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Todd Carney caught Drink Driving!!


lol all the wankers come out from the woods whenever a footy player slips up, no wonder the Telecrap has a market for reporting the most minute of incidents when the average league fan overreeacts like this.

lol all the wankers come out from the woods whenever a footy player from their team slips up claiming that something as serious as drink driving, which is a criminal act, is no big deal and that everyone is overreacting.

seaeagle sam

He is an idiot. He's obviously had a tanker full the night before, he's been done before and has a zero limit and there is no excuse for this.

He shouldn't have his contract torn up but maybe a couple of weeks on the sideline (yes, Watmough should join him) to reflect on why he is an idiot wouldn't be such a bad idea.

As far as the actual offence goes, I can't see him driving for quite some time and deservedly.


lol all the wankers come out from the woods whenever a footy player slips up, no wonder the Telecrap has a market for reporting the most minute of incidents when the average league fan overreeacts like this.
A bit like all the wankers emerging from the woods condoning players that break the law

Isnt there a clause in his contract that states he can be sacked for any more alcohol related infractions?


Post Whore
the deadsh*t involved in handing back the idiots license needs to be sacked, why would you go softly on a person with his record

as for this offence, his limit is 0, he was well over that limit, it was hardly low range, especially for a guy with form.

the bloke just doesnt learn, however i dont suspect anything will be done about it, he plays for the big sydney club now... politis will have already sorted this out on the back end, now all thats needed is the public slap on the wrist and we'll all move on and await his next incident.


He is an idiot. He's obviously had a tanker full the night before, he's been done before and has a zero limit and there is no excuse for this.

He shouldn't have his contract torn up but maybe a couple of weeks on the sideline (yes, Watmough should join him) to reflect on why he is an idiot wouldn't be such a bad idea.

As far as the actual offence goes, I can't see him driving for quite some time and deservedly.

One of the best posts on this subject so far. I agree with all you have said.

The 18th Man

In isolation, you could make some defence for Carney. Two points though. Carney has NO allowances for alcohol in the analysis. That's his legal requirement. Secondly, this is not an isolated offence. He has already been disqualified for driving.

This is WHY the "average" rugby league fan is disappointed in Todd Carney moreso than perhaps any other player in the game today. Simply dismissing this as some like Tonearm suggest does more harm than good. Newspapers should ignore this incident? Give us a break :lol:

Let's not pretend that Carney wasn't well aware that he was in the wrong and any further indiscretion on his part would blow up in mass proportions.

Todd. Carney. Bloody idiot.


Post Whore
34 of them at Canberra :lol:

Form is form. And he's got it

it also makes a mockery (for those who hadnt seen toddles out on the piss in the eastern suburbs previous to this) of his so called rehabilitation

the man is an idiot, he has always been an idiot, he always will be an idiot and there for will always continue to bring bad press to this code.

This is not his first, and as i said last year when setting his mate on fire, it wont be his last either
Look, re this incident. Yes it's disappointing and Todd has made an error of judgement. But if you sit at home with some friends on a Friday night and have some wine with dinner, followed by a few beers and finish drinking around 12, then have 6 hours sleep, get up and drive to a meeting, chances are you're likely to be over the drink drive limit.

Just reverse engineering this scenario, he was 0.052 at 7 am. Alcohol leaves your system at about 0.015 per hour. So in 6 hours sleep, thats 0.09 out of his system, so at his peak he was about 0.14. Assume he was drinking for 6 hours, to get to 0.14 takes a 90 kg man about 13-14 standard drinks.

Form is form. And he's got it

it also makes a mockery (for those who hadnt seen toddles out on the piss in the eastern suburbs previous to this) of his so called rehabilitation

the man is an idiot, he has always been an idiot, he always will be an idiot and there for will always continue to bring bad press to this code.

This is not his first, and as i said last year when setting his mate on fire, it wont be his last either

The beast was created at Canberra

Big Pete

He'll only cop a fine I'd say, the Roosters would be silly to suspend him over this when I'd say just about every other club wouldn't.

I sympathise with the Raiders supporters who's club was brought into question after Carney's positive 2010. It just goes to show who really was at fault.

The 18th Man

We've gone from "oh look at these precious fans writing off superstar Todd Carney" to debating where the "beast" was created? It matters? :?

Todd Carney took giant strides last season in rebuilding his image on and off the field in 2010, he was to be applauded for all plaudits sent his way in 2010. That aside, that doesn't make him in 2011 untouchable if only because he is now the most important player running around for not only the Roosters but also the NSW Blues.

I expect Todd Carney to play in 2011, I expect him to have a great season for the Roosters and the Blues, Todd Carney though deserves to be hung out to dry for this indescretion and error in judgement.

Spanner in the works

First Grade
Then I would suggest you are being deliberately obtuse as the point is patently clear even to the dullest of intellects.

Being over the limit by the total of one schooner the morning after isn't a hanging offence, and most of us would have done this inadvertently at some time or another.

I remember having a few drinks with a mate one night, nothing major, just wine and beers after dinner. As I was clearly over the limit I decided to crash at his house. In the morning I drove home and got stopped for a breath test. I didn't have a hangover, I didn't feel rough, I felt pretty much normal. A bit tired was all. If you'd asked me what my alcohol reading was, I'd have put hand on heart and sworn I registered 0.00

I registered 0.04 - as a full licence holder I escaped caution but I was astounded I registered anything. There was no intent to drink drive, I had done everything in my power not to and had acted with good intentions. Yet a couple more schooners the night before and I would have been gone.

Alcohol takes longer to leave the system that people think and being over the limit, especially a zero limit for P platers, can be achieved very, very easily and without intent.
That's all well and good, but he made the decision to get into his car and he broke the law. Given his past indiscretions you would hope he would be a little more diligent and responsible. Obviously that was too tough for him. The offence itself isn't a hangable offence, but his past history and status changes the context just a little wouldn't you say?