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The TV rights thread

Who would you like to see get the rights providing the price is right?

  • Seven

    Votes: 57 20.5%
  • Nine

    Votes: 49 17.6%
  • Ten

    Votes: 110 39.6%
  • Rights split between FTA channels

    Votes: 147 52.9%

  • Total voters
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I've heard the same said in reference to the Sunday game. Essentially they were ecstatic with their Friday night ratings but not so happy with their Sunday afternoon ratings. Remember it is the double header that allows them to show different games at 7.30pm in NSW and Qld and thus maximize their primetime ratings in both markets. Go back to one match and they can't do that any longer. That's why I've suggested in my proposal to make Sunday afternoon the Super triple header exclusive to Pay TV and replicate the Friday night double header on Saturday night for another free to air network. Give that network the same opportunity to maximize primetime ratings in different markets by showing different matches simultaneously in each.


Love it, super idea.

The Engineers Room

First Grade
They should sell the rights this way:

Package 1 - Friday nights x 2
Package 2 - Saturday night and a Sunday night game but both must be live in all states at 8:30pm.
Package 3 - 2 x Saturday nights (one live one delayed) and Monday night (Fox)
Package 4 - Either Saturday or Sunday afternoon.

Obviously Package 3 is for fox and they will be able to buy the replay rights for the other games. I would hope 9 and seven fight it out for Packages 1 and 2. The scheduling of games would be determined by the successful network and would be in the order package 1, package 2, Saturday and MNF, afternoon game, other saturday night.


I like the actual product that 9 delivers. Unfortunately in certain areas they do not broadcast at decent times to give our game a chance to grow.

Another point I hate about Nine is they should advertise more to promote the game. One promote Netball more then Nine promotes league. It is embarrassing.

The actual coverage itself is a pretty high standard. Ray Warren is highly regarded as one of the best callers not only in Australian sport but has a reputation across the world.

The other item that I would like to see ch9 footy coverage is a female commentator. Not a main commentator but on the touch line. This would help RL image and once again open us up to a bigger market. Women already play a huge role in junior football and I think it would be a nice touch.


First Grade
Thinking about it, if C7 picked up Friday nights, would they refuse to show live FNF like they do with Aussie Rules due to BH&G? (Which they are right in doing fwiw).

If so, then C9 must keep FN's, with the obvious attachments of better developing states coverage.

Benji Magic

Whoever it is must show all games live.
Ideal situation for me...... get rid of the second Friday night game, finishes too late and easier to look up the score on the net.
1 game Fri night
4 Games SAT 3.30pm 5.30pm 7.30pm X2
2 Games Sun 2pm 4pm
1 Monday night game 7pm

On origin weeks, bye rounds etc the Monday game can be moved to either SAT night or Sun afternoon.

1 Eyed TEZZA

The 2 Friday night games is an epic success, its not going to go anywhere unless there is a replacement that creates more ratings and more money.


The 2 Friday night games is an epic success, its not going to go anywhere unless there is a replacement that creates more ratings and more money.
If Nine really are unhappy in some way then I'd suggest that it isn't the ratings but the live telecasts which prevents them from fully monetising those ratings. A 400,000 audience is still only worth 400,000 sets of eyes to advertisers regardless of whether there's room in a 40 min half for 3 mins of ads (6 x 30 sec breaks in a live telecast) or 9 mins of ads (3 x 3 min breaks in a delayed telecast). Obviously showing three times the number of ads to the same number of people makes the network a lot more money. And I suppose when you're paying $40m per year for the privilege, it really does all come back to maximising how much money you can make back off it.



i noticed on WIN HD up here last night, the games were finally shown on that channel, but they weren't in HD. Watching the replays on fox sports HD, you could see a massive difference. Anyone know why WIN HD isn't atually showing the proper 9 Hd feed?


I don't really mind who get it as long as it isn't Ch 10, because we don't get it here!

I think I'd prefer 9 to keep them though, but give us live footy on Sunday!

1 Eyed TEZZA

If Nine really are unhappy in some way then I'd suggest that it isn't the ratings but the live telecasts which prevents them from fully monetising those ratings. A 400,000 audience is still only worth 400,000 sets of eyes to advertisers regardless of whether there's room in a 40 min half for 3 mins of ads (6 x 30 sec breaks in a live telecast) or 9 mins of ads (3 x 3 min breaks in a delayed telecast). Obviously showing three times the number of ads to the same number of people makes the network a lot more money. And I suppose when you're paying $40m per year for the privilege, it really does all come back to maximising how much money you can make back off it.


As far as im aware, Nine are happy with the double header on friday night. Quite frankly so am I and most people I speak to.

So its 6 minutes worth of ads for a live match, and 9 minutes for a delayed match.

With the double header we have now, Nine are showing the same match (to different areas at different times) and are getting a total of 15minutes advertising per match by telecasting it live into one state (6 minutes) and then the same match delayed into the second state (9 minutes).

Id love to know the combined average of the first and second matches for Friday nights, divided by the states.


So its 6 minutes worth of ads for a live match, and 9 minutes for a delayed match.
I'm not saying it is. I was just plucking some reasonable figures from the air (I actually suggested 3 mins vs 9 mins, not 6 mins vs 9 mins).

Assume in one half of football we have six scores, in a live telecast each would be followed by a 30 sec commercial - that's 3 mins. But in a delayed game, you'd probably have full breaks inserted approx every ten minutes during the half regardless of if they coincide with a score. So 3 min breaks at 10mins, 20mins and 30mins - that's 9 mins of ads. 3 mins vs 9 mins per half.

Two halves of football plus a 3 min break before the game kicks off, another two breaks at half time and another at the end of the game. Add it all up and you get around 18 mins for a live telecast vs 30 mins for a delayed telecast. Figures all still plucked from the air but I don't think unrealistic.

Of course there are many other factors at play that affect the ratings and thus how much that translates to advertising revenue. Starting the telecast at 7.30pm vs 8.30pm. One game vs two games. Long ad breaks vs short breaks. How many people hang on for the second game when you can play lots of ads. etc etc. Would a "delayed" match that starts live at 7.30pm but is gradually delayed through the telecast with full ad breaks still rate as well as a true live match?

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First Grade
9 are really starting to get to me!!!

which is a real prob cause i hate 7 so much.

On the Roast going thru the Parra game.

They bagged Soward for not kicking to Hayne (f**king Tards!!) they talked about how great Mateo is.....????? They talked about how Grothe and Hayne were arguing over who should had covered Sowards kick. (Nothing on how awesome the kick and chase was or Morris' speed) or how if wankface Geyer mentioned earlier that kicks going dead should have a tap taken from where they are kicked??? this awesome play would never be seen again. Then they looked into Shackletons injury. And crapped on some more about how great Tahu is.

It's funny i swore saints got up.

and their starting hooker had a season ending injury whose wife also gave birth earlier in the day.

Also I cant ever remember a completion rate as good as ours on Friday night.

Honestly, Vossy and Geyer are the epitomy of everything wrong with sports media at the moment.

They should put their heads together and come up with 500 words a week for the Telecrap!
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