That's not entirely right. Post WWII, Britain left Palestine and the UN made the decision to partition Palestine and create a new Israel state, which the Zionist movement within Jewish circiles supported.
They simply didn't 'move' there; they were given the opportunity to return there.
I agree they all wanted to get out of Germany, and most fled Europe, but the majority went to the States and England.
I'm going off sources I studied. As I said, it was some time ago so my memory is not 100% on the matter.
Point still stands regarding the rest though.
The world said that after WWI. And WWII. And Korea. And Vietnam...
We don't learn. Despite the belief in the intelligence of humanity, we don't.
Yes, but the world is different now. Not intelligence wise, but experience wise. Obama and many other world leaders will be pushing to make sure this ends with the least amount as bloodshed as possible and it's likely that will be the outcome. It's a different society, countries are learning how to better deal with issues. Ukraine and Russia have been battling issues for year, two planes shot down prior this week also.
It's never ending.
As I said - reports now say the plane could've;
- Flown off course to save time/fuel hence money
- Was only 300m above the restricted airspace
- Failed to communicated upon "supposed" contact
- Was advised in April to not fly over that area, many airlines deviated from there. They didn't.
So what do you believe as of the moment? Nothing. Is it serious? No doubt, but I don't think it's quite large enough to cause full-blown war (Yet). I'm not playing delirious/optimistic here in saying it won't happen, I just think it's ever unlikely.
This is true re Obama. Cameron seems to have a few brains. My concern is Abbott would follow if someone went for it. He's the worst possible PM to have in at a war time I think.
Re proxy war, back to 'le Cold War' tactics - so yeah, again, I think you're right.
Exactly. Cold war as opposed to WWIII.