Barking up the wrong tree Champ you sound a bit Paranoid.
Yeah, I know. Some other gherkin in another thread kept saying that and I thought it was you. You all look the same to me. You do realise the edit is marked at 10.22 don't you?
And your reply is 11.47?
Which means you were working on it for at least an hour and 25 minutes.
Who's paranoid?
For someone who's a post whore I though you could do a bit better then that. But you have pulled out the old "Forum nuffy" line...and "That's emotional claptrap" in the first two paragraphs.
Don't be offended.
We're all forum nuffies. You just happed to be the nuffy I was talking to at the time. You should be thankful I mistook you for another forum nuffy and not the actual nuffy that you are.
But anyway, I am glad you have "an opinion" and of course since you know should just pack my bags and go back to the "Nuffy corner" I thought you were going to give me some intelligent arguments but all you do is let fluffy off the chain.
Well, so far your opinion is that you'd throw David Gallop over the bonnet of a car and have your way with him because he's a great man.
Or am I misreading your Gallop-loving posts?
Wow...that's a big statement! Hate to break this to ya champ, but compared to the NRL, the AFL have a national game. You can pickup what's doing in AFL land in WA, SA, VIC, TAS, NSW, ACT, QLD and even NT.
Actually, they don't have a national game.
They have representation in 5 state capital cities and in one regional city. And that's a stretch because Geelong is as regional as Wollongong.
40% of the population of Australia don't live in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide or Perth champ.
And I hate to break it to you, the AFL don't have sides in Tasmania, the ACT or the NT.
Rugby League NSW, QLD, ACT and lucky to get any exposure in VIC with a team playing out of Melbourne. So enless you have a different definition of "national" I think you should give yourself an uppercut on this one!
First of all, the Storm rate higher for live games in Melbourne than the Swans do in Sydney.
Secondly, the fourth largest market after Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane isn't Adelaide or Perth.
just re-read the bit in italics.
Finally something I can work with. If you talking about actual teams based in actual regional locations then the answer is a big fat zero. If your talking about media exposure well you and I both know that's a totally different kettle of fish. I hope your not pinning your "AFL is not National" argument on this.
Actually, I doubt you'd know if Gallop was up you.
And why would you consider AFL a national game because of media exposure? :lol:
Hell, it's all over the news in NSW nd Qld but no f**ker watches it...
Yes I am still laughing and can't wait for the Super 14's to fall in a heap. So no cross or tick for Gallop on this one? You sure about that?
It would never have entered his head. It takes a special kind of stupid to come up with the ARC concept. Gallop is a lot of things and stupid isn't one of them.
Yes it will on the back of the national team. All A-league clubs besides Melbourne Victory are still making a loss which the A-league projected anyway. What they also projected was crowds and sponsorship would increase over time. This has not been the case thus far.
Soccer will do fine because the A League isn't in direct competition with the NRL or AFL for more than a few weeks each year which will ensure enough popularity for it to continue. All they have to do is get the quality up from abysmal to just bad, and I'll join the bandwagon.
lol.....there you go again!!! Yes Gallop was involved. Architects? John Ribot ring a bell? Talk about a know it all that really knows nothing!
Yeah, Ribot was alone.
Why don't you find out who Super League's lawyers were before the announcement?
Why do you think Gallop has the top job?
First part I understand. second sentence.....well that's another story.
Well, if you split it from my laughter, it doesn't.
I'll leave out the obvious sarcasm in future.
Now were your upset about Gallop's stance on Benji boy.
Nope, Gallop annoys me, never upsets me and never will.
His stance on Benji annoys me. If Benji goes he should be banned from the NRL for life.
By the way, you do know I'm a Tigers fan, right?
Well Gallop is on the money. Rugby Union is a competing sport. All over the World Yawnion has stuck the knife into league when ever possible. This would just see every man and his dog play in the off season overseas. That would be real great for the quality of the NRL competition. What about all the other people that have invested money in the game. As I said letting Benji go in the NRL off season is not the answer. All it will do is create new problems down the track.
Gallop is not on the money, he is not hard enough or tough enough when it comes to defending the NRL or the sport of Rugby League.
Gallop needs to ban players who go to Union, period.
Yes I know you listen to Mr Hughes daily. I know what the top issues are but since you know it all and blame Gallop for a piegon taking a dump on your pushbike I was interested on how you relate it all back to Gallop.
Don't make assumptions. I don't listen to the 2SM afternoon sports show because you and Hughes annoy the sh*t out of me. You're a whiny little turd who knows as much about codes of Football as I do about the mineral compostion of Neptune and Hughes is stuck in 1985.
Call of the day....
Are you sure you support rugby league? Put both in the same position as Gallop and you will get a worse outcome. It's the structure that needs to change more so then the person at the top. If you like alot of Hot Air then maybe John O'Neill is you man. Last I heard the Super 18's is now going to be a super 15's unless SA pull the pin of course. At least Gallop tells it like it is, he doesnt make bold statments just to keep people like yourself feeling all warm and fuzzy in side.
Either would be a better job than Gallop.
Gallop is a lawyer who should have been short-term. His lack of passion for the game is what holds him back. Well, that and the fact that his actual employer decides everything for him.
I'll guarantee you that Gallop wouldn't fart unless he gets the ok from upstairs.
As I have said, he is not perfect but the game is heading in the right direction under the circumstances. Toyota Cup, Gold Coast, ratings, Crowds, memberships....wait a sec why don't we blame Gallop for all the issues and not give him any credit for the successes! Will that make you feel better?
He's past his use-by-date. The Gold Coast was a no-brainer and I heavily doubt that it was his decision. Same with the Toyota Cup. If you have proof that they were his ideas, I'm all ears.
We need strong leadership now and we've got bambi running the show.
Amm are NO! Read my answer again and don't put words into my mouth.
The answer is still no. If you did read the other forums, you wouldn't have made that statement.
You and I both no the Daily Terror is full of Rubbish. But people like yourself get court up in the headlines.
I don't read it and haven't for at least 5 years. I occasionally comment on something I see here, that's all.
lol...good to see you finishing with the "Emotional claptrap" line again. Common you can do better then that! :lol:
1 hour and 25 minutes...
If I find Robbo I will pass on your message. :sarcasm:
You are Gavin Robertson. You have to be.
FFS there can't be 2 people that stupid, boring and have a woody for David Gallop on the planet, can there?