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Thinktank - How to derail GWS Pansies & GC Softies ...


Here's my 6 ways...
1. We need to all become members & memberships should be of great importance to clubs. This is already happening.
2. We need to bad mouth the AFL at every opportunity. Publicity stunt after stunt...
3. The NRL needs to wait for the AFL to publish their draw & then play total & utter spoiler to their attempts to grow the game - e.g. when GWS play schedule 2 games out of the Tigers, Dogs and Panthers in the West @ the same time. Same for Gold Coast, make it a blockbluster - GC vs Bris, NQ, Saints, Dogs etc..
4. The NRL needs to ensure the quality we have seen this year is repeated - which is almost guaranteed as we have a strong base via the establishment of the U20s competition.
5. All NRL clubs needs to re-connect with locals - Penrith, Parra & the Dogs should schedule open training days / coaching clinics every odd week at local schools. The sharks have done well in this regard - e.g. member names on seats, on jersey etc.
6. Yet Controversial: should we relax or provide salary cap concessons to the Titans, Parramatta (how could I forgot them), Tigers, Dogs and Panthers to allow them to succeed immensely over the next 5 years? this is what the afl is doing with their new teams.
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I dont know. Im so over it. Just ignore the merkins. They are an embarassment to this country.

I do totally agree with 1 and 5 though.
Whenever anyone from the NRL or a club talks about AFL in public they have to call it AFL. Everyone already does but it will reinforce it. There's one thing that will ruin any hope thye have of attracting young men to the game and that's rampant homophobia.
We don't have to do anything. It will die off naturally. By Rd10, the fumble ballers will lose morale playing in front of empty stadiums.

Once Dead

Number 3 is a fantastic point. This wouldn't cost the NRL an extra cent but would be a great way to deal several damaging blows throughout the season.

All children under 12 should also be granted free entry / pay a nominal $2 entry fee (Which could be passed on by the NRL as a donation to a charity? Match publicity stunt for publicity stunt).

Once Dead

By the way, you do know that the points brought up in this discussion will appear in the Terrorgraph in the next few days....

1 Eyed TEZZA

Here's my 6 ways...
1. We need to all become members & memberships should be of great importance to clubs. This is already happening.
2. We need to bad mouth the AFL at every opportunity. Publicity stunt after stunt...
3. The NRL needs to wait for the AFL to publish their draw & then play total & utter spoiler to their attempts to grow the game - e.g. when GWS play schedule 2 games out of the Tigers, Dogs and Panthers in the West @ the same time. Same for Gold Coast, make it a blockbluster - GC vs Bris, NQ, Saints, Dogs etc..
4. The NRL needs to ensure the quality we have seen this year is repeated - which is almost guaranteed as we have a strong base via the establishment of the U20s competition.
5. All NRL clubs needs to re-connect with locals - Penrith, Parra & the Dogs should schedule open training days / coaching clinics every odd week at local schools. The sharks have done well in this regard - e.g. member names on seats, on jersey etc.
6. Yet Controversial: should we relax or provide salary cap concessons to the Titans, Tigers, Dogs and Panthers to allow them to succeed immensely over the next 5 years? this is what the afl is doing with their new teams.

Why only the Tigers, Dogs and Panthers get salary cap concessions? You do realise that Blacktown City is Parramatta territory.

Besides, if there are to be any advatages given to any teams, its at junior level, with the kids, where the battle will be won. Which should already be happening, reguardless of the AFL.

To defeat the AFL, all we need to do is exist and keep existing, we have the superior product.


No salary cap concessions to specific clubs, ever. Clubs should not have advantages given to them by the owners of the competition, it cheapens the entire thing.
1-5 all good points, especially 3

Perth Red

Post Whore
We have some potentially great ads that celebrate the diversity of culture, size, mateship, toughness, family etc etc of our game. Shame the NRL has A) no frickin idea and B) no money to put together a good campaign.


Kids in free to Dogs,Tigers, Eels, Panthers and Titans games, or $2 as suggested above. The $2 could go to support local juniors.

We attend and buy merchandise at those games (be seen wearing that merchandise around Blacktown/Gold Coast). I might get an Eels flag to put on my car every time I'm in Blacktown.
Kids getting in for free to non sell out games, kinda like the jr players passes but not just for players, its going to fill the staduim making the atmosphere better, plus the club will make thier money back by all the merch and food/drink revenue.


I hate them as much as the next person, but there is no way you can do 3! There might be some clashes but it makes us look petty and weak to go structure our draw this way.


Here's my 6 ways...
1. We need to all become members & memberships should be of great importance to clubs. This is already happening.
2. We need to bad mouth the AFL at every opportunity. Publicity stunt after stunt...
3. The NRL needs to wait for the AFL to publish their draw & then play total & utter spoiler to their attempts to grow the game - e.g. when GWS play schedule 2 games out of the Tigers, Dogs and Panthers in the West @ the same time. Same for Gold Coast, make it a blockbluster - GC vs Bris, NQ, Saints, Dogs etc..
4. The NRL needs to ensure the quality we have seen this year is repeated - which is almost guaranteed as we have a strong base via the establishment of the U20s competition.
5. All NRL clubs needs to re-connect with locals - Penrith, Parra & the Dogs should schedule open training days / coaching clinics every odd week at local schools. The sharks have done well in this regard - e.g. member names on seats, on jersey etc.
6. Yet Controversial: should we relax or provide salary cap concessons to the Titans, Tigers, Dogs and Panthers to allow them to succeed immensely over the next 5 years? this is what the afl is doing with their new teams.

Mate, it's nothing to worry about. It's just a money making exercise for the AFL to boost their TV rights.


The best thing we can do is concentrate on our game and forget about AFL.

Bad mouthing your competition is generally seen as a weakness -ie. what the AFL and Rugby lads are quite good at.


I wouldn't get too worried at all about it.
There are going to be people from out here in the West who attend for the novelty value.
That will soon wear off.

All the NRL needs to do is keep working at our own game, and promote the differing levels of rep footy we have.

What has the AFL got apart from the AFL premiership?
They don't have rep games....so if players or supporters are satisfied with just an AFL premiership, then good luck to them.

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