You still havn't answered my questions. Running scared? I have asked you so many now; here are some key ones off the top of my head....
Where are you still seeing toe poking in league presently at high level? Under 8's or golden oldies? (Its a crap technique - thats why it is extinct.)
If, as you say, round the corner is so easy and does not need coaching- why does/did Halligan teach so many kickers how to goal kick?
Are you better kicking the oval ball than A Johns was? Or maybe you're better than J Thurston, B Goodwin, Michael Gordon, K Gidley, L Burt, D Carter and many more players who are coached by Halligan? If as you say round the corner kick coaching has no benefit as opposed to toe poke - are these clubs idiots to pay for coaching? Or have the things that make goal kicking easier to your mind (synthetic balls, grounds, tees) now necessitate the need for coaching? That would be very odd to say the least. Surely you still kick the synthetic ball in the same area, stand and run on the manicured ground and simply place the ball on the tee which is presumably easier than making a sand castle or a divot. You say its not 'rocket science' and these things make the process process easier. And yet - these players need and benefit from coaching. Maybe its the difficult technique that needs coaching.
If coaching of goalkicking is unnecessary to obtain maxmium advantage/benefit why did A Johns go from a 64% kicker to a consistently 80% kicker for the next 5 seasons when coached by Halligan...?
Is not a 16%+ percent increase in accuracy an advantage?
if not - why not?
Does the increase in accuracy under coaching not display the benefits of round the corner kicking coaching.
If a coach is needed to improve the task, is the task not one that is difficult to self master?
Why was round the corner gaining ascendency during the 'era'/period of leather balls and before kicking tees?
Why were the union converts so much better on average than the other cumulative average of other goal kickers from the 90's era - (Botica, Crossan, Ridge, Halligan and Schuster average 78.2% for every NRL kick they took combined).
If union converts have not improved goal kicking accuracy - why do most clubs employ Halligan as a goal kicking coach? Or Botica for that matter?
If tee's, as you say, negate the union converts role in hastening the end - can you explain why then why most kickers use a unon convert Daryl Halligan designed and patented kicking tee?
If tees, as you say, make goal kicking easier and accurate and if Jack Gibsons was the lead innovator and would have implemented any advantage to secure benefit- why did he not implement the kicking tee?
If union had no role to play can you explain how this is so when union introduced and made tee's compulsory (players at that time preferred sand and were forced to adapt) when sand was the norm in the nswrl? Union did this to save time taken for kicks and were not concerned at the intial reduction in accuracy for goal kickers.
Can you explain why union had the synthetic ball first?
Can you explain why goal kicking was so inaccurate in the NSWRL in the 1980's and start of 1990's but so accurate today without unions influence?
Tee's - no. Union convert Halligan was the driving force behind those first being used, and his tee is still widely used today.
Synthetic balls? No - Union had those first, but were kicking mightily fine round the corner before that with leather. A Johns could spend a year kicking at a lowly 60% with synthetic balls and dramatically rise the next year with coaching - hmmm maybe we've found something....
Grounds? Well it doesn't take a lot of balance to kick a ball and not fall over. And when Ridge when he converted was far superior on the same grounds with a leather ball.
Can you explain why below average players like Crossan or Schuster were signed if not for goal kicking? If you agree they are below average, why would NSWRL need to sign union converts to goal kick?
Can you explain why Halligan states he was signed as a goal kicker not a player?
Can you explain why you think synthetic balls, tees and manicured grounds make it era contextual round the corner vs toe poking?
Surely, its a matter of physics that round the corner will give increased accuracy over toe poking. There is a bigger surface area thus less chance to miskick and like a bigger golf club face - more forgiving to error. Era is irrelevant to that. The supposed 'improvements' - grounds, the union designed kicking tees, the union inspired synthetic ball would be there for the toe pokers, too. That leaves technique. Now you COULD say those improvements gave MORE benefit to the round the corner kicker than the toe poker (throwing you a bone to help you) - but how? Explain how this is remotely possible? Both techniqures require the kicker to run along on the ground, both require that the ball be placed ready to be kicked. In both techniques the ball flies through the air. (now you could say the synthetic ball goes further than the leather ball did when wet but then why did the change to synthetic not have a noticable impact on the improvements of kickers who used both balls (eg compare 1990 and say 1991 or give a couple of years to adjust so 1993) to todays levels? And why was goal kicking accuracy still improving from 2000 to 2010? Why will accuracy presumably still climb?
Thus ITS NOT the equipment. Its the technique. That's why union went to round the corner in the mid/late 70's. NSWRL lagged behind in technique and training. The union converts brought a far more superior exhibition of goal kicking consistently. Then coached others how to do it and the people who use this technique today at teh top level invariably have a kicking coach. The most common kicking coach for top level is Halligan.
