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Time to fight AFL (60 Minutes)

Why get angry at the AFL? It's Channel Nine and the mob running the NRL who are scum.

Channel Nine are the ones who seemingly dictate everything to do with this game, the NRL can't fart without this disgraceful television station having a say in what games are played and at what times. The NRL shows absolutely no backbone and lets Channel Nine ride roughshod over the important decisions in the game.

For Christ's sake even the NRL Grand Final is staged at a time to please these ungrateful f**kers.

Rugby League last week provided Channel Nine with one of the highest rating television programs this year - and this SCUM say thankyou by denigrating the sport and pushing the merits of a rival code broadcast on another station.

I'll tell you what you will NEVER see Channel Ten taking the meataxe to the AFL like what we just saw tonight. NEVER.


great post.


Staff member
I don't understand how people can even enjoy that game. Maybe it's good to keep your fitness up, and if you're getting payed millions for it, but it's f**king sh*t. I can't enjoy it, there is no way in hell I'd be caught playing it or watching it.

Don't call me a one-eyed NRL fan either. I love soccer/football, whatever you want to call it... but AFL, it's just a snoozefest.
I dont disagree with you, I think the AFL have gone way too far in helping Sydney and Brisbane. But put that aside, they are still going great and is clearly becoming more popular in NSW and QLD.

Their ratings have dropped significantly over the past two years.

Their ratings for games that don't include the home teams in NSW and Qld are non-existent.

It's an artificially built fan-base that is dwindling.

Enjoy it.


I presume you would consider the Storm or an Adelaide or Perth team getting 34k to home games a failure as well then? AFL has expanded their game succesfully, we can only dream that one day the NRL gets administrators with as much ability!



I love how the parents say "It's a game geared towards families.".......Wait until their kids experience players elbowing blindsided players, shirt grabbing wrestling, kicking others in the back, punching the crap out of others, etc......I mean, you see that every week on tv.....unfortunately, AFL isn't newsworthy and it doesn't make the papers.......a real FAMILY game.......

Who cares if Kieran Jack plays AFL.......whoopdeefreakin' do...........the funny thing is, Garry Jack was a supportive father who encouraged his son in pursuing whatever career he wanted.......can you imagine a brainwashed AFL star allowing that?

You only has to look at that Billy Brownless idiot and his views on League to see that. AFL is a more scientific and thinking game? You knob!!!

Once Dead

You only has to look at that Billy Brownless idiot and his views on League to see that. AFL is a more scientific and thinking game? You knob!!!

AFL Scientific Thinking 101: Hitting an opposition player who is not looking, in the head with a cocked elbow or strategically placed hip shot will result in concussion.


it's pretty obvious that the attack by ian roberts on gary jack caused confusion for young kieran.

a lot of confusion.

Once Dead

AFL Scientific Thinking 101 Pt II: A kick that is somewhat near goal, but has not passed through the goal, is a goal.


First Grade
And btw, those above saying how sh*t AFL is.. If it was sh*t it wouldn't be a success anywhere other than Victoria. I think some of you are feeling threatened therefore come out swinging with all the attacks.

Uh, that's pretty much what has happened mate. Vic immigrants spread it to SA and WA a hundred years ago. Notice that it hasn't spread anywhere that doesn't have a sizable portion of Vic immigrants?


Just watched 60 minutes in what was a very biased report in favour of AFL. Well I say if AFL want war lets give them war!!!! I am going to boycott anything to do with the AFL and death ride to the game to any body that wants to hear.

If they want war they got one:x

thats true for me too....at some points i thought i was watching an afl plug. But I have added more insight here for our fight, and I hope you'd like to read it too, cheezel.

Despite what was said though, none of it was not true - I think rather it was just made to look a more dire fight for rugby league by leaving plenty of cannon flak from league's side out. This just happened to make it a better story for most people. except us.

- I will say this about rugby leagues fight. On image, it will lose with the current set up. And image is a massive thing that can dominate perceptions. Its the first thing us humans look at when sizing something up.

