or Beau.

The first 2 definately.

But Bakuya isnt getting any mention. Theres a hole left from 2013 noone is plugging.
Tv heads keep rattling on about no Gal, LL, Toops or Beau.

The first 2 definately.

But Bakuya isnt getting any mention. Theres a hole left from 2013 noone is plugging.

Starting to think there is a hole left by Pom going that hasnt been plugged, Pom looks like world better against Ayshford.

Pom for all his mistakes at least tried his guts out, no arm waving and he could always deliver a hit


You were pretty quiet about that the last 2 years...

My old man's a massive sharks fan he's had season tickets/Membership for the last 16 years. Last season when you guys were playing well i was having a chat with him about how well the sharks were going & how bad the Tigers were playing. Being a Tigers fan he was rubbing my nose in it (in a playful way) saying thanks for the players etc etc. I was glad the sharks were going well as I know how much pleasure he gets from them winning, Im the same with the tigers.

I wasnt bitter about you guys winning with so many ex tigers players in your team as I knew most of the of the guys we let go were neccesary in order to break up the boys club that was left to fester under the Leadership of Sheens. The club led by Benji was more interested in having a good time than winning. After a couple of lean years we are starting to see rewards of making some tough/unpopular decisions. We probably wont make the 8 this year but the club is positioned well for the future & this would not have been possible without offloading the players we did. Unfortunately watching the sharks reminds me of watching the last 2 seasons of the tigers.

Over the last 2 seasons there is probably only 1 or 2 players that any of us tigers fans who have a slight knowledge about the game were disapointed about losing. When i say us Im talking about the general feeling on the tigers forum from us supporters.

Gibbs: most were dissapointed in losing him, sure he isnt going to bust a bunch a tackles or put away backs with an offload but his defence was second to none. We all thought he was greatly underrated. That being said he was starting to spend more time out injured & with some young props coming through tough decisions needed to be made.

Fifita: I think most knew he was going to be special & we were dissapointed in losing him. His attitude was poor under sheens & he definatley needed a change. Unfortunately he left before sheens did. There wouldn't be a tigers fan alive that wouldnt love him, Woods & Galloway in our team.

Heighno: glad we got rid of him, i was sick of seeing the heighno shuffle just before the line & his change of direction straight back into the markers. Absolutely useless in attack & rarely dominates a tackle in defence.

Ryan: some were dissapointed as he had a great year the previous season & his media profile brough great exposure to the club. Most were glad to see him go though as there were more talented juniours in Nofo & Simona ready to take over.

Ayshford: we all rejoiced, he's a slow & cant tackle as you gus are now discovering. We all wished he was leaving the day he signed & not stayed to finish the season.

Ryan, Heighno & Ayshford were allegedly part of Benji's club that divided the Tigers dressing room so getting rid of them was integral in moving the club forward. Most of us fans thought it would take 2-3 years but Potter & Mayer did it 1. You guys are now starting to see the reasons why theynwere shipped out of camp Concord.
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Card Shark

I'm very happy with all the players that have come from the Tigers, except the 1 named in the title, they are not the reason for our problems.


He leaked points against the Warriors. The Newcastle and Manly games were similar in the way tries were scored. He has to be dropped.


Does this club even know what a good centre should have in his ability bag???
Why do we always buy slow slow players.


First Grade
Does this club even know what a good centre should have in his ability bag???
Why do we always buy slow slow players.

Desperation I think. We all know it's a vital position that we lack in, so the coaches have to know too. Got me fugged why they think an under performer (not a standout) from a club going like busted's, is going to solve all of our problems. :?


Gordon to centre? Really?

What makes anyone think a pseudo fullback who is a winger at best can handle the right centre defence better than any of the other bums? Who really thinks he is up to babysitting Carney and whatever bum is outside him on the wing? Has he ever really had a decent shot at being a centre? Has he ever even played centre at NRL level? Not much if not at all is my bet.

One key to fixing the right side defence is Beau Ryan. He reads play better than any other right winger we have. He is more likely to hold his width than any other right winger we have. He'll scream at the centre to keep him in check and in better position. Won't make them tackle any better but they'll be in a better position to try with Ryan outside calling the defence. The other key is teaching Carney to frikkin tackle. He is simply abominable in defence. Even if he doesn't miss the inside and outside man look like they expect him to and adjust to cover him leaving holes everywhere.


None of that matters if Sopoaga keeps making bad decisions. Not his fault mind you. he just needs experience. But hey, it would be good to team him up with 5 other inexperienced guys in the squad at the same time.

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