griffo346 said:this is to do with the player recruitment side of things
maybe we can introduce somthing simlar to what the NRL did have before scraping it
June 30 deadline where the player can chose to stay with the club or go else where
also we could have a player draft out of the teams that dont make it in the pvp comp
insted of a player cap maybe somehow we can introduce a salery cap
griffo346 said:this is to do with the player recruitment side of things
maybe we can introduce somthing simlar to what the NRL did have before scraping it
June 30 deadline where the player can chose to stay with the club or go else where
also we could have a player draft out of the teams that dont make it in the pvp comp
insted of a player cap maybe somehow we can introduce a salery cap
eloquentEEL said:I hadn't been keeping up with this thread and was coming on to post a suggestion. Having had a read through, it looks like Crusher has covered some of it already and it's been criticised, but I'd still like to put forward my own suggestion and argument:
All 7 or 8 players get a chance to post and the best 5 scores are taken.
If a team has less than 5 posts, then the lowest score is counted twice.
- More 5 vs 5 matches
- Still penalises a team with 4 posts as it's the LOWEST score that's taken twice, but still gives them a chance
- Still leaves a team with 3 or less posts losing the match (and frankly, if they're THAT disorganised then they deserve to lose)
- Allows more players to participate if they want to and gives a bit of advantage to those teams while still keeping it 5 vs 5
- Lowest scoring players are more likely to be given a run as one or two low scores won't affect the outcome of the match, but will give them much needed practice, experience and feedback to learn from
- An unexpected low score from an otherwise reliable player won't necessarily cost their team the match, and therefore won't make them feel like crap that they've cost their team the match
- Little bit more work for refs
- Increased risk of player "burnout" if they try to play too many matches and "run out of ideas" (this seems to affect some players more than others and at the end of the day, it's the individual player's decision whether or not to put their hand up each round)
- Increased risk of players becoming disillusioned if their posts continually score too low to be counted (again, it's a personal thing which depends on the attitude and pesonality of the player)
jesbass said:I alos don't like the idea of a weaker player missing out on the team score because his mark wasn't high enough. I think every article deserves a mark, for the writer's sake, especially considering the amount of effort some people put into their work.
eloquentEEL said:I hadn't been keeping up with this thread and was coming on to post a suggestion. Having had a read through, it looks like Crusher has covered some of it already and it's been criticised, but I'd still like to put forward my own suggestion and argument:
All 7 or 8 players get a chance to post and the best 5 scores are taken.
If a team has less than 5 posts, then the lowest score is counted twice.
- More 5 vs 5 matches
- Still penalises a team with 4 posts as it's the LOWEST score that's taken twice, but still gives them a chance
- Still leaves a team with 3 or less posts losing the match (and frankly, if they're THAT disorganised then they deserve to lose)
- Allows more players to participate if they want to and gives a bit of advantage to those teams while still keeping it 5 vs 5
- Lowest scoring players are more likely to be given a run as one or two low scores won't affect the outcome of the match, but will give them much needed practice, experience and feedback to learn from
- An unexpected low score from an otherwise reliable player won't necessarily cost their team the match, and therefore won't make them feel like crap that they've cost their team the match
- Little bit more work for refs
- Increased risk of player "burnout" if they try to play too many matches and "run out of ideas" (this seems to affect some players more than others and at the end of the day, it's the individual player's decision whether or not to put their hand up each round)
- Increased risk of players becoming disillusioned if their posts continually score too low to be counted (again, it's a personal thing which depends on the attitude and pesonality of the player)
gorilla said:Part of the rigour of F7s is getting your team up and running, and over the line each week. It's a bit like a country club or kiddies leagues. If you don't have enough players, I reckon you play short (and probably lose).
As for the more than 5 posters and the highest scores counting - I think it has some merit but there's a lot of work in getting posts up and in, and there could be some burn out. In addition, what happens to the posts that don't count - they would still get scored and so they would have to be not available in the future. That's a lot of wasted words !
griffo346 said:How I would implicate the salary cap in forum 7s
At the moment we have a players cap in forum 7s as it was suggested by Jessbass that we could have both well we will with the player cap remaining at 15
The salary cap will work on a point’s base as the fantasy comps work that way with the team getting 150 points.
The referees are the one obvious pick to rank the players there points 6-10 with 6 being the lowest and 10 being the highest.
As I did say in the above thread that I am in a a-league fantasy comp and I have had to pick my team of 12 based on 100 points I managed to get a competitive team for that the lowest was 5 and the highest was 11.5
• Captains come under the points (ranked the highest as they are captains) also they come under the player cap
• When players want to leave during the season there lays anther idea of mine which I will also cover in this.
• When the player leaves the club the club captain can chose to play down a player for the rest of the season and or the player can be traded to anther club for anther player of the same value. That team is obversely of the players choice.