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The shoulder charge debate thread


If you think a study that claimed that there were only 71 shoulder charges in a season is in anyway valid you're a f**king genius.

That's 3 per round. I've counted more than that just watching the highlights this week and it's banned ffs!

Penrose Warrior

First Grade
Better than believing anything you read like a f**king sheep.

No organisation has ever set up a study to find exactly what they want it to find eh.

Or ignore anything you read and don't like, like a meathead. Your second sentence is probably the most geniused thing I've ever read on LU.

A competition run by adamkungl, East Coast Tiger and co would basically be as league exists in PNG. We'd have cages around the ground, blokes being spear tackled so hard into the turf they end up resembling ostriches and a bunch of blokes in hospital wards refusing to let anyone near them because they believe they're an orange and the nurses want to squeeze them for their morning juice.

Fortunately these LU regulars are probably entrusted with more suitable jobs - and may I add, no less important - like turning the stop/go sign at roadworks or working casually for car manufacturers when crash-test dummies have an RDO.


Great week for the anti-shoulder charge team. Congratulations to you all and your leader Rothfield, no doubt league will be all the better for it.

Tommy Smith

Greenburg should be sacked.

I'm all for banning the shoulder charge in order to dramatically reduce the likelihood of serious injury; but this whole "mandatory 2 week ban" for even the slightest inkling of a shoulder charge is pathetic.

It's a classic NRL knee-jerk reaction and it's already led to one player, Willie Mason, facing 2-3 weeks for the most innocuous collision you'll likely see.

From a business point of view, the current administration seems to be going very well; evidenced by the new TV Rights deal. But from a game understanding perspective, they're the biggest bunch of scatterbrain numpties you could ever imagine.
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Willie Mason
Written by STAFF WRITERS, August 11, 2015
WILLIE Mason has hit out at the NRL judiciary following his two game suspension for a shoulder charge admitting he is “embarrassed to play the game of rugby league.”

Mason will miss the Sea Eagles two crunch matches against the Raiders and the Sea Eagles after being charged with a grade one shoulder charge on Thomas Burgess.

And the fiery prop certainly didn’t hold back from making his feelings known to the media on Tuesday and the NRL’s decision to implement a zero tolerance approach to the shoulder charge on the eve of the round.

“It’s disappointing from my view, it’s disappointing from Manly, the fans and anyone who supports rugby league,” Mason said.

“I don’t think anything was wrong with it.

“We don’t even know the rules. You can’t change the rules on Friday for a Friday night game.

“Just give us a set of rules at the start of the year where it is black and white.”

Asked whether he’d challenge the charge Mason was quick to respond.

“There’s no point – I’m just going to cop it and have a rest for two weeks,” Mason said.



Shillington will not even miss a game :crazy: Will Mason and Matulino Shoulder charge were worse than David Shillington headbutt according to the NRL :lol:

So when is the NRL going make a knee-jerk reaction and make 2 week automatic ban for headbutts :roll:


Post Whore
Was more a shoulder stand than charge

When are they going to make it illegal for the attacking player to run into defenders leading with the shoulder

And what's the f**king difference.


Or ignore anything you read and don't like, like a meathead. Your second sentence is probably the most geniused thing I've ever read on LU.

A competition run by adamkungl, East Coast Tiger and co would basically be as league exists in PNG. We'd have cages around the ground, blokes being spear tackled so hard into the turf they end up resembling ostriches and a bunch of blokes in hospital wards refusing to let anyone near them because they believe they're an orange and the nurses want to squeeze them for their morning juice.

Fortunately these LU regulars are probably entrusted with more suitable jobs - and may I add, no less important - like turning the stop/go sign at roadworks or working casually for car manufacturers when crash-test dummies have an RDO.

:lol: Or it would probably be like League was a mere few years ago, where contact rules were decided based on what was fair rather than what will make the admins look bad in the media.

Hope you're happy with this weeks round of pissweak suspensions and penalties dickhead.

The current NRL football department have shown themselves completely incapable of maintaining a rulebook. They have no f**king clue and every attempt to fix things just digs the hole deeper, and not just the shoulder charge.

