If God's plan involves the Israelis eradicating a minority whose land they stole with the help of the UN, I'm not sure what to make of God.
I'm not sure what Israel are doing is God's plan. I think they're using their own national desire to further their mission and believe it is God's plan, but there's no direct order from God to do it (ala God to Joshua in the book of Joshua).
To me, it seems like they're justifying their desire to be a nation again (and somehow 'correct' the wrong of the past) and using God's will as the cause.
Seems pretty standard God behaviour based on the Old Testament
Joshua is a pretty hectic book, I will say ;-)
That was when he last gave a shit about the Jews, if the New Testament is to be believed. Not that I blame him, they did kill his only son.
He's still concerned with the Jews. Romans 9-11 identify that. What He will do for them, however, is not known explicitly.
Maybe Jesus is a lie, the mashiyah sheker and the Jews were right all along?
Like I said before, I don't understand Israel's end game. The only way they win with their current strategy is if they turn the entire Islamic world into a glass sheet.
The end game is they want their country back. Jewish identity is based on the Kingdom of Israel. They believe its their inheritance. They believe what they're doing is reclaiming their inheritance. That's the end game. I'm not kidding either. As horrible as it sounds, they want to exterminate everyone in their path to get their country back because they believe God wants them to live there.
Here's a new one for you.
If World War III did start and the government instituted a draft system, what would your reaction be?
Sadness. I played paintball a few weeks ago. It is so easy to get shot / killed. The thought of kissing my kid goodbye and getting shipped off destroys me.
I'd only serve if Australia were directly threatened. f**k risking my life for British or American political interests.
World War. Those Indonesians f**king hate us, even though we pump billions of dollars in aid their way.
They'll try to ream us from behind.
Possible. Some would prefer it from behind... :sarcasm:
World War I had zero effect on Australians at home, yet we were fed into a meat-grinder to protect European interests.
World War II was the same story for much of the conflict, and the fact we'd gone to help abroad opened us up to direct assault from the Japanese and needing the Seppos to come in and bail us out.
If Indonesia got involved, I'd happily step in. I wouldn't be at all happy to go to war over Russia v Europe or Middle East v Israel.
We needed to fight in WWII. I think that was a situation of necessity. Hitler had to be stopped at all costs. We had to go in if we wanted the States to help us with Japan.
If WWIII did start, do you think there'd be much need for mobile infantry?
It'd be fought in the air with missiles. Nukes would come into the conflict very quickly and would decimate the combatants and render the rest of the world eventually useless when the fallout spreads around the world.
But if mobile infantry were required, I'd join up, but only to serve Australia. Be f**ked if I'm risking my life to protect yank interests.
I think you're right re the type of warfare.