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The TNA Impact Thread **Spoilers**


Staff member
Anyone buying the PPV? I want to support TNA, but seeing it on a two week delay is a bit of a copout. It went down last weekend and I'm thinking of just ordering it on DVD. Have managed to avoid spoilers thus far.

Got no problems if Samoa Joe is Sting's partner, it's the best way to move him into the main event and turn him back to the bad-ass babyface people loved.


Staff member
For those interesting, TNA Sacrifice will be on PPV three times on the 28th (two weeks delayed, unfortunately). The card is below, and I'll give my thoughts based on not having seen Impact! for a month.

For The NWA World Heavyweight Title - Full Metal Mayhem
Christian Cage vs. Abyss w/ James Mitchell
I thought their match at Lockdown was decent but lacked hardcore elements. Full Metal Mayhem is basically TLC and then some. Should be a good match, although I think Christian retaining is all but a certainty.

America’s Most Wanted vs. “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles and “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels
(Gail Kim and Jackie barred from ringside)
I've actually read spoilers for this one, so I'll reserve any prediction. I do like the pairing of Styles & Daniels - even if they should be in the main event

Sting and “The Samoan Submission Machine” Samoa Joe vs. “King of the Mountain” Jeff Jarrett and “Big Poppa Pump” Scott Steiner
I've got no problems with Samoa Joe being Sting's partner, as it gives him a huge push into the main event scene after he had to 'return' to the X-Division last month at Lockdown due to Liger dropping out. Should be a good game with three veterans and one of the businesses hottest young talents

The James Gang vs. Team 3D
It's 2000 all over again! I'm actually interested in seeing this match, as it's two of the greatest tag teams of the nineties clashing. Not sure who is playing face or heel - but I'd predict a Team 3-D victory

“The War Machine” Rhino vs. “The Canadian Enforcer” Bobby Roode
Should be a good match. Roode is a very underrated talent and can turn in a good match with just about anyone. I'd love to see him get the rub that beating Rhino would give

World X Cup Finals – Gauntlet Match
Not sure on the competitors, but the X-Division matches are always good. I'd hope to see someone other than Team USA win - but it's American programming, so it seems likely

Jushin “Thunder” Liger vs. Team Canada’s Petey Williams
Should be a top match, and hopefully Liger gets more than the five minute squash he got from Samoa Joe at Bound for Glory last year. Not sure how to pick it. Liger 'deserves' a win, but since he's not a roster member he may do the job to give Williams some credibility

Raven vs. A1
Eep! Raven is a great mike worker but his in ring work is shoddy these days. A1's nothing special either. Maybe a pee-break is warranted?

Once Dead

CWBush said:
Anyone buying the PPV? I want to support TNA, but seeing it on a two week delay is a bit of a copout. It went down last weekend and I'm thinking of just ordering it on DVD. Have managed to avoid spoilers thus far.

Got no problems if Samoa Joe is Sting's partner, it's the best way to move him into the main event and turn him back to the bad-ass babyface people loved.

I am holding out......it will be worth it when it comes to supporting TNA


Staff member
I am holding out......it will be worth it when it comes to supporting TNA

If I had Foxtel I'd do the same. It kills me that I've been waiting for this since last year and now I can't buy it. Having just finished watching the PPV I've got to say it was quite good. The tag matches are all good and the X Division Gauntlet is really good.

Once Dead

Just booked.....am dloading Impact from last week now and looking forward to watching it on Sat morning......here's hoping the PPV is worth it...I will support this company if they give fans like me what they want - something that isn't the WWE

Once Dead

Man, that PPV was DEFINITELY worth my money......some of those matches were simply killer! The show was just straight up wrestling and worth getting up in the morning to tape (due to other commitments)

The gauntlet was a great match, some of those foreign wrestlers are killer! I liked the look of Incognito and Shocker while Puma and the 33 year old Japanese guy was so quick it was insane! With that said, the Canada / USA ending was predictable...next time it should be a full blown focus on the other teams purely for the wrestling quality.

Sting and Joe's match was a killer! I will say that I have never been this pumped about a guy nailing his finisher in a loooooooooooooong time, not since Sting back in the day. The ending with the beat down on Sting was awesome, so much tension but as fate would have it Joe is now injured and out for a while but that means more time to stretch out a main event Sting V Joe fued while could definitely establish Joe as a top flight wrestler in any company...hell, he was more over than Sting was on the PPV and Sting was giving him props and almost 'handing the baton over'.

I think that they should simply do a whole psychologically orientated angle with Sting and Joe with Sting questioning what the hell Joe was doing not having his back and Joe maintaining silence. This has the potential to heat up BIG time and become a massive fued if executed correctly. I for one could see Joe, who I never thought lived up to the hype (I was seriously mistaken) being someone to take TNA up another level if he was to be their top guy

The tag match was good although sleepyness killed me and I missed the ending, will watch it again.

The Abyss Cage match was solid, not spectacular but solid and it was hilarious to see the crowd laughing their asses off at Mitchell when he was rolling around in agony with tacks in his back ahahahhahahahahaha

I will be queuing up to get the next PPV........if they give me 3hrs of pure wrestling action like today then I will be coming back again and again

Just watching last week's Impact today so I will be up to date as of today! Yay...freakin' hell that was worth the money!


Staff member
I've not watched Impact lately (been busy) but the Slammiversary pay-per-view is up this weekend and it's got a very impressive card.

Christian Cage (c) vs. Ron Killings vs. Sting vs. Abyss vs. Jeff Jarrett

Samoa Joe vs. Scott Steiner

America's Most Wanted (c) vs. AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels

Rhino vs. Scott D'Amore & Bobby Roode

The James Gang vs. Team 3-D

Kevin Nash vs. Chris Sabin


Every match there looks interesting to me. I've never seen a King of the Mountain match before, so it'll be interesting to see how they book it. I don't see Jarrett or Sting in it - their involvement will further their feud. Abyss is a dark horse, and Killings hasn't had the build. I think they'll let Cage be the first champion to successfully defend his title in a KOTM. That said, Cage's title run has bored me so he'd better turn heel soon or drop the belt.

Samoa Joe vs. Steiner won't be a clinic (even Joe can't carry Steiner) - but beating Steiner will add more credibility to Joe's unbeaten streak.

The two tag matches will be great for different reasons. The title match features four brilliant workers and the other match is just a nostalgia fest. Their last match (on both counts) was tremendous.

Sabin vs. Nash is a cool payoff for the Nash vs. X-Division feud, although it seems to soon for it to end. I'd say Sabin should beat Nash, but maybe they'll drag it out and have someone like Shelley or Lethal do it.


Exactly why I would be so amused.

After Rhyno re-signing today, i dont think he'll do the job to team canada in the handicap match. Theyll put him over for sure now.

Once Dead

BTW-the injury Joe sustained on Impact! a few weeks back must be less serious than first thought. Thank heavens for that, they have set up something great, lets see if they execute it


Staff member
BTW-the injury Joe sustained on Impact! a few weeks back must be less serious than first thought. Thank heavens for that, they have set up something great, lets see if they execute it

It helps that TNA film their episodes in three week blocks - so he effectively had three weeks off to recover after filming them.