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Trouble at Bulldogs games

What should happen to the Dogs home games

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bluenwhite said:
imo the best thing for the club is no night home games until round 15. that sounds fair enough to me. no segregation of fans or anything. it's not necessary when there is only 10 - 20 people causing trouble at a 32578 crowd game.

I dont believe in the segregation either, just enforces the "us and them" mentality. But I still wouldnt give them a night game anywhere. I was at the parra game in 01 which turned into a full on riot. I was king hit from behind and call every name under the sun. Now I am no angel, and sometime I (stoopidly) mouth off when I should just shut up. But it was obvious that these boys that targeted me where not their to watch the game, but to cause trouble. I feel for the Dogs fans that wanna watch their team, and wanna be proud of their club only to see their name dragged thru the mud time and time again coz of a mindless bunch of dickheads.

Policing also has to be upgraded at Lidcombe Station after games. The officials seem to believe that once you leave the stadium its all Rainbows and lolly pops. I dunno if its happened to anyone else, but they stand up on the over head bridge and throw chunks of cement at ppl. Bloody cowards the lot of em!


bluenwhite said:
^actually, at bulldogs home games, sunday afternoon gmaes generally bring in a bigger crowd then a saturday night game.

Well maybe that can be the answer to the club. Everyone knows that Canterbury has always been known in the past as the "Family Club". Maybe they can try and rebuild that. Sunday games and promote the whole family atmosphere.


First Grade
increased security at every bulldogs game
then every bulldogs supporter seen lighting fires, throwing things at players or trying to fight opposition fans can be banned for life. get these scum out of here. its gone on for far too long


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
BBSF, STFU. You have no idea what's really going on, shown clearly by the content of your post. Stick to the power lines buddy ;-)



First Grade
my post highlighted the major issues. The Bulldogs fans are the worst in the NRL. I came up with a great answer. The moment we get you and your friends out of there is the moment the Bulldogs actually have a chance of being respected


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Me and my friends? That shows you have even less idea. You do realise you are accusing me of a crime? Feck off back to Toyota/Shark/Endeavour/Ronson/Caltex/WhoreMeOUT Park pronto.


Replacing N.E.S for a start. The company uses alot of sub contractors which results in poorly trained guards.
I have a mate working for them and he tells me they got sub contracted guards who are visa students that speak hardly any english and have no experience in crowd control.
I'd bring in a company like A.V.S who usually handle nightclubs and bars, hence they are trained to break up fights, eject people, etc.
That backed up with a strong police presence.


What about the return of 14:30 or 15:00 game, on Saturday afternoon. Granted that will deprive alot of families and so forth because of commitements with junior sport on so on.....

Ahh scrap it, that's a dumb idea. The idea is to get people to the footy without the hoodligun element.


Staff member
Danish said:
Sorry i didnt explain properly...

What i meant was if a family is split on which side of the stadium to sit in due to segregation and going for different teams, they can all sit together but you only wear the jersey of the section you are in. So if 2 kids go for the dogs and 1 for the warriors for example, you sit in the dogs area and kid No.3 can only wear dogs colours or none.

I didnt mean to stop the wearing of jerseys entirely.

oh ok, cool. gotcha now.

cheers dazza


First Grade
The solution is simple, kick the club itself out of the competition.

How many years does the footy public have to put up with this continuing crap from bulldog supporters?
How many years is the bulldog club going to go unpunished for the action of its fans?
How many more excuses of “it’s not our fault”, “it’s a minority”, “we’ve done all we can” are we going to hear?
How much more bullsh*t of “the oppositions fans provoked us” do we have to hear before something is done???

The violent animal element that follows this club will always follow this club. This crap has been going on for decades. Enough is enough NRL, time to get tough and cut this vile cancerous club from our midst.

And no more “oh what about the good bulldog fans”?? Tough sh*t!!! Your inaction at many games where I personally witnessed you “good fans” do nothing, NOTHING to stop this kind of violence means you suffer along with the animal element and have no club.

