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Thoughts on Channel 9's commentators


I suggest you watch games this season that are delayed telecast compared with those that are actually live and re-assess your opinion.

You will be shocked at the results!!! :cool:

Having watched live feeds for one reason or another in forming those opinions, I really doubt I'll be shocked at anything.


Rabs - Totally agree the voice of league, but he is starting to lose the plot. Reminding me of my grandpa, starts ranting about nonsense then forgets what is actually going on.
Sterlo - Great analyst and unbiased
Gus - Im in the minority that love his commentary, the passion he brings is great but hate when he commentates the roosters
Joey - Rubbish
Lewis - Marginally better than joey
MG - really enjoy his comentary, says what he thinks and should be on more friday broadcasts.

Red Dwarf 1

Rabs: Very likable, great calling voice, and yes, he has made some mistakes in his latter years but deserves to stick around only for a little while longer. Can't be too hard on him though, he is getting on in age and a top bloke all round.

Sterlo: An absolute gem of a co-commentator, this guy knows his stuff and has a calming influence whilst commentating.

Gould: Great knowledge of the game but has the tendency to repeat a number of certain phrases and or words over and over again ad nauseam even though we got the point.

Vossy: Was very good in his early career, however, in the last few years has started to grate on ones nerves with his hyperbole and overstated remonstrations. He is good at calling a game though but needs to be taken off the Footy Show.

Fatty: The Footy Show is in dire need of a major revamp, and unfortunately for Fatty this show has to have a new host. Was mildly amusing for a number of years, however, his brand of comedy has dated considerably.

Andrew Johns: Why channel 9 thought this guy is a good co-panelist I'll never know?! He hardly has anything to add to a conversation and when he does it's very little. He also has this tendency to laugh at his own lame jokes and talk to himself.

Wally: Looks unbearably uncomfortable in front of camera.

MG: A bit of boofhead that lacks oral skills, however, at least he gives it a go.

I know these guys have left but just wanted to emphasise Channel 9's history of employing dud's.

Harragon: Looked like a little lost schoolboy out of his depth when on the Footy Show right up until his last episode. I'm so grateful he's gone, he added nothing to the show.

Ikin: Reminds me of a teacher's pet trying to impress emphatically with his "professional demeanor", and "knowledge of the game", and "enthusiasm plus", but just not quite getting there!

Matthew Johns: In the minority here but found his humour on the Footy Show to be grubby at worst and bland in a second-rate Paul Hogan mold type at best. However, he did know his football and was a decent co-commentator and did his best work on The Roast.


Live Update Team
Gus makes the Ch9 telecast. Whoever thinks otherwise is kidding themselves.


Gus makes the Ch9 telecast. Whoever thinks otherwise is kidding themselves.

Aren't you kidding yourself? His whining negativity at seemingly every referee decision is a distinct distraction from the game. A commentator is there to enhance, not detract from. Thus, as a commentator his is an epic FAIL.


The commentators are really putting me off watching the parramatta vs broncos game when all they do all night is bag Jayyrd Hayne & Krisnan Inu - it's really over the top


Channel 9 commentators sound best when used with this



First Grade
Christ I hate voss. His blatent bias and disregard for the lower teams is a disgrace

I definitely agree with you there, Vossy is embarrassing himself and the other commentators sometimes.....but if you want, you can laugh at the fact he has no testes (his voice breaks every five minutes).
Also, in the Parramatta V Brisbane game, Gus was going off his head all night about how bad Jarryd and Inu supposedly were......even though both scored tries and Jarryd set up one and nearly scored another freakish one off a chip-kick. Sterlo sort of pointed out that he prefers it when Jarryd lets the halves go and injects himself when he wants to, which is exactly what we did tonight, and jeez did it pay benefits. Also probably helped that the Parra halves actually took control of the game and serviced Jarryd, not the other way around.

Tonight proved Jarryd isn't the only attacking weapon for the Eels, as Feleti set up a few tries and was easily the most dangerous man on the field (and has been for the Eels against the Titans and Bulldogs in the past couple of weeks), and our halves and hookers stepped up.
I like Gus for his footy mind, but he is such a massive wanker.


Gus was way over the top on Inu. He always looks casual and is always trying to throw offloads. In the first 10 he made two bad errors (defensively off the cross field chip and missing Yoh Yew) he was alright from that point on. To me it was the carefree attitude that Gould didn't seem to like that sparked Parramatta, their second phase tired Brisbane.

Then in the Roosters-Sharks game, there was a blatant rake of the ball from Gallen. A couple of replays show the arm ripping away at the ball. Andrew Voss was near on asking for a royal commission.


