I'm happy to accept your explanation when it comes to interactions with people close to us. But it falls over when it comes to encountering people you've never met before which happens on a daily basis.
If gender isn't defined by biology then in that situation it is impossible to know how someone "is recognised in the community" without taking a guess based on their apparent biology.
But my point much earlier is that we usually don't even need to take that guess in those situations... if we stop thinking in the simplistic biological he/she boxes. Just saying hello to someone doesn't require a judgment/knoledge of their gender, I can refer to them directly as "you" during conversation without gender. I can't think of any encounters where gender knowledge about a stranger is a requirement in any way.
If a man wears a dress and looks like a female or a female is trying to look like a man then you've probably got a good chance of getting it right. But if we deviate from that and make it something more cerebral and less defined then I think its uneccesarily confusing. There is already alot of space to play within the spectrum of butch male ----> feminine woman. Anything beyond that seems self-indulgent for mine. It's also retrogressive and creates division where it isn't needed.
Accept that you think it's self indulgent, divisive etc - but respectfully I think that says more about you in the situation than the other person. We've both said we'd respect someone preferred gender identity if it were know to us, and I don't think there's many situations where it's out of the box and not known to us where it's important or even confusing (see above point).
I think thats a naive and reactionary comment, but I'm happy to agree to disagree with you on this.
Happy to agree to disagree as well, but at least you know how trifling these "concerns" about people's gender preference seem - see someone else's (and your own?) Ukraine comment above for context.
If you are going to have a discussion about what gender means then you should have a least thought it through and be able to describe what you think it is rather than just parrot some flawed definition with more holes in it than Hindy111's Spider Man undies.
You asked for a definition, so I found you one, ffs. I've tried several times to indicate that gender is not biological, not the same as genetic sexes, not the same as sexual preference, and answered your question that I would accept it as a free-for-all (your words) that it is cerebral and individual.
That's what it means to me, and so that has been the description - if together with the requested definition that's not enough for you, then maybe there's some more blinker-free thinking needed to come to grips with what is seeming like it must be a new concept today? If so, that's a win for World Pride right there.