gee swapping Ali and Moose gives us a rock solid defense, Ali is not the defensive player that Moose is and having him and Dier as to 2 deep lying mids certainly cuts off a lot of attacking plays and Mosse wont give the ball away like Ali does. Ali is more at home at AM for mine.
I like that move, also Beltelab on the bench didn't get a run so we seem to be very strong in that position.
Nice to see Winks on the bench, says to me that he is next inline to get a run a la Onomah and he can be a better player than Onomah although he is not an AM, he is a CM. Nice to see the depth coming through and next season we'll have Oduwa back from the Celtic loan so dunno where we are gonna fit all these kids.
4th spot and a pretty easy run through christmas.