It’s time to kick the dogs out, lock, stock and two smoking kebabs.



First Grade
Chook said:
And no more “oh what about the good bulldog fans”?? Tough sh*t!!! Your inaction at many games where I personally witnessed you “good fans” do nothing, NOTHING to stop this kind of violence means you suffer along with the animal element and have no club.

And what did you do when you witnessed these fans do nothing to try to stop it? What did you do to try to stop it? You're criticising others for there inaction, yet did you take any action yourself? If not, why not? You're just as guilty as they are if you failed to do anything.

Bulldogs fans have been responsible for providing the information to track down a number of people after bad crowd behaviour.


Bulldog fans unfortunately can do little!! We can go to the security guards and say this guy is a trouble maker etc... But until that guy get's into a fight we can't do anything... And the police can't neither!
When their is a fight, it will be stupid for other people to get involved, all it will do is fuel the situation and they will get arrested for being in the fight and be banned from going to games, when all they wanted was to stop it (Throw a few at the wankers) and hand them to police... That is a risk i will not take.

Two years ago I made the decision not to sit behind the posts or with any Army Or Kennel section... I pay the little bit extra and sit in category 1 tickets... No problems there...


Re-locating or kicking the Bulldogs out of the comp will do NOTHING!!!!!
These idiots don't care what jersey they have to buy/steal to disgrace. They will just find another team to become 'fans' of and continue their ways.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Spot on Choppies, you've hit the nail on the head again ;-)


First Grade
ibeme said:
And what did you do when you witnessed these fans do nothing to try to stop it? What did you do to try to stop it? You're criticising others for there inaction, yet did you take any action yourself? If not, why not? You're just as guilty as they are if you failed to do anything.
ibeme said:

Bulldogs fans have been responsible for providing the information to track down a number of people after bad crowd behaviour.

Well for your information Ibeme I did do something, I confronted the attackers and told them to pull their heads in, which was a hell of a lot more than the gutless dog fans who sat their in abject terror of THEIR OWN f**king FANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You "good" dog fans claim it's just a minority element yet the MAJORITY of you sit there and do nothing, or worse, as I have also witnessed, urge these farwits on from afar.

And Choppies that's a load of sh*t!!! If that was the case it would be already happening within other clubs' fan base and between other clubs fan bases.

You people can stick your heads in the sand and make all the feel good claims you want, but the truth and facts are that these incidents have been occurring and occurring and occurring and occurring at BULLDOG games involving BULLDOG fans for decades. Stop looking at these incidents in isolation. They are endemic to this club, habitually endemic and related to the culture of the club. And how many times have we heard from one dog CEO to the next “I’m changing the culture of the club”, “I’ve implemented this and that, oh and we have installed cameras, and made our fans sign Codes of Conduct and we’ve changed out ticketing structure, blah blah blah”, well guess what, it’s still occurring!!

In surgery you must take an amount of good healthy tissue when removing a cancerous tumour or growth, well sorry dog fans, some of you are that healthy tissue that must be removed from our code’s fan base so as to remove the cancerous ones.

These incidents only serve to ruin and degrade our codes image and no club is above that, least of all the Bulldogs.



First Grade
Chook said:
Well for your information Ibeme I did do something, I confronted the attackers and told them to pull their heads in, which was a hell of a lot more than the gutless dog fans who sat their in abject terror of THEIR OWN f**king FANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You were lucky to have not got involved in a fight yourself. These morons are just that - morons. They're senseless. They'd rather right than f**k. Going in and adding fuel to the fire could very well turn a fight into something much worse with these dickheads. You can't reason with them. You can't make them see logic. They don't have a conscience.

As LebaneseForces stated, all we can do is report idiots to security, and then they can't act until something actually happens, which is obviously too late.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
And the police have nothing to do with any of this? Wake up to yourself chook. These people are criminals, plain and simple.

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