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Todd Carney caught Drink Driving!!


First Grade
This has been blown way out of proportion and the people on here over reacting are just playing into the media's hands.

The 18th Man

This has been blown way out of proportion and the people on here over reacting are just playing into the media's hands.

Definately. It's the media's fault that Todd Carney has once again broke the law in relation to drink driving. Damn you all in the media! You have sucked us all in!

Walt Flanigan

Welcome to your very first Todd Carney incident Roosters fans.....

Like us Raiders supporters, you will one day get sick of making excuses for him.

I remember a lot of us writing into the club to save his hide when he did a runner from the cops and leaving that Steve Irwin twat to deal with the situation.

Now I believe all the public support for Carney stopped the Raiders from sacking him there and then. What a spit in the face not long after when he goes and p*sses all over his mate at All Bar Nun. Rightfully sacked after that.

Even after that he gets himself banned from Goulburn (who the f*ck gets banned from Goulburn??) for jumping on cars and running a muck.

I can fully understand Roosters fans sticking up for him but the guy has d*ckhead written all over him. The only way he'll ever be normal is if he gave up drinking for life............something he struggles to understand.


Welcome to your very first Todd Carney incident Roosters fans.....

Like us Raiders supporters, you will one day get sick of making excuses for him.

I remember a lot of us writing into the club to save his hide when he did a runner from the cops and leaving that Steve Irwin twat to deal with the situation.

Now I believe all the public support for Carney stopped the Raiders from sacking him there and then. What a spit in the face not long after when he goes and p*sses all over his mate at All Bar Nun. Rightfully sacked after that.

Even after that he gets himself banned from Goulburn (who the f*ck gets banned from Goulburn??) for jumping on cars and running a muck.

I can fully understand Roosters fans sticking up for him but the guy has d*ckhead written all over him. The only way he'll ever be normal is if he gave up drinking for life............something he struggles to understand.
Completely off-topic, but :lol:.


Well, I'll say it. Todd, you are a f**king loser. Your substance abuse (let's call it álcohol' here, shall we, just to keep it nice and legal) has cost you so much, but you won't learn. You lost a contract with the club you grew up with, your licence, so many friends and family members have given up on you. In the last month, it's cost you a relationship with someone who could have turned your life around. You know where she is now, Todd? She's back with her ex, the guy you were so jealous of. You f**king loser.

How stupid can you be? I know you read these forums, and I know you'll read this message. Grow up. Save yourself. Give it all up. But you know what? No one gives a sh*t about you anymore.

Pete Cash

Post Whore
His licence or P's are not the problem, it seems he's back on the grog....unless he gets back on the wagon we'll see more stories like this.

I agree fully but the Roosters can't really sack him for what he will eventually do. He is a ticking timebomb if he is back on the grog in any serious way though. He is a royal dickhead of a drunk

giggity giggity

all this debate about it only being a low range D.U.I. offence
and it being his first indescretion in 2 yrs is total rubbish
my family lost(my cousin) a fine young man to a d##^head in a car
who had a "low" range alcohol level,the arsehole was a young doctor who's lawyer argued was a fine member of his community,held an important job within this community and had made an error of
judgement (despite 4 previous low range D.U.I. offences)
.thank god the judge didnt see it this way and sentenced him to 5yrs imprisonment with a 3 yr paroll period,which as far as my family(and a thousand other families) feels was not enough,so for you guys to say that
it is trivial and only warrants a smack on the hand,give yourselves and upper cut,i wouldnt wish our loss and greif on anyone.mr carney should
have the book thrown at him fullstop,just because he is a dally M winner
does not make him above the law and should be punished just like the young doctor in my families case was ,lets just hope he gets the same
judge as well

P.S. would you all hold same view if mr carney had killed someone while
driving with a "low" range reading ???????? low range/high range whats the differance tipsy is tipsy,still in your system the next day is no excuse either. cheers

giggity giggity

all this debate about it only being a low range D.U.I. offence
and it being his first indescretion in 2 yrs is total rubbish
my family lost(my cousin) a fine young man to a d##^head in a car
who had a "low" range alcohol level,the arsehole was a young doctor who's lawyer argued was a fine member of his community,held an important job within this community and had made an error of
judgement (despite 4 previous low range D.U.I. offences)
.thank god the judge didnt see it this way and sentenced him to 5yrs imprisonment with a 3 yr paroll period,which as far as my family(and a thousand other families) feels was not enough,so for you guys to say that
it is trivial and only warrants a smack on the hand,give yourselves and upper cut,i wouldnt wish our loss and greif on anyone.mr carney should
have the book thrown at him fullstop,just because he is a dally M winner
does not make him above the law and should be punished just like the young doctor in my families case was ,lets just hope he gets the same
judge as well

P.S. would you all hold same view if mr carney had killed someone while
driving with a "low" range reading ???????? low range/high range whats the differance tipsy is tipsy,still in your system the next day is no excuse either. cheers


registering in excess of 0.05 for the average male occurs after 1 schooner of full strength beer.

