I would have put the title on Storm, liek they did, and the slow build toward Lockdown.
Have Storm win a return match with Angle at Turning Point to solidify is reign. Then, have him fued with AJ Styles over two PPVs, beating him twice, first by the skin of his teeth i.e. a roll up after AJ is distracted by Daniels, and then secondly in an Iron Man match 3-2. I would then have him beat a returning Abyss at Against All Odds.
Initially Roode is happy for his tag partner. However, slowly this begins to change. First Daniels plants the seeds in an Impact, saying he doesnt have what it takes and Roode does. Hogan and Bischoff reinforce this after Roode loses a #1 contendership match with Styles. Roode begins growing more frustrated as he goes, losing matches through stupidity and arguing with the ref. I wouldnt have him be buried, but he loses a Goldrush tournament final match to Samoa Joe at Against All Odds, and thus his shot at Storm. After this match he goes absolutely apeshit and trashes the arena. Storm comes down and attempts to console/calm his partner, and cops a spitball to the face for his troubles.
The next night in Impact, Storm and Roode make up and Roode convinces Storm that he is still right behind him, though tension is still clearly there (see Bulldog/Owen in early 1997). At victory road, Joe is about to win, when the ref goes down and his rival at the time (possibly Daniels) nails him with a chair. Joe and Storm are both groggy, when Roode makes a run in, and instead of nailing Storm, he nails Joe with a chair. Pointing at Storm. Storm has no choice but to make the cover.
Storm v Roode at Lockdown is Booked, with Roode going over. You could do the return match at Bound For Glory, which would be a Last Man Standing/3 Degrees of Pain match, with Roode going over again and the two shaking hands afterward.