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The Music Thread

Godz Illa

This week I picked up the hotly anticipated new Prince album - Musicology. To listen to this CD, is to revel in the rebirth of one of the true great artists. We find the purple one is back to his all-time best, and this album sits comfortably next to his revered early works - Controversy, 1999, Purple Rain, Sign O The Times. Jazzy funk par excellence, an unquestionable pleasure to experience.


i burnt 2 mixed ones n i hav all mah fave love songs on it n sum funky tunes too! even a song from back in the day called BURNING BRIDGES for Kellys Heroes! And Kokomo - The Beach Boys!! luv it! :roll:

Godz Illa

Word up Ron. Purple Rain is epic and beautiful. At his concert here in Sydney last year Prince summed it up succinctly: "I love this song, I'll never get tired of playing it".

One of the best soundtracks ever, though the movie wasn't great.


all this prince talk has made me bring back one of my old avatars

i've never looked too deeply into his collection honestly, but i love all the old classics. who doesn't?

Ron Jeremy

HA HA That's Gold Half!!!

I love it when in Scary Movie Carmen Electra's boyfriend is Prince & and he's tied up out side.


speaking of killer music, went and saw the 5678's, the grates, and the tremors play last night. Top top top gig i have to say. the grates were average but we only got there towards the end of their set. The Tremors went nuts but spent most of it towards the back drinking beers. 5678's were deadset fantastic. ran up the front and spent the set dancing like a spastic and having an all round fun time. Think i'm gonna have to invest in some of their back catalogue i reckon.


El Garbo said:
i dont get CDs any more since i got my mini ipod, which is the cuteist mp3 player ever invented

Sandy - do the mini iPods have the same battery problems as their full sized counterparts? I've been looking into getting an iPod but the batteries go dead after 18 months and it costs upwards of $500 to get them replaced. What's the go with the minis?
i hope not :? they should have gotten them fixed in the mini after they found the problem with the big ipods, mines ok atm the sound quality is awesome 8) get it frm ebay if ur thinkin of gettin one coz theyre not out anywer apart frm USA and theyre sold out there aswell

Once Dead

ThrashViking said:
Impellitteri said:
ThrashV - don't pay attention to halfy the uninitiated! Dragonforce sorta power-metal? Haven't listened to a lot of power metal in a while - but it might just be the time
Power/Speed metal.Think Helloween with bad lyrics.
Did you go to Killswitch Engage's concert in Sydney supporting Anthrax/Soilwork?

Cool....i like metal with a bit of pace - lol and bad lyrics, you couldn't do any better! ahahahah, cheers for the link - will check em out

Yeah, i saw Killswitch on the Monday night show at The Metro...the crowd went off for them more than Anthrax and sound-wise, no one was better than Killswitch, normally something doesn't come out right as you probably know, like the guitars being too low or the drums being too loud etc but it was perfect.....not to say that Anthrax didn't kick @$$ tho


latest C/D i bought was KoRn: take a look in the mirror, i give it 10/10 if KoRn are not the best band in the world today then they would come close

best song is: Ya'll want a single


I have all Korn's CD's except for the latest one... reason being I got sick of all the trash filler they were pumping out so I gave up on them. The latest CD might be a different story, but after Issues and then Untouchables I decided not to bother ever again.

Once upon a time they were awesome. But they lost their creativity and now they just suck big time. To think they had a go at St Anger for being the worst CD ever produced when they created something as bad as Untouchables!

Hightown Tiger

I bought 'The Who:Then and now,' which is pretty good.

I've just been listening to 'The Clash' as well, IMO the best post-Beatles band to come out of Britain 8)


Staff member
I was heavily into Korn like most ppl and got sick of them.

The Clash and the Who are also two very good bands IMO.

Just bought the Rage Against the Machine live CD. Now I have every CD they ever did.


You must be an 80's/90's fan like myself RJ :lol:
I used to have the poster from Purple Rain hanging on my wall as a teen, had all his albums until some prick stole them outta my car.
PR is a great album, have the movie too... a little cheesy but still cool.
Might have to ckech out Musicology, I like the single for sure.
I think the last think I bought was a mix album of 80's - 00's called Take 40, it's pretty cool.
I am trying to get a copy of Kate Bush's Lionheart CD if anyone has seen it anywhere, might have to get it on-line. Have also been waiting forever for Iron Maiden's # of the Beast album to get cheaper but I don't think it's gonna happen, maybe go second-hand I think. Same with Stevie Nick's Time & Space CD, the old ones that are good seem to still cost as much as the new ones :roll:

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