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The so-called "Development" that didn't save us


On the big sport Breakfast PK suggests that Cronulla should move there entire operations to the central coast.


I'm glad the Sharks are going to the central Coast.
Gives all the people who are the main whingers now, 1 last chance to get to the home games & also hang around after the games in the club & make it a fun place, which it is.
I cant beleive some people would want to hang in a qeue in front of Northies for an hour rather than hang in the Steve Rogers bar & have some beers.
Worse still, are the people who go to Northies to watch the game instead of the game , so they dont have to be in the qeue afterwards.

Get the Sharks out of Cronulla. The people of Cronulla dont deserve them.

Great post.

Will we see the apathy be turned around however???

I agree that the Club is a good place after a game, cheap to drink, have a feed, beats Northies and the posers.


I for one can't accept a move.

And I won't

Declared Idiot #88


its not a move quigs

yes, its taking a handful of games away in the short term for the survival and financial viability of the club

but its not a move or relocation

if that was to eventuate, then i would be pissed


The other thing to remember is that the Bears are well down the road to re-introduction & have good financial backing & a leagues club who are very rich.
They will be back in the competition within 5 years. So thats the time frame. This good move works for the NRL too , & will see close to ten games a year now on the central coast, shoring up the area from AFL & Soccer.
But f**k me dead, why isnt there some thinking outside the box here & taking games to papua, fiji, Cairns, etc? for a few years. Lets take the show on the road!

pommy shark

This is the thin edge of the wedge that kills the Sharks.

Reefy is right - the Shire needs to support its team - no other people do - they ALL want us gone - we must fight to keep the team.

Start now - get all Sharkies to buy all the tickets for the Dragons game - if we don't there will be more Stains than Sharks there

Management - ADVERTISE - let people know when games are on - get the players in the papers for GOOD things - make game day better - let us buy tickets in less then 20 minutes - let us see more than little league and Glenn Wheatley - make food and more more affordable

If we want a club in the Shire we must watch it in the Shire else its gone...

The development is light years away - banks will not fund property right now - they have too much money in it already - the Stock Exchange won't fund so who will - maybe Meriton...

We must survive on gate money - get to the ground and get your mates there


The PNG government would easily pay 500k for a game.

They want to show the NRL they can host teams and get a team of their own.

Their government is even willing to provide all the funding for a team! Would be a great way to score some feeder talent as well, those blokes can play, imagine what they could do with some proper training and fitness.


what will make me sick is when people a)whine about the club moving games but don't go to the games themselves and b)if/when higher numbers turn up for the remaining games for novelty/reminiscent reasons.

Eight months ago we had 28,000 at the sfs watching us play ... and i understand folks come out of the woodwork for both a winning team and one thats one game away from making history but still ... thats a lot of people.


I, like some of you thought the worst when i heard this news, now that it has sunk in i believe that it is the only option available to us. SHORT TERM PAIN LONG TERM GAIN.
I was born and raised in THE SHIRE. I loved the fact that i had a local team to support. I no longer live in the shire, I now travel a fair distance to regularly attend home games,travelling to the central coast does not faze me at all.

A couple of questions:
Do our existing sponsors get signage at Bluetounge?
If we are forced by television contracts to play on a Saturday night(apparently not our favoured time slot) why are we not re-imbursed by the N.R.L for loss of earnings.

One from left field: Why not try something along the lines of half price entry if you buy at the ground up until two hours before kick-off.(i.e 5.30 for a 7.30 game).Or spend fifty dollars in the club on game day half price tickets!

We might just get twice as many people who then spend money at the ground.

Maybe this is why i do not work in marketing?????
How the hell is this the only option available?

Why not just sell a package of the land?

Also - how much money would ANZ Stadium pay? Seems they throw heaps of money at clubs to transfer games there. Homebush sucks but at least it's in Sydney.


How the hell is this the only option available?

Why not just sell a package of the land?

because once its gone, its gone & the football club would suck that money dry in 2 years. That is on top of the existing debt that would be paid off. The development would then have to consider the partners interest and objections. Investment is a much smarter move.

Also - how much money would ANZ Stadium pay? Seems they throw heaps of money at clubs to transfer games there. Homebush sucks but at least it's in Sydney.

The NRL wants the central coast shored up. They will have a team within 5 years & that is fact. Now if the NRL decide to let a team in, there will then be a bye, which it will not do. Exit the Sharks.

pommy shark

Its about marketing - 250,000 live in the Shire - we only need 5% (Zappia) if you don't read the back of the Leader (most people only read Domain) and don't go past Seymour Shaw (IF the trailer is out) you won't know if a game is on.

On match day I wear team shirts to my kids soccer - I am always asked ARE THEY PLAYING TONIGHT - no one knows

We need billboards advertising the games - we need incentives to get people there - we don't need 20+ minute queues just to get in the ground

I agree that I would prefer to go to Homebush rather than Gosford BUT we need to get Shark Park full - get the Leader on our side - get games advertised - sell the brand - get players in schools - youth clubs anything

Benjy Marshall is almost wholly responsible for 7 year old wanting to watch the Tigers - the club needs a Benjy
The Sharks have no role in overseeing the development.

They have shown repeatedly that they cannot make it happen.

They should transfer responsibility to that to an external third party who will be responsible for:
1. Lobbying different levels of Government (ie. getting it off the ground);
2. Creation of plans and construction; and,
3. Running the joint.

The Sharks can barely even run a $4 million football club or an under-patronised leagues club. These facts, along with their continued failure to make any progress on the long-promised development means they have no role in starting, creating or running a $110 million development.

They have the following options:
1. Sell the land to a developer for cash and then invest the money and live off the revenue stream; or,
2. Get a developer in to make it happen but retain equity in the finalised complex, but not run the thing.

I don't really care what it is. But the Sharks cannot get it done, they haven't made it happen yet and they never will. They should realise that and call in the experts if they truly want to survive in the Shire.