RL does not consider the individual when it comes to image. Whats better for a person in terms of game-day experience? Sitting in a crowd at a modern facility with some 40,000 people adding to the atmosphere? Or sitting in a ground thats fairly old with between 10,000 and 17,000 people?

The former. Its much more exciting and inspiring. Thats AFL's image. Its more impressive and attractive. 12k at manly at an old feild is not impressive and does nothing to make the game attractive - sorry - to people. It serves only to steer people away, apart from the very core, more die-hard fans.

It doesnt matter that 9 sydney teams get 80,000 people over 4 games against afl's 35,000 at one...because people forget that its the individual's experience not the cumulative experience that matters....let me explain further: its a case of "I attended a match with 40,000 other people today." against "I attended a match with 14,000 people today." Everyone on this forum points to the cumulative today as the strength of the game....but when you forget that its individuals that matter, and the individual only thinks like above and is impressed by such....he does not think "I attended a match with 14,000 other people, and thats great, but the greatest thing is the cumulative attendance of rl in this town, it was 76,492 across 5 games." You see, he only takes that 14,000 other people experience, and thats his reality, thats what he sells to other people, thats what he feels....he doesnt feel the other 76,491 people as well. He can only be at one game at once.

He does not think like that. What happens at other games is not his concern when he is at a game with a bad atmosphere/poor facilities/lower crowd and less than what would be experienced elsewhere in another game (if he were comparing both over time and deciding which one he would rather attend more).

thats league's problem with image in general. It can't win at the moment with that. It needs to have games with 30-40,000 people attending. No matter the argument you present, you can't get past that, because otherwise league ISN'T winning or is not effective enough.

Also, the perception that league is more tough on bodies and junior football. Maybe league has a harder sell in this part, but thats all it needs to be: a tougher sell. Its easier for afl to sell its junior footy (and soccer too), as they seem less violent. I dont know if figures were doctored in a recent survey that showed league juniors had less injuries than afl juniors, with afl shoulder and knee injuries being rampant at senior level and all the way down the code.

That is a battle that is harder to win, but is harder not impossible.

In many ways what people fail to appreciate along with all the love for 9 sydney teams, is that too many teams for sydney is too much for the game to take. Image is a huge motivator for parents and people.

What of the person who goes to a game with 40k in a modern facility versus a person who goes to a a game with 12k in the older facility? Who goes away praising the night more? What people fail to see is that word of mouth is a HUGE (and free) advert for a game, an experience, a product. Forget excitement levels just for now, as any game on a one-to-one basis can be unexpectedly exciting or particularly boring (no one knows which before the fact)...and focus on the game-day experience. The better the atmosphere and facilities and ease of attendance and cost, the better the time, and the more recommendations it will get....nothing hits home better in marketing than a personal recommendation from someone you know and trust.

This is a cumulative effect over years that takes place.

I dont care who has the bigger sport, this is more about potentials being reached, and per capita attendance; so at this stage one would have to say AFL has the better game to attend (whether you think afl is good or not) and league the second best (which lets face it, 2nd best at the moment, is losing completely).

So in some regards the 60 minutes story is a perfect reflection over the 20 mins it was on, of the landscape of nrl and afl in sydney.

I know it sounded like an AFL plug, thats because its hard not to plug the AFL at the moment.

***RL could more than ever benefit from a greater match day experience including better facilities, increased praise from word of mouth, more support for juniors in selling the game to the young.***

AFL is not going away. They may try and fail largely with the older generation, but every child they get to play for them is a win in the younger generation, and if its a scale of 100 million dollars for 10,000 kids, that seems ok by them, its something to grow on. Those kids will grow and use word of mouth and actions to grow and establish traditions of afl in sydney.

To me, RL is diminishing, and AFL growing, and the 60 minutes story reflected that strongly. And its just and fair. No probs for me to accept.

Now I have accepted it, i realize more and more that rl needs to get all the things i listed between the *** asterix *** above in full swing. To achieve that end it needs to somehow: reduce teams to ensure greater resources and a wider reach in nsw/other states, move to vastly improved facilities either by building or upgrading or simply moving, and sell the game once more to children with a harder more effective sell. Teams need to average 30k within 10 years just to survive and increase sponsors and members; sponsors by about 2 fold at least and members 10 fold in many cases, and this coupled with a sydney team reduction may well starve off the effects of AFL.

