Lol...I have hit a nerve....don't worry just because I don't put a hundred posts in each day doesn't mean I am a newbie so don't be nice.
Yeah, you've hit a nerve... LOL
FMD what next, "Get a life" ?
You're a newbie.
Or what do the cool kids call them?
Keep the personal attacks coming...
You have the intellectual capacity that one would expect of bone china. If you were any stupider you'd be locky #1.
I know it's all you got to defect that fact that when it comes to Australian have the IQ of a piegon!
Maybe, but I know how to spell "Pidgeon"...
Always funny when someone derides someone else's intelligence by showing their own lack of it.
Yes you do repeat yourself!
Do I?
Do I? bring out all the one liners don't you :lol: Please tell me when your actually going to start telling me why the AFL isn't national! All this dancing around is starting to get boring.
You could be told 100 times but it won't register.
Because you're thick.
piegon.... LOL
Goose? Common Nuffy was better and yes your still in denial and haven't told me why the AFL is not National.
Yeah, I have, you just can't see it.
Yep keep on convincing yourself :lol: you don't get it do you.
Didn't I say that?
Now you're just aping me... Smart move... your stuff is Craig McLaughlin...
So national now means how many people watch the really have lost it! For an experienced poster like yourself i expected a better argument. Are you sure your mummy knows your on the computer all the time?
Do we have to go through this every time?
It's you're, not your. You're hard to read. Wait, I'll make it so you can understand.. "Your hard to read".
And have some class, your argument is with me, not with anyone in my family.
Thank god now we are making some progress.
Avoid the point.
No one is claiming the NRL is truly national and AFL isn't national because it has no representation in 40% of the population.
Simple isn't it.
Yes unless I was dreaming SA was here during the summer and pretty match tied up the media over that period. To be honest you don't hear much about the A-League unless you tune to fox sport news.
You're stupid.
Soccer is not in competiton with Cricket.
Finally now that explains everything. You just don't like Gallop due to super league! We have made progress I am impressed. It's like i have to give you a few upper cuts before you spill out the truth.
Nah, I had been a supporter of Gallop, and if you want to troll through my 30,000 odd posts, you'll see that. But he's passed his use-by-date and has to go.
He's useless now and holds the game back. As does his employer.
We won't get rid of either for a while yet though.
Yep keep those big word coming:crazy:
Mancard is a big word?
Is piegon a big word too?
Well I am glad you have back flipped on a few things all you got to do is admit that the AFL is a national sport (National doesn't mean Auckland or regonal NSW & QLD either Gerbil Farmer) and we can move on :shock:
We're back to you telling yourself whatever you need to in order to feel better about making a dick of yourself...
You had very little before and I think the tank is empty now...
Move along kid.