A nice start for sure. I think Smith really pulled the wool over Henry's eyes tho. Dureau only making 6 tackles for the game looks to me like the Bailey selection mid week totally fooled Henry and he never reacted to it. Kudos to our coach.
I woulda expected Dureau to make 20 tackles at least if Henry had been on it, he is an overrated coach imo.
Walsh is a defensive liability and until he can hold his own there he wont be first choice over Dureau. Walsh has a deft touch short passing game but it isnt without its issues, he fades far too heavily when he passes and throws most of them forward. He also seems to need a lot of playing time with the guys in order for it to be successful, i sight his combination with Patterson which has been a long time developing.
Im just glad we have players of this calibre to hold a debate on. One thing is for sure, after watching Penrith, StGeorge and Co this week, we certainly dont need to worry about coming last.
I think the biggest highlight of the game was how well we controlled the ruck, and how effectively we ran traffic at Carney. 10 mins into the 2nd half Carney was 3rd on the Raiders tackle sheet with 18. A telling stat imo.