Staff member
Rabs- going a bit south, but much prefer him leading the call to Voss or the Fox mob
Gould- a provocateur. Love his comments.
Sterling- my favorite. Very insightful and educated commentary.
Voss- used to be great, but has been over-exposed and is cartoonish now.
Fatty- neither here nor there
Andrew Johns- a poor man's Freddy
Freddy- listening to him is like sitting next to a pissed Immortal at the pub
Wally- dud


Rabs- Showing his age, but still the "voice" of RL.
Gould- Invaluable knowledge, but agendas and bias absolutely ruin the commentary.
Sterlo- Much like everyone else, my favourite.
Vossy- Although getting a bit distracted by marginalities, he tends to make the right calls IMO.
Fatty- Please quit and find yourself a nice and quiet place as far away from civilization and a TV studio as possible!
A. Johns- Doesn't cut it
M. Johns- Average comedian, adds nothing to RL
MG- Takes no prisoners and is very outspoken, have no problem with that.
Wally- Clearly knows what he's talking about, but should avoid doing it in front of cameras.


What about Tim Gilbert?? :crazy::roll::crazy:

How would you rate the following...
Thursday footy show
Matt Johns Show
Sunday footy show
Fox wednesday show
Sunday Roast
MNF telecast????


Rabs- The best voice for calling the game less annoying then Voss or Smith

Gould- no doubting his knowledge of the game but F@#k me he is a to$$er would rather see him do pre and post wrap ups and the halftime bit leave him out of the running commentry

Sterling- My favorite, knows and breaks down the game well.Can be alittle bias at times but generally quite nuteral
( I don't mind a little bias as long as it is not over the top)

Voss- a mongoloid of the highest order

Fatty- good comedic value nothing more

Andrew Johns- boring as hell but getting better

Freddy- love his one of the boys sucking beers at the footy type commentry

Wally- great knowledge but sounds like he is reading the news

How would you rate the following...
1.Sunday footy show - top show

2.Fox wednesday show - not bad a little less wiz would be better

3.Sunday Roast - generally insightful but can't stand TK someone should put him out of his misery and hook him

4.MNF telecast - Juniors analysis is up there with the best IMO

5.Thursday footy show - comedy value only

6.Matt Johns Show - comedy value only

7.Tactics - boring as bat $hit


What about Tim Gilbert?? :crazy::roll::crazy:

How would you rate the following...
Thursday footy show
Matt Johns Show
Sunday footy show
Fox wednesday show
Sunday Roast
MNF telecast????

1. Thursday Footy Show- really crap, Fatty should be punted, and its amazing how the panelists try and be comedians. Just looks so embaressing. At least Vossy could host a lot better than Fatty.

2. Matt Johns Show - title means not really meant to be a 'footy show', but I think its quite funny, but a few segments should be longer. Controversy corner is always good. Matt johns is hilarious. Ch 7 did the right thing in giving him another shot at TV. Webcke is also good as well.

3. Sunday Footy Show - good show, but please dont get anyone on there who's just gonna embaress themselves. Sterlo's a good host but.

4. NRL on Fox- not the same since Warren Smith was punted as host. Looks as though theyre trying to be a like "Footy Show" funny type show, but really theyre trying too much. Still a good show though.

5. Sunday Roast - really good show, I think it should replace the Thursday night show as the main show. Guys with real good opinions and some sand talking about the situation about our game. Also when they relive the old days like on Boots n All, showing old footage of games in the 80s. Good stuff.

6. NRL tactics - wasnt really a fan of this show at the start, but I quite like it now. Andy Raymond's a good host, talking about the team changes and how teams can win. Noddy's quite good as well.

7. MNF telecast - I like the panel discussing pre game and post game, the press conferences, and the fans ringing up are pretty good. Great coverage of the game


get Ray Warren off the air. His voice is annoying, and im sick to death of hearing it in every c9 promo or NRL season marketing campaign when they do grabs and run footage of highlights. It turns me off, i reckon it turns off prospective new followers to the game too.


First Grade
Ray Warren is a freakin' dill. Going back to when he was a nuffie commentating in the CommBank Cup he was painful and now as a never-was he's even worse. The scripted "blue-ing" with Gould is about as rivetting as a night out with Ben Cousins.


I know they probably get paid to it, but I wish the Ch9 commentatorswould stop promoting other shows whilst the game is still on. No one else cares while watching the game and Im sure they wouldnt care either.


The tosser who was the main commentator for the final of the four nations game should change his name to "Cyclops". He needs to realise the game is not over until the final whistle. Making statements like "NZ has finally come up against the best in the world";"the Kiwis are gone"; "the Kangaroos are much better prepared" because " they have been through the toughest league experience there is (State of Origin)" and "they know how to come out the other side"; blah blah bloody blah, only minutes before the Kiwis scored the final points to leave the Kangaroos "hopping" mad in defeat. Well guess what, "tosser", the Kiwis are the world champions. They are, at this moment in time, the best in the world. Remember, the game of league requires TWO teams to play and BOTH teams should be given the respect they deserve. Singing one team's praises while discrediting the other, is not good commentating. It leaves you wide open to eat your own words. Enjoy the meal, Cyclops!