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Time to fight AFL (60 Minutes)


First Grade
Guys got the following from a poster on here a couple of years ago. It' an extract from the Daily Telegraph about the supposed penetration of the AFL into Sydney - (just look AT THE FACTS)

In the Saturday the 12th August, 2006 edition of the Daily Telegraph there is a story on page 40 & age 57 about the supposed 'battlefield' in Sydney between rugby league and AFL.

Here are the main facts about the story and contrary to AFL's supposed massive growth in NSW, the facts prove that AFL is still a very distant 4th in NSW.

Across Sydney, Illawarra, Newcastle, Central Coast and the Hunter Valley there are 5622 AFL juniors and only 2040 Aus-kick players.

In Penrith (3.8% increase for 2006), Western Suburbs (42.4%), Parramatta (18.5%) and Canterbury (2.3%) (4 metro areas of Sydney) there are a total of 22,000 registered rugby league players. This area doesn't include the majority of Sydney, Newcastle (6,500 juniors), the Central Coast (4,500 juniors) and the Hunter Valley (also rugby league dominant) West of Leichardt, rugby league has nearly 1,400 teams and over 20,000 registered players, AFL has just 189 teams.

There was also significant quotes from Swans player, Jared Crouch who says 'theres more talk then anything actually going on' and Campbelltown City mayor who bemoaned the AFL for the games demise in the area says that AFL has 'died off' after a healthy period in the game a decade ago. 'The kids just fell away, they were lost to the game and they never come back. Some of the weak clubs out this way are very weak- they are year-to-year propositions'.

Ovals in Sydney which CAN be used for AFL: 27 only

Ovals in Sydney which ARE used for rugby league: 205

'In Sydney, rugby league takes on 'Stalin-esque' proportions'.
............................................................ ...........................................

Taken from Daily Telegraph, Saturday 12 August, 2006 (pp.40 & 57)

189 teams means they had at most 4000 or so juniors playing then.
AFL expansion on the gold coast - 8000 free tickets, crowd of 6000 showing up.

the team must be based in brisbane for a few years or $40 million in compensation paid to the queensland government.

a ground which needs upgrading and no one interested in doing it.

a 2nd team in sydney when sponsorship and crowds are falling for the swans and they have said the market cant sustain 2 teams.

Perth Red

Post Whore
34k per fortinght and scratching to find 100k on Tv is hardly highly successful. Simple bullsh*t printed in order to convince people who don't know better than AFL is more popular than it actually is.


I presume you would consider the Storm or an Adelaide or Perth team getting 34k to home games a failure as well then? AFL has expanded their game succesfully, we can only dream that one day the NRL gets administrators with as much ability!


Brisbane bears broke prior to SL, move to brisbane and poor crowds.

sydney swans almost broke and crowds of 5000 or so

AFL got lucky with SL and still cant crack RL markets properly

We're talking about the now and the future, not 10 years ago.

miguel de cervantes

First Grade
No doubt in my mind that was a paid advertisement for the AFL. For those who missed it the main bits were:

- Garry Jack's son choosing to play AFL (no mention of his other sons that play RL)
- the over the top gushings of a mum whose kid plays for the Maroubra Saints junior AFL team who are allegedly the fastest growing sports team in OZ
- Mark Geyer putting the boot into RL saying AFL are taking over and that RL is struggling
- how a sub 30k crowd at the SCG for the Swans guarantees a 2nd or 3rd Sydney AFL team will be a huge success
- (the most shameless part) they drag some alleged AFL legend to a Melbourne Storm game who proceeds to say RL is boring and full of gorillas, followed by a shot of Israel Folau taking a hit up.
- AFL CEO looking being his smug self. David Gallop has one sentence in the whole ad.

Sounds like an ad to me.

I wouldn't worry about RL dissappearing. The media and RU envirmonment in France is 150x more diffcult for league yet they still seem to be making ground. It's a resilient sport played and supported by resilient folk.


Why get angry at the AFL? It's Channel Nine and the mob running the NRL who are scum.

Channel Nine are the ones who seemingly dictate everything to do with this game, the NRL can't fart without this disgraceful television station having a say in what games are played and at what times. The NRL shows absolutely no backbone and lets Channel Nine ride roughshod over the important decisions in the game.

For Christ's sake even the NRL Grand Final is staged at a time to please these ungrateful f**kers.

Rugby League last week provided Channel Nine with one of the highest rating television programs this year - and this SCUM say thankyou by denigrating the sport and pushing the merits of a rival code broadcast on another station.

I'll tell you what you will NEVER see Channel Ten taking the meataxe to the AFL like what we just saw tonight. NEVER.
You do realise the NRL have Melbourne Storm. Any sport would want to be the most successful it can be. If that means creating teams in non AFL/NRL cities then so be it. If the product is good enough then it will succeed.

All you guys going on about "war" are being drama queens. Leave those kind of words for real war. It is simply two "businesses" trying to do their best for their product. Right now the AFL is on top which is why there's all the crying on here.

You wouldn't know sh*t from clay.

What was the top rating Football game on TV last year Australia-wide?

Which code had 4 of the top 5 games of any code last year?

Which code recently had a game that rated higher than the AFL GF of last year?

Why are you homosexual, bad experience as a child?
Why get angry at the AFL? It's Channel Nine and the mob running the NRL who are scum.

Channel Nine are the ones who seemingly dictate everything to do with this game, the NRL can't fart without this disgraceful television station having a say in what games are played and at what times. The NRL shows absolutely no backbone and lets Channel Nine ride roughshod over the important decisions in the game.

For Christ's sake even the NRL Grand Final is staged at a time to please these ungrateful f**kers.

Rugby League last week provided Channel Nine with one of the highest rating television programs this year - and this SCUM say thankyou by denigrating the sport and pushing the merits of a rival code broadcast on another station.

I'll tell you what you will NEVER see Channel Ten taking the meataxe to the AFL like what we just saw tonight. NEVER.

f**k 'em all, Gallop, nine, AFL the lot of 'em.
You do realise the NRL have Melbourne Storm. Any sport would want to be the most successful it can be. If that means creating teams in non AFL/NRL cities then so be it. If the product is good enough then it will succeed.

All you guys going on about "war" are being drama queens. Leave those kind of words for real war. It is simply two "businesses" trying to do their best for their product. Right now the AFL is on top which is why there's all the crying on here.

how is AFL on top when RL gets 40 million more viewers each season on TV.

in the week that past RL surpassed AFL by around 5 million viewers.


Attach a picture here (if relevant)


Yeah, we already knew Sydney was the gay capital of Australia.



well it's only taken the Swans how long to get crowds of 30k??

oh that's right, 25 years...............AND thye had the luxury of SL to help out with their crowds, f$%k me, that period would have been like enticing Carl Webb away from a salad with Big Mac, not that f$%king hard really....


What good support you leprosotic fart-stain?

34k per fortnight and sub 100k ratings = success in a city of 5 million people?

Do you know what AFL games rate in Sydney and Brisbane with or without the local side?

They've both been financially looked after by the AFL since the day they were forcibly moved from Melbourne. Even to the point of cheating the other teams in the AFL. The AFL have paid for positive content in the past and there's no reason to believe the one on 60 minutes is any different.

I dont disagree with you, I think the AFL have gone way too far in helping Sydney and Brisbane. But put that aside, they are still going great and is clearly becoming more popular in NSW and QLD.