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The TNA Impact Thread **Spoilers**


Staff member
I'm excited! (RIP Big Kev)

I sent off the cash yesterday to get last month's Impacts + this month's Turning Point PPV on DVD, so I'll be back up to date with all things TNA


Where do you purchase your TNA from CWB? BTW, Turning Point was phenomenal. It consisted of a great card that was built very well from previous weeks in Impact. Surprising that I didn't see Jeff Hardy there though.


Staff member
Where do you purchase your TNA from CWB? BTW, Turning Point was phenomenal. It consisted of a great card that was built very well from previous weeks in Impact. Surprising that I didn't see Jeff Hardy there though.

There's a guy (Gog or Gavin O'Grady) down in Victoria who will burn them to DVD and send them to you. $8 for a PPV and $15 for the PPV and the preceding month's Impacts (including postage). PM me if you want his details.

As for Turning Point, I've made a point of not reading spoilers just yet. I'll wait and enjoy a month's worth of TNA when it arrives in the post sometime next week.

FYI, Jeff Hardy was involved in the 'free' pre-PPV match they offer. People who purchase the pay-per-view get a twenty minute pre-show free of charge.


I downloaded the pre-show as well but was just so keen to watch the matches on the actual card that i just skipped the pre show. Damn, i made a mistake...lol.


Staff member
Just got DVDs in the mail containing last month's Impacts as well as Turning Point. Can't wait to see the pay-per-view, since I've managed to avoid spoilers thus far. The first episode of Impact wasn't bad - the chemistry between Christian (Cage) and Monty Brown is tremendous.


The one thing TNA should do is extend their shows, the 45 minutes that they have isn't long enough with the talent on the current roster.


I'd imagine TNA would love to extend the lengths of their shows, but it's probably a case for settling for the time slot the Spike gives them.
If the ratings continue to improve I'm sure Spike will eventually allocate them more time.

While I'm in this thread, just gotta say the AJ Styles V Samoa Joe match at turning point was one of the best matches I've seen, easily as good, if not better than Angle V Micheals at Wrestlemania.


Staff member
They've been getting periodic prime time specials but, unfortunately, they're not doing much better ratings than the average Impact episode on Saturday nights. What they really need is one or two more recognisable faces. The additions of Christian and Sting to the roster will undoubtedly help.


Staff member
And there is also reports of Bret Hart coming to TNA in 2006 to manage Team Canada.

That could be the 'event that changes the fate of TNA in 2006' that they've been ranting about. I assumed it was Sting, but apparently not - since they're still talking about it. It's also rumoured that Jericho may still make the jump.


First Grade
TNA need Jericho. They need main eventers, and he's well over as one. He's GREAT on the mic, and a great wrestler. Plus there are alot of WWE fans who would take interest in TNA due to his jump (along with Christian's).

Hart would also be brilliant. The amount of WWE fans who would tune in to see Bret Hart, and some possibly abandon WWE completely due to their recent low-quality product is exciting.

Though I honestly can't see TNA getting either of them.


Staff member
To be honest, I never expected to see Christian jump either, so nothing's impossible.

Speaking of Captain Charisma, watching his Turning Point match against Monty Brown at the moment. It's not one of his finest clashes, but the two have a great cocky chemistry. Can't wait to see him work a program against somebody more suited to his style.


Staff member
Did anyone else get Turning Point? Was a damn good PPV in my estimation, but TNA have a habit of pulling out all of the stops for their final event of the year. For those interested, here's my card review (apologies if I leave a match out, it's been a while)

BARBED WIRE MATCH - Abyss vs. Sabu
I'd never seen a barbed wire match before, and was pleased to see this was a 'legit' one with actual barbed wire instead of ropes - not the lame WWE/WCW equivalent. The match itself was great. Lots of cringe-worthy spots and plenty of blood.
MY MARK: 3 out of 5

BASEBRAWL MATCH - Dale Torborg, Sonjay Dutt, and Chris Sabin vs. The Diamonds in the Rough
You know, I didn't expect much out of this, but for what it was it was great. The X Division players carried it - but even Torborg (formerly the KISS Demon) didn't look too bad. Of course, the end result was no surprise, but good all the same.
MATCH RATING: 3 out of 5

This match seems to be at every TNA pay-per-view lately, but with the 4 Live Kru breaking up - I guess that's no longer an issue. For those wondering, Konnan turned on BG and Kip James to effectively kill the stable and hand Bobby Roode from Team Canada victory. Since then he's debuted a new stable made up of himself, Apolo, and Homicide. A New Age Outlaws reunion seems likely.
MATCH RATING: 1.5 out of 5

This match was a bit of a dud, with Kanyon making a token effort before being beaten.
MATCH RATING: 2 out of 5

X DIVISION TITLE MATCH: AJ Styles (c) vs. Samoa Joe
This match lived up to the hype after a slow start and really had a bit of everything. There was freakish high spots like a running shooting star press from Styles, there was the brutal swinging of Styles into the guard rail, and it was just awesome. The finish couldn't have been better, with Samoa Joe forcing the courageous champion to tap out to the triangle choke.
MATCH RATING: 5 out of 5

