I am saying that RU has gained significantly more benefit from 'friends in high places" than RL ever did!
Thats debatable given that if it wasn't for friends in high places, RL in Australia wouldn't have survived after a few years.
The fact that RU seems to have a mortgage on what is played in the influential and powerful private & public school sectors worldwide add to the ability to give its code access whereas RL does not have such an advantage. This flow on effect does impact on RL as you may deduct from the examples that have been posted to this thread by other people , not only myself.
a few decades ago you'd be right. I don't think this is anywhere near as big an issue today though.
We agree that RL is a clearly better product! Thank god!
I've never once suggested, stated or insinuated anything contrary to this.
My counting of the tackles are an average estimate.
They are a guess, furthermore, I don't care.
If there are 6 to 8 tackles(and their is) in a minute of RL the figures stack up.(80 minute game) As pointed out RL scrums are quick and the game has a play the ball which is significantly faster than the RU ruck/mall on most occasions. Not to mention that the collisions in RL are far greater and have more impact in that players are mostly 10 metres apart not 1 to 3 metres apart as seen in RU.
I know how the games are played. Again, I don't care about this line of conversation as it is opinion and nothing more.
I believe that RL has proven to be a much more appealing sports product than RU and this is largely due to its faster and more open play. I doubt whether the public of NSW or QLD would have embraced a code that was not appealing and therefore I stand by the belief that RL gained its stripes as a better and more attractive code of rugby when a situation of decent school access eventuated. Yes the stars of RU did come over and they enjoyed RL.
The stars went to RL primarily because of two factors; the money and growing discontent at the RU administrators.
A recent thread contribution shows the mindset of the RU people in Britain toward RL. Hope you read it. This is a mindset that can be seen to reflect the thoughts and action of RU biased people in many places around the world. Your stance seems to suggest that because in NSW, RL gained this concession of Catholic school access that the rest of the world can casually accept the bigotry and apartheid like treatment of RL that has occurred in bucket loads.
I wasn't suggesting anything. You made a comment about why RL grew in NSW and QLD. I merely provided you with the facts.
I have no idea, nor have I ever professed to know about RU and RL programs in schools all around the world and I'm fairly certain that you don't either (nor does anyone else in this thread). Don't try and twist my posts into some stupid f**king drivel so that you can argue against it. I posted facts and they were directly related to the large amount of errors you tried to pass off as fact.
Perhaps it is all not one sided(RL in NSW-Wow!) but the acts of repression/bigotry are definitely loaded from the RU side of the ledger on a worldwide scale.
and I never denied that. Ever. You were speaking about RL in Qld and NSW only and I was correcting that with facts. Not once in your post about QLD and NSW RL did you mention the rest of the world and nor did I, so why are you mentioning them now? Just another attempt by you to twist the argument into a way that suits your confused argument.
Please read the Russ13 article. It does give an insight into the mindset of these RU indoctrinated individuals. In fact Magpie4eva and Teh Kaha might care to read it as they are oblivious to the apartheid like treatment and thought process involved in this widespread repression of RL.
I read it before you did and before it was posted here. It's entirely irrelevant to your post that I responded to about RL in QLD and NSW.
You are the one who needs to do a lot of reading. I urge you, for your own integrity and image, to stop posting what you call 'facts' about the history of RL in Australia, because its almost entirely false or excessively vague to suit your argument.