1 standard drink is about 300 mills of full strength beer and that's what it takes to reach 0.05

So Todd Carney exceeded the drink driving limit by the sum total of LESS than one schooner of beer - which was probably drunk the night before. Had his meeting been 90 minutes later he wouldn't have regisitered a thing.

It takes 1 full hour for one middy of beer to leave the system completely.

So a 6 hour sleep will usually mean that anyone who drank say 5 or 6 schooners between 10pm and midnight and then went to bed is bordering on being over the limit at 6am the next day. Respect for the law has little to do with it. I hope that puts it in a little more perspective for you Skeep.

Was going to call this up.... so you think if you have 3 beers in a beer bong, your BAC is .15? If you do 6 shots, its .30?

And leaving the system at 1 beer an hour, so I guess his BAC must have been .40 the night before?

Oh just noticed someone already called this out...

Just reverse engineering this scenario, he was 0.052 at 7 am. Alcohol leaves your system at about 0.015 per hour. So in 6 hours sleep, thats 0.09 out of his system, so at his peak he was about 0.14. Assume he was drinking for 6 hours, to get to 0.14 takes a 90 kg man about 13-14 standard drinks.

At his peak? Whos to say he had a beer just before he went to bed. I'd say that would be at the minimum.


I hope he didn't drive home the night before as well, but trust me, you don't have to be absolutely legless the night before to drink drive the following morning. It's very easily done.

But agreed it doesn't sound good after his decision to abstain from drinking.

PS. Nice avatar.
Not disagreeing with you, especially since he could've been partying until 3am and he wouldn't clear the alcohol level in his blood.
Having said that, it very much depends on how well his body handles alcohol. I can have 2 schoners and not blow even close to the limit (I had a cop buddy who tested me as a bet), as long as I eat as well, but I will not step behind the wheel no matter how small the quantity of alcohol.

Carney was stupid (again) and will pay the price. Given it's a relatively minor offense, I don't advocate his sacking but FFS, give him a fine that will make him think again!

P.S. Thanks, and no, it's not in support of the Saints! :shock: (just in case you wondered)

Eels Dude

all this debate about it only being a low range D.U.I. offence
and it being his first indescretion in 2 yrs is total rubbish
my family lost(my cousin) a fine young man to a d##^head in a car
who had a "low" range alcohol level,the arsehole was a young doctor who's lawyer argued was a fine member of his community,held an important job within this community and had made an error of
judgement (despite 4 previous low range D.U.I. offences)
.thank god the judge didnt see it this way and sentenced him to 5yrs imprisonment with a 3 yr paroll period,which as far as my family(and a thousand other families) feels was not enough,so for you guys to say that
it is trivial and only warrants a smack on the hand,give yourselves and upper cut,i wouldnt wish our loss and greif on anyone.mr carney should
have the book thrown at him fullstop,just because he is a dally M winner
does not make him above the law and should be punished just like the young doctor in my families case was ,lets just hope he gets the same
judge as well

P.S. would you all hold same view if mr carney had killed someone while
driving with a "low" range reading ???????? low range/high range whats the differance tipsy is tipsy,still in your system the next day is no excuse either. cheers

I'm sorry for your loss. But some situations cannot be compared. Some people speed just 10ks over the limit but that results in deaths. Yet 90% of drivers speed every day. Others are simply bad drivers. Other people are affected more by fatigue then one beer, but you can't do a breath analysis for fatigue.


I'm sorry for your loss. But some situations cannot be compared. Some people speed just 10ks over the limit but that results in deaths. Yet 90% of drivers speed every day. Others are simply bad drivers. Other people are affected more by fatigue then one beer, but you can't do a breath analysis for fatigue.


Ziggy the God

First Grade
Carney is the biggest grub in the game.

Anyone can make mistakes, but this turd keeps doing it over and over again.


First Grade
Carney is the biggest grub in the game.

Anyone can make mistakes, but this turd keeps doing it over and over again.

Grub and moron aren't the same thing

The lad is seriously short of a bloody quid as far as judgement goes and he shouldn't have been drinking ANYTHING this close to the season start. He deserves a big fine and to lose his licence for ........ well, till he has to take a test every year to keep his licence.... but the lad isn't dirty. I don't think it was a deliberate thing he did either. Just silly. As I said, if he'd had one schooner less the night before, he wouldn't have registered a thing.


First Grade
Was going to call this up.... so you think if you have 3 beers in a beer bong, your BAC is .15? If you do 6 shots, its .30?

And leaving the system at 1 beer an hour, so I guess his BAC must have been .40 the night before?

Oh just noticed someone already called this out....

It all depends on when you start and stop drinking and how many hours inbetween.

If you drink late in the evening / night, then go to sleep and wake up just 5 or 6 hours later, the alcohol will still register in your bloodstream.

Not everyone sleeps for 8-10 hours. He might have slept five or six. I sleep on average 6 hours a night. Often less if I've had alcohol the previous night.