Dave Smith might be getting cash results but Greenberg and his colleagues are the worst thing to ever happen to Rugby League.
The game has never been the same since News Ltd got involved. It's been in steady decline ever since, to the point where it's embarrassing now.

This Mason suspension just beggars belief.


At least Gallop was too gutless to change anything significantly.

Greenberg is full of confidence in his own ability, problem is he doesn't have any.


Apologies if this has been covered earlier.

What is so bad about a shoulder charge that makes contact with the torso? tbh I simply don't understand why they've been outlawed.


Great week for the anti-shoulder charge team. Congratulations to you all and your leader Rothfield, no doubt league will be all the better for it.

League is the better for it.

It's gone.

Only dickheads want it back - exhibit A - Willie Mason.


Mason turned sideways and laid on a cheap shot.

It is exactly what has been outlawed.

Stop being dumb - the NRL is not 'trying to outlaw' this type of crap. It has. It's done
So Mark Guyer comes out in support of Dave Smith and his "cleaning up" the game.

My response is this:

You might have to talk the talk MG, because it's your bread and butter on the line, but you can't fool the fans. The "drovers dog' deal done, three years ahead of time, by a Nine eager to keep it's slice of the pie, seems on face value to be a good deal, but how about testing the market? How about letting Seven and Ten throw their pieces of silver into the ring?
Lifting and dangerous tackles have always been banned, as is any tackle above the shoulders, so how can you say Our Dave has revolutionised this part of our game. No, Our Dave is not passing the pub test.

The NRL is taking back control of scheduling, you say. Why did they not have control all along? Eyes off the ball and too much power to mates at Nine, I suspect.
Dave's last minute capitulation is because he has been given the riot act by the clubs, seen the writing on the wall.
Do your job Dave it said.
Now to all this money. It's the fans who pay for all of this you know, MG. It's the players who put their bodies on the line and it seems that the bureaucrats and "hangers on" in Driver Avenue, who are living on easy street. Enough staff to run five competitions and travel rots to make Tony Bourke blush.
Get your act together mate, because we're on to you and we're too smart to fall for the line dribbled out by the sycophants of the media.
We'll see if Foxsports puts it online.


Apologies if this has been covered earlier.

What is so bad about a shoulder charge that makes contact with the torso? tbh I simply don't understand why they've been outlawed.

In a way I can kind of see where you are coming from.

But think of that Ackerman fellow who died due to a shoulder charge went wrong! So sad it is.

The damage it can cause is why it's been outlawed. It's now a bad look for our game and parents of junior league players.

Think of Ackerman's family and what they're going through and then you can understand how serious the issue is when something goes wrong.


Mason turned sideways and laid on a cheap shot.

It is exactly what has been outlawed.

Stop being dumb - the NRL is not 'trying to outlaw' this type of crap. It has. It's done

I am a massive Souths supporter and have a season ticket and honestly Mason should not be suspended for that. Nothing at all in it. It's a joke. Players do worse than what Mason has, hundreds of times and haven't been charged.

Put your obvious hatred for Manly aside and be fair dinkum here.

Just imagine if that was your teams player getting suspended 2 weeks for that, you'd be pissed off. I know I sure would be!!!


The typical shoulder charge would be leading in with the shoulder and making no attempt to 'tackle'.

As for the Mason one, I dunno, it appears he was trying to protect himself using his shoulder then a slight force at the last minue.

But I still cant work out why Kane Evans was NOT suspended for a similar "shoulder charge".

Now for some history, Id like to know when the shoulder charge originated?

You see old footages of games in the 70s, 80s and 90s, the tackles made were your typical tackling techniques. One low, one high, or for a bigger man, two high, one low.

My earlierst memory would probably be Mark Geyer for Penrith, and then there was footage floating around on Youtube which probably wouldve been the same game, mightve been 89 or 1990 when Hughes and Mossop were calling. I seem to recall Mossop saying "bit silly from Geyer just using his shoulder, when he couldve bent down and tackled the bloke". Typical Rex commentary.

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