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The salary cap is not working.

green eyed mike

I think the cap is working but like any system there is room for improvement. I am pretty sure that the NRL would not be able to stop third party payments as people are allowed to have multiple income streams and it could be considered a restraint of trade. Obviously thrid party payments advantage clubs like Brisbane who have a large, captive market and about 70% of their games on free to air television.

I like the idea of an equitable draw and believe that this should be a non-negotiable part of the next rights deal.

I also believe that there should be a salary cap discount for locally developed talent and long serving players. This would allow clubs that don't have the same access to third party sponsorship to invest in development and build a team over a number of years rather than buying a team to have an immediate crack.

I also think that everyone would be happier if there was a lot more transparency about what players are paid under the cap and from thrid party deals. This would clearly demonstrate whether or not third party payments were creating inequalities that needed to be addressed.


there needs to be a fair distribution on FTA games, how many have saints and roosters had this year which makes them more attractive to sponsors, how many the Sharks??? 1 so far this year with one more to come, this is unfair to them, how can they attract more sponsors untill they get a fairer go.

26 weeks 2 games on a friday and 1 on sunday FTA, thats 6 teams x 26 thats 156 slots per year divide by 16 thats 9.75 a year each team should get on FTA, I havent watched a game all year on TV as a result
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it's not and hasn't been for the past 10 years.
Brisbane haven't been thru a down cycle they keep making the finals, Dragons same. Yet some other clubs struggle every year like Canberra and Cronulla and recently Nth Qld.
The talent is not spread out it's all in Brisbane , St George-Illawarra and Melbourne ( we now know why).

Before this year started every so-called expert and pretty much every non-Broncos supporter said they would miss the finals this year as they had one of the worst lists and also the youngest list in the game.

and you do realise that clubs have the right to send their scouts anywhere they think the talent is. there are only so many spots on the Broncos roster and plenty of very talented footballers miss out.

if clubs think all the talent is in QLD, then they should get off their asses and send their scouts up here.

and FTR, the Cowboys with the Roster that they have at their disposal should be a top 4 team. stop your whinging, the Eels made the GF last year. the Eels for that matter should be up the top as well.


Let's be honest here the Broncos biggest 3rd party deal is 25k (right now, with 1k the lowest) many companies have an advertising budget to spend 25k on a sigle billboard. We need to get clubs out there selling themselves and proving why they are a viable means of advertising.


First Grade
Penrith weren't able to maintain their GF winning team of 03 that well but I have to admit that was only partly due to the salary cap pressures, it was also due to poor management and poor attitudes among players who should've been playing better. Penrith were a big disappointment over the last 5 years, not even making the top 8 once but they also benefited from the salary cap in buying Petero from the Broncos who was squeezed out of Red Hill due to the cap.

I'm not happy that the Broncos have managed to replace Israel Folau with Greg Inglis while at the same time signing Ben Hannant, but that is the advantage they have. Players want to play for them, because of their track record of success and they've always been better run than most clubs. With champion origin stars and some of the best young talent in the NRL, It looks unlikely that they'll have a down spiral like I thought they were going to. Other clubs will just have to get better to out perform them.


I reckon Parra have had easily the best looking squad on paper in the league for the past few sasons..
Yeah right, Im sure they would'nt have changed any of their players for your's thes past few seasons. Your team had the best players in the comp, Its an insult to Parra and all other clubs to make such a statement


there needs to be a fair distribution on FTA games, how many have saints and roosters had this year which makes them more attractive to sponsors, how many the Sharks??? 1 so far this year with one more to come, this is unfair to them, how can they attract more sponsors untill they get a fairer go.

26 weeks 2 games on a friday and 1 on sunday FTA, thats 6 teams x 26 thats 156 slots per year divide by 16 thats 9.75 a year each team should get on FTA, I havent watched a game all year on TV as a result

Fair? What in the world is fair? You think we will get more money from the next tv deal by demanding television companies air matches that no one will bother watching?

Grow up.


Fair? What in the world is fair? You think we will get more money from the next tv deal by demanding television companies air matches that no one will bother watching?

Grow up.

Yeah because people are only interested in watch Brisbane, St George and Gold Coast. Get over yourself, arrogant twat.


Yeah because people are only interested in watch Brisbane, St George and Gold Coast. Get over yourself, arrogant twat.

Yea they are dickhead, why the f**k do you think ch9 screens the matches they do? What you think they pull them out of a hat?

Ch9 is a business, so is league, deal with it c**k features.


I think the people of Brisbane could easily support two NRL teams playing out of Lang Park. Whether or not self-interested parties will let that happen is another thing entirely.
100% true.

Worst thread ever. The salary cap has two purposes. 1) To spread the talent, but more importantly 2) To stop clubs overspending and going broke.

Actually, no. The salary cap is designed to prevent a rehash of Manly in the Arko era when they just threw money at anyone decent from Souths, Wests and Norths. Remember when they had a test hooker who couldn't make it into first grade, but happily soaking up the $?

The salary cap is to stop the wealthier clubs hoarding talent. It is set to a level where poorer clubs can compete for talent. Pre Super League some clubs had ridiculous concessions - such as not having to fund a reserve grade side under the cap while others did. End result - the talent wasn't spread around. Post SL, there is a more level playing field, and the talent spreads.

How does it spread?

