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Trouble at Bulldogs games

What should happen to the Dogs home games

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The violence then continued outside with at least two fights erupting on stadium grounds.

But police on Saturday said they were not looking to make any arrests because no complaints had been made.

This I don't get, the reports I've read stated a Tigers fan was beaten senseless on the road by multiple carloads of these things - yet no complaints - surely in this day and age someone could have gotten licence plates or pictures of the animals for police, we can't stop them if we can't catch them.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
bulldog said:

This I don't get, the reports I've read stated a Tigers fan was beaten senseless on the road by multiple carloads of these things - yet no complaints - surely in this day and age someone could have gotten licence plates or pictures of the animals for police, we can't stop them if we can't catch them.

So riddle me this...

No complaints, not even from the attacked Tigers fan? What's the go?


dodge said:
You're right but you're laying blame for events both in and out of the ground, of which only one aspect (inside) the club can realistically control. It is up to the NSW Police Force to enforce the law outside the stadium - full stop. I don't agree with any of the behaviour, and it should be stopped. But there is only so much a football club can do before it becomes an issue of law and order. The sooner you lot realise this, the sooner this ridiculous singling out of people like myself and ibeme, who have done no wrong AND are doing what we are able to assist the club in it's investigations.


Get over yourself Dodge, and do NOT put yourself up with ibeme, one poster on here, probably the poster personally I hold most respect for here....

He hasnt tried to shift blame, he hasnt used the english language to paint scenarios in a worse light than what they were like someone else we know.....taunt/attack ring a bell?


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Shift blame? When? The Bulldogs Club ARE NOT solely to blame for the events on Friday. There are other parties who failed in their responsibilities as well as our club.

RE: taunting. You can fight technicalities all you want, I know what I meant and you jumped to conclusions.

Get over myself? Who made you the master of self-importance and dictation?


dodge said:
Shift blame? When? The Bulldogs Club ARE NOT solely to blame for the events on Friday. There are other parties who failed in their responsibilities as well as our club.

RE: taunting. You can fight technicalities all you want, I know what I meant and you jumped to conclusions.

Get over myself? Who made you the master of self-importance and dictation?

I guess its just me reading your decisiveness in pointing out to people that they're posting things in the wrong forum....well the power trip just rubbed off on me.

RE: taunting. You can fight technicalities all you want, I know what I meant and you jumped to conclusions.

I think its more you doing a daily telecrap on Wests Tigers fans....you dont like it when they do beat ups on your club, yet you do it yourself...f**kin hypocrite.


segregate fans and have one small "family area" where fans from both sides will be able to sit, more police and scrap the undercover police plan, coz imo it was quite stupid to have these "undercover" police who walk around in plain clothes with walkie talkies and batons showing in the first place. i also wouldnt mind day only games but whats to stop these idiots from being stupid during these day games, thats what i dont get :S oh and telstra security, have guards who actually give a crap patrol the problem prone areas... i had to email the club and complain about the lack of security in 'the kennel' members area becuase the security didnt care who was walking into that area and one security guard actually stated that he didnt care and the club has acted from these complaints and barracaded the area off


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
innsaneink said:
I guess its just me reading your decisiveness in pointing out to people that they're posting things in the wrong forum....well the power trip just rubbed off on me.

I think its more you doing a daily telecrap on Wests Tigers fans....you dont like it when they do beat ups on your club, yet you do it yourself...f**kin hypocrite.

You biased fool.

I haven't heaped a beat up on Wests. I simply wish that some people would sit up and acknowledge the fact that on that night, inside the stadium, the Bulldogs fans weren't the only instigators. You can believe what you will, but you and I both know I was there and watched these things happen. I could lie, but I'm not. I know what I saw and I'm sticking to it.

Attack me and my character all you want, you're as biased as me. Either way, your opinion on this matter is permanently skewed, because all of your arguments are based on what you've seen and heard in the media.
DJ1 said:

Arrest people when they break the law and impose penalties on them.

No arrests occurred on Friday night. The police minister should step down!

Peter Debnam is showing up everywhere these days.


dodge said:
You biased fool.

I haven't heaped a beat up on Wests. I simply wish that some people would sit up and acknowledge the fact that on that night, inside the stadium, the Bulldogs fans weren't the only instigators. You can believe what you will, but you and I both know I was there and watched these things happen. I could lie, but I'm not. I know what I saw and I'm sticking to it.

Attack me and my character all you want, you're as biased as me. Either way, your opinion on this matter is permanently skewed, because all of your arguments are based on what you've seen and heard in the media.
Oh right.