Ridge belted around the leather ball without tee's in 1990 and caused more union goal kickers to be signed. Halligan admits in those interviews I linked earlier that he was signed as a goal kicker first not a winger. Union's accuracy already in the 1980's (with leather balls, shoddy grounds, and grass divots) was way ahead. As shown by the fact he was not even the kicker for any of his union teams.
John Gray? Well after he retired people were still toe poking. After Halligan retired noone was. Different equipment? You mean union insired and designed equipment such as synthetic balls (inspired) and tees (designed)? They had 'em both first. League came lagging.
Now John Gray and Willie Horne did not make a lasting difference. I think it plain for all to see judging by the amount of coaching and equipment designed that Daryl Halligan has done more for goal kicking accuracy improvement in Australian rugby and league than anyone or anything else. He's a union convert btw. He was signed for his goal kicking following Ridge's success. By his own admission in those article's I gave links for he stated in an interview that he was a goal kicker - nothing else.(its in the A Johns one).
Union had round the corner goal kicking widespread first. Their toepoking became extinct 10-15 years before the NSWRL's/ARl was. They had the tee's first. The synthetic ball first. It is a union convert who has developed the 'supertee' that most use. It is these union converts Halligan and Botica who have taught the players on tee's and with synthetic balls how to goalkick better.
You are wrong because;
1 Union/Union converts have irrefutably improved league goal kicking accuracy. So even if tee's and ball changes caused the shift to round the corner it is Union converts that coach that technique and supply the tees en masse. A Johns 60-80% under Halligan. Arguably, union gave the inspiration to the synthetic ball.
2 Round the corner kicking will give greater accuracy in any era due to the physics of a greater surface area of boot kicking the ball thus far far far reduced less chance to miskick the ball.
3 The equipment has done far less, if anything, than the technique for improving accuracy due to reasons as above, - but EVEN IF IT DOES HAVE SIGNIFICANCE to do with improved accuracy - the tees came from union and have been redesigned and widely implemented by a union convert.
THEREFORE, union and union converts have had major influences in improving goal kicking accuracy in the NRL.
I'd love for you to explain to me why you say why round the corner goal kicking coaches are of no benefit because Jack Gibson did not have one, because L Burt, K Gidley, B Goodwin, H El Masri, A Johns, M Gordon, J Thurston could have saved or save a fortune on Halligan's fee. You’d also have to explain why their success rates climbed under him (and often drop without him).
If toe poking was better in the yesterday era I'd love for you to explain why Gray and Ridge did so well? Anamolies - not as far as the union evidence shows where all were kicking round the corner. Why is toe poking extinct at all top levels now?
You need to give a reason why toe poking was better without manicured grounds, tees and synthetic balls - but even then your conclusions about goal kicking coaching being unnecessary to secure an advantage are wrong or all todays coaches are bonkers. If tees are a significant factor, then your conclusion that league has not benefitted from union converts is wrong. Your best bet is to go with the ball - but union had that ball first - league copied - so that's wrong. Notwithstanding that - the synthetic ball retains less water than leather ball when wet, but this is of little significance because long range penalties are still not common place in league and there was is marked improvement between 1991 (syntehtic introduced) to today's levels - thus the dramatic improvement cannot be the syntehtic ball because league kickers were kicking pies in 91,92, and 93. Even between 2000 and 2010 there has been marked improvement. So, not the synthetic ball on either account. Your conclusion that Jack Gibson was right to think goal kickers coaches were unnecessary to obtain every advantage and round the corner is an easy technique is implausible as almost every club and great kickers have them now and improved under them.
You are wrong on so many levels. In so many places. But you can try n cut this up - add some irrelevant material and try for lame insults of me. Try for some ad hominem.
The 1990’s Kiwi union converts have definitely improved goal kicking standards, first by other clubs copying, then by their coaching and if, as you say tee’s are a significant factor, then by designing and supplying said equipment. Your whole – if coaching round the corner was needed Jack would have had one does not stand up. Never will. Ridiculous argument.
It’s the coaching of the technique by union converts that has significantly improved the accuracy. Knowledge dissemination. League brought in some useful guys from union, such as Botica and Halligan, who have shared the knowledge post career. They did the same with Hewson in the 1990's as copycatting does matter. Coaching does matter. The union converts had mastered their trade with both leather and synthetic balls. Made sfa difference to them what they kicked. But rest assured, teams knew they were at a serious disadvantage with a toe poker kicker by mid/late 1990's thus it bcame extinct.
I'm glad you are so interested in how I perform in my career. Whats yours? Still not saying?