They need to move on this now. As the leagues club funding dries up, the position becomes weaker and weaker for the nrl.

In a nutshell, consolidate sydney, focus on the individual not the cumulative fan base.


Fact ..in the penrith area under 10s.... 39 rugby league teams

8 afl teams and these teams are combined age 10s & 11s.

But destroy the panthers and who knows what will happen..

As league people we must support our game ....in all areas ...dont let anybody tell you you are a lesser being for it.


First Grade
i can't believe i would see something like that on channel 9. They are the biggest traitors in the world. We sell them our product so they can earn money and they deathride us.

I mean just look at Channel 10 and 7. They try to promote AFL at every chance. We would have been much better off with Channel 10 or 7.
the AFL administrators mention kieran jack time and time again as an example of succesfull expansion into sydney.

they are just getting free publicity of his dads name.

if his dad wasnt a famous RL player, no one would give a sh*t.

another example is how one of their teams in balmain has pinched the old balmain tigers jersey. saw someone once in the city wearing it and i said to him, go tigers, he replied it was an AFL top.

fu*ken parasites using our history to grow into Sydney


im so sick of this sh*t, its meant to be a celebration this year, and we have every person, from every corner killing league off. i think the scenes at leichardt today suggest that league will die quietly. it is the superior code afterall.
Cut the cord from those merkins at Nine.

They have given Rugby League nothing.

It's always been their ratings first, and Rugby League second.

Gallop is a dead set androtop and has to go.

Start putting the game first.

Ziggy the God

First Grade
My bit into the mailbag:

Nice AFL puff piece and what a disgraceful comment from that Brownless fairy.

You failed to mention that less than 100k watch the Swans and the Lions on the box, in their home markets. Then again, why spoil the spin that you are trying to peddle.

The SOO just gave you the biggest ratings for the year this week. Nice payback.

Would Ch7 and 10 take a big swing at their #1 show? Just shows why your station, and this pathetic show have lost their way.

Big KP would be turning in his grave.


First Grade
I thought the advice about 'holding the middle finger against the seam' of the football was insight I could never have grasped. The technicalities are just to much for me to absorb.

BTW here is what a poster said a couple of years ago:

This expansion proposal makes almost no sense...

If it wasn't the AFL talking about it I would dismiss it out of hand. They have a knack for sticking with their expansion plans no matter what... They are also unbelievably arrogant so it wouldn't surprise me if they moved forward with this unfeasible plan simply believing that RL offers no resistance.

Yes, Western Sydney is geographically large with lots of people. But, where is the AFL infrastructure? Where are the large, successful senior Sydney Football League clubs in this area to build a successful AFL side on? Do they have revenue streams (i.e. a licensed club), decent players to play in a feeder club, members/supporters, and sponsorship money aside from the money pumped into them by the AFL? Correct me if I'm wrong - but they don't have any of this.

Aside from the development of a dedicated 10,000 seat 'AFL ground' in Blacktown (at Blacktown Baseball Centre - which was used during the Olympics) which is apparently going ahead and will apparently be ready for 2008 are there any other concrete plans for this to move forward with?

Have the AFL even thought about how it will compete against the four NRL clubs that are already there? These are big, successful clubs... they're not going anywhere to make way for the 'Western Wankers', 'Penrith Ponces', (they probably want to move the hugely popular nomadic North Melbourne here) or whatever the club will be called.

Have the AFL even tried to play an exhibition match somewhere in the western suburbs (sorry, Homebush and playing at Macquarie University don't even vaguely count - play at Campbelltown) to even test this idea out?

How about playing a trial match on the same day the Swans are playing at the SCG...? Really test the depth of interest in Sydney. No, they wouldn't do that - it would be embarrassing.

This is even less feasible than the Gold Coast idea. Hopefully the Arrogant Football League wastes hundreds of millions seeing it fail...