So for two days you stated "Wests Tigers fans attacked arabic women"...and then on the third day downplayed it to "taunted" instead of "attacked"....why change your description?
Is it because I challenged you that it didnt occur....even after you were aware I thought you meant physically attacked instead of verbally attacked?
I challenged your honesty on the matter and you continually lead me to believe my assumption...only three days later did you state I was under the wrong impression.
Seems to me your concern on the whole issue of your club is pretty weak really, youre only here to play games, other real bulldogs fans here genuinely give a sh*t...its easy to see youre not one of them.

Also my 'argument' is not based solely on media, as you incorrectly ASSume....its also based on what personal friends that were present have told me, friends that were involved in violent incidents outside the ground.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
innsaneink said:
Oh right.

So for two days you stated "Wests Tigers fans attacked arabic women"...and then on the third day downplayed it to "taunted" instead of "attacked"....why change your description?

Change what description. You jumped to a conclusion when you saw the word attacked - that's not my fault. Go for your life on that one, you're alone.

innsaneink said:
I challenged your honesty on the matter and you continually lead me to believe my assumption...only three days later did you state I was under the wrong impression.

Probly cuz I don't give two sh*ts about you, especially seeing as you're keen to dump 100% of the responsibility and shame on my club despite only knowing what the bullsh*t media feeds you.

innsaneink said:
Seems to me your concern on the whole issue of your club is pretty weak really, you're only here to play games, other real bulldogs fans here genuinely give a sh*t...its easy to see youre not one of them.

Then clearly you don't know me and should reserve judgement. The only one here playing games is you. Playing on words, jumping to conclusions and downplaying any role your club might have had in Friday nights events. There are grave problems at the Bulldogs, something you've avoided even reading whenever I've said (and I can't count how many times I have). But you're offering no solutions, only idiocy and bias against the club.

innsaneink said:
Also my 'argument' is not based solely on media, as you incorrectly ASSume....its also based on what personal friends that were present have told me, friends that were involved in violent incidents outside the ground.

Then why haven't they reported it to the police? And as you say, why has this only come to light today, now four days after the event.

And I'm the hypocrite? FFS mate, wake up to yourself.


You...making it sound worse than it actually was, tells me all I need to know.

Why dont you answer the question....'Why did you change your description'?


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
When did I change my description? I used a different word in the same context and it had the same intended meaning. You're the one who effectively changed the description to suit your "argument". I see once again you've conveniently ignored the bulk of the post. On the back foot?


You know exactly what you were doing.

For two days you stated ....

"Wests Tigers fans attacked arabic women, particularly those wearing burkas"

Then changed your description to...

"Wests Tigers fanst taunted arabic women etc etc"

As I stated, its obvious a sick joke to you, youre just as bad as the scum that wears your clubs jerseys....Im not playing your games anymore, youre seriously in denial, you have the mindset of a child at times ...."if I pretend its not there it doesnt exist"...you seriously need to grow up.

Have fun Dodge, you liar.


Theres a huge gap for misinterpretation in the statement "Wests Tigers fans attacked arabic women" - surely you knew people would think attack as in physically, when you hear about a dog attack we all know someone was bitten, as it isn't called an attack if a person was barked at.

You knew what it implied Dodge.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
innsaneink said:
You know exactly what you were doing.

For two days you stated ....

"Wests Tigers fans attacked arabic women, particularly those wearing burkas"

Then changed your description to...

"Wests Tigers fanst taunted arabic women etc etc"

As I stated, its obvious a sick joke to you, youre just as bad as the scum that wears your clubs jerseys....Im not playing your games anymore, youre seriously in denial, you have the mindset of a child at times ...."if I pretend its not there it doesnt exist"...you seriously need to grow up.

Have fun Dodge, you liar.


Your perception is the only thing that has you in denial. So f**king what, I used a different word on a different day. I still meant the same thing.

How f**king dare you accuse me of being a bad as people who have hurt somebody using violence. A sick joke? You really are pathetic. Do you think I want ANY of this to be happening? Do you think I wished this upon my club and the game? When have I ever denied the 'Dogs have problems? Once again you've selectively read posts to suit your...


If anyone needs to grow up and stop lying it's yourself ink.

Now deal with the loss, and move on like a big boy. You didn't see any of us carrying on like this after 54-2gate in 2005 did you?


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
gf2003whatanite said:
Theres a huge gap for misinterpretation in the statement "Wests Tigers fans attacked arabic women" - surely you knew people would think attack as in physically, when you hear about a dog attack we all know someone was bitten, as it isn't called an attack if a person was barked at.

You knew what it implied Dodge.

If he wasn't sure to interpret, he should have taken the time to ask exactly what I meant instead of launching an all out offensive. All he's been interested in doing is cutting me down to size and accusing me of ignoring my clubs problems. With some added personal attacks here and there.

Oh that attack was meant as taunting. How remiss of me to not explain in copious detail in Every. Single. Post. :roll:

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