  • Junior producing clubs (eg Penrith, Knights, Dragons) get to keep good juniors.
  • Clubs with a stack of talent have to release some who can get a better offer elsewhere (eg Petero to Penrith, Patton to Canterbury)
With the cap, clubs get to choose who they can keep and who they can let go. As a result, we have the dual phenomenon of club favourites able to stay loyal, (eg Hindy, Heather) and have quality players on the market (eg Prince, Hannant)

Clubs still vary. There is no limit on how much they spend on facilities, coaching staff, medical staff etc. Isolated clubs have an advantage as players will have larger costs if they leave. Clubs with healthy corporate activity have access to sponsorship $.

As a result - almost every club has made the GF in the last decade.

No regarding Inglis - if Brisbane were doing a Melbourne they would still have Petero, Stagg, Hannant and Eastwood and possibly cutie. And would never have signed Folau or Wallace or ultimately Inglis.

Where the Inglis deal stinks is here. In reality, Melbourne had the say where Inglis went. The Titans had the bigger offer, meaning Melbourne would have paid less for Inglis - better for their cap. Brisbane claim to have stitched up nice third party deals - but the FOGS money was on offer to the Titans bid as well. Yet, Melbourne "ok"ed the Brisbane deal.

Furthermore, Melbourne's top up is being counted under a different cap due to a technicality - being that it is under the base rate for a player. Funny how the salary cap is so stiff that they cannot add in increments of less than $50k, but they are quick to tack on the cost of Fiu Fiu's son grabbing a cheap plane ticket last year.

And finally, with Melbourne holding the cards, many clubs were frozen out of the Inglis bidding.

And who can believe that Heather is really on $250k


Ch9 is a business, so is league, deal with it

Sydneysiders will NEVER accept it mate.

Yet another thread explaining the problems, which are that the NRL is full of teams from a saturated market. I don't know how many decades will pass before common sense sinks into the thick heads of the Sydney centric RL crowd, but I can promise that for all those decades we will hear comments about how "one team cities get unfair advantages", etc.

You really have to chuckle at the whole thing, I mean these people would rather the NRL as a whole suffer, then cutting deadwood.
anyone who thinks the salary is working must support
Brisbane, Storm, Dragons.
it's not working!!!!!
Time for a points system, would be easier for the NRL to manage as they can't seem to find cheats with out a tip off.
The NRL is a joke will be until we get a independent governing body and News Ltd is gone for good.
Mention in NRL in Melbourne as i did at the weekend and people just laught at you.
and i would be happy if my club had to amalgamate provided it was with Penrith which would be logical geographicly.
If it meant we could get teams back in Perth and Adelaide then I would be for it.


and i would be happy if my club had to amalgamate provided it was with Penrith which would be logical geographicly.
If it meant we could get teams back in Perth and Adelaide then I would be for it.

Cronulla can relocate to Adelaide. Perth can stand alone.
also whats with this need for a 2nd brisbane team? until the broncos sell out their games every week then there is no need. We don't need another situation like there is in sydney where theres so many teams that sydneys huge fanbase is spread out so much that not one single club averages 20k.
yeah agree pennywisealfie the popluation in Brisbane is not what it is in sydney and they have the GC just down the road. 1 team in Brisbane is enough another team in Queensland would be good, maybe at Mackay.


The reason it seems unfair is that we have a terrible distribution of clubs, the game is too Sydney centric. Moves like getting rid of third party contracts and giving equal tv coverage will just hamstring the game. Why try to bring the competition back to the level of the weakest teams. Its not just the NRL clubs competing with each other, the NRL is also competing with other sports. You'll never achieve complete equality, to do so you'd need to punish the successful teams, which will only weaken the NRL as it competes with other codes here and overseas. Your not just competing with the Broncos for players, each French rugby club has a salary cap of about $12m, if you continue to try to keep the competition at the level of Cronulla you'll end up watching reserve grade.

If the cap is 4m and one club has a 12m budget, another 22m, thats an extra 10m that will go to making sure that club is the best in the competition. They'll have the best coaches, support staff and facilities. Naturally players will gravitate to the club which offers the best conditions over the club thats run on chook raffles. Players want to make rep teams and have off field sponsorship oppurtunities, a market like Brisbane offers that.
The reason it seems unfair is that we have a terrible distribution of clubs, the game is too Sydney centric. Moves like getting rid of third party contracts and giving equal tv coverage will just hamstring the game. Why try to bring the competition back to the level of the weakest teams. Its not just the NRL clubs competing with each other, the NRL is also competing with other sports. You'll never achieve complete equality, to do so you'd need to punish the successful teams, which will only weaken the NRL as it competes with other codes here and overseas. Your not just competing with the Broncos for players, each French rugby club has a salary cap of about $12m, if you continue to try to keep the competition at the level of Cronulla you'll end up watching reserve grade.

If the cap is 4m and one club has a 12m budget, another 22m, thats an extra 10m that will go to making sure that club is the best in the competition. They'll have the best coaches, support staff and facilities. Naturally players will gravitate to the club which offers the best conditions over the club thats run on chook raffles. Players want to make rep teams and have off field sponsorship oppurtunities, a market like Brisbane offers that.

This guy knows.
Grab a tissue sweetheart.

Just because my club wasn't dumb enough to persist with a tard like Finch at half, a numb nut like Stuart as coach, only to replace him with an imbecile like Fittler, and pay overs for nobodies like Mason.

We do well because we are a one team town and are managed by people with half a brain. Your tears are funny though, keep them coming :lol:

You seem to talk a lot but without substance..besides insults
explain the role of the thorobreds at your club...that the NRL cant investigate
Having lockyer on the Official books for the NRL to look at at just f**kin ridiculous
Paul Kent was right of the Matty Johns show..no f**kin way is lockyer on that piss poor amout