TABLES MATCH: Team 3-D vs. America's Most Wanted
You know, this match wasn't as good as it could have been. 3-D did it in short order and eliminated both members of AMW for no loss of their own. I guess they'll tangle again for the titles, but it wasn't what I expected from the tag division.
MATCH RATING: 2 out of 5

CONTENDERS MATCH: Monty Brown vs. Christian Cage
This match was quite well booked and had some good moments. Cage was dominated for much of it, which made it look legit, and was able to win it after Brown ran into a turnbuckle he'd previously exposed.
MATCH RATING: 2.5 out of 5

WORLD TITLE MATCH: Jeff Jarrett (c) vs. Rhyno
Eh, this match was a real let down for me - a clusterf**k of run ins and cheating. Still, Rhyno came out of it looking great despite a loss - and the fans continue to hate Jarrett. The world title scene looks crowded now, with Cage, Brown, and the debuting Sting all wanting a piece.

And now.........

Is anyone looking forward to Final Resolution? For those wondering, the current card is:

Raven vs. a Mystery Opponent
Raven must win or he's fired, and if he does win, he finally gets his rematch. Will be interesting to see who it is this time.

Rhyno vs. Abyss
Has potential to be a decent brawling match. Not sure what the story is for this one, but it should be a good match.

AJ Styles vs. Tanahashi
It's another international challenge after the much touted clash between Jushin Thunder Lyger and Samoa Joe at Bound for Glory. Tanahashi is apparently one of Japan's top young stars, so this should be a match of the night candidate.

Samoe Joe (c) vs. Christopher Daniels for the X-Division Title
Joe and Daniels have history after Samoa Joe beat down Christopher Daniels post match a while back. This could be a great match, although the fans aren't sold on the Daniels' face push just yet.

Sting & Christian Cage vs. Jeff Jarrett and Monty Brown
Whilst this will be an awesome match, and not just for Sting's presence, it does suck a little to see the World Title not being defended. I guess they're teasing us until they can do Sting vs. Jarrett or Cage vs. Jarrett.


Staff member
For those wondering about Sting, he definitely still has it. From all reports his match with Christian Cage against Jeff Jarrett and Monty Brown was one of the highlights of the night - with the crowd even chanting 'You've Still Got It' during his in ring time.

Now, on a more interesting note, several sources have released this list of indy talent that TNA is pursuing.

1. Kevin Steen
2. El Generico
3. Jack Evans
4. Teddy Hart
5. Harry Smith-whom Jeff Jarrett wrestled in England and is very impressed with and said he wants Smith in TNA
6. Cody Steele- some guy D'Amore compares to a young Edge
7. Mike Foxx- I seen this guy he is the real deal great potential
8. Matt Sydal- Joe and Styles both praised this young man skills

Of them I'm only really familiar with Harry Smith, Teddy Hart, and El Generico. Smith is, of course, the son of Davey 'British Bulldog' Smith of WWE fame, and he's already had interest from them. He's a damn fine technical worker, whilst Teddy Hart is related to Bret, trained by Stu, and a world class flier. Unfortunately his last run in TNA was marred by his arrogance and poor backstage behaviour. El Generico is a masked superstar in the same vein as Sharkboy, in that he'd get over based on comedy and not really get a push. His finisher is the BRAINBUSTAAAAAH!!! and his gimmick is that he's a generic Mexican luchadore (despite being from Canada). You can see more about him here: http://www.elgenerico.com

Ari Gold

Christian to challenge Jarrett for the TITLE, WOOHOO!

I still don't understand Sting leaving already, surely it must be an angle...


Staff member
I'm certain it's an angle. Sting's signed a year long contract and has stated publicly that he wants to do whatever he can to make TNA a true force, even if it means jobbing to their big stars.


Kevin Steen
I don't know much about Steen than the fact that he is known as 'Mr Wrestling'. That should be an indicator of his wrestling ability.

Jack Evans
This is one kid with tremendous potential to do really great things within TNA's X-Division. He can be described as a Jeff Hardy multiplied by a hundred when describing the different high-flying moves he can pull off. I've seen him wrestle a number of times and everytime i am in awe viewing the flying moves he lands. He is known to botch a couple of moves up that mainly because of the difficulty of landing them. I have seen him land 630 Corkscrews, 630 Sentons, Reverse 450 Splashes, Standing 450 Splashes, and other various spinning, twisting somersaulting moves i don't even think have a name for in the wrestling wor'd. Here is a wrestler that i'll be looking out for if he does make it to TNA.

Teddy Hart
A truely phenomenal wrestler with an incredible set of varying highflying and power moves. At times he can be a tremendous high-flyer pulling off incredible shooting star presses and 360 Corscrew sentons while at other times he can be pulling off jumping sitdown powerbombs. He has tremendous potential but his only downside is his attitude problem. He has been known to pull of unplanned spots just to get attention with the crowd. He is also known by many in the Wrestling world to be a serious liar and no-one can trust his word. It has also been reported that TNA Management claimed that Teddy Hart will return to TNA when hell freezes over.

Harry Smith
I haven't heard much about him but i do know that he is very technically sound and is known to be a suplex machine. TNA better smatch him up quick because i can gaurantee you he won't be there for long before he goes to WWE.


First Grade
I heard the complete opposite on Sting. I was told Christian carried the entire match and Sting was ultra rusty and didn't look good at all. Hope it isn't true though.