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You could easily throw alcohol and even other vices like gambling into that mix.
You could easily make a case that these 2 cause vastly more problems to society than heroin. I have felt the effects of gambling addiction. The damage it can do is horrendous. My dad had a huge problem when I was a kid. It amazes me that my mum managed to shield myself & my sister from it for a god deal of it. I didnt even know until I was about 17. Once I knew, a lot of things I had been confused about made sense. To the old mans credit he has been on the wagon for 25 years & still goes to meetings every week. He has also done everything in his power to try and make good on things he had done & I love him for it. Mum also has my absolute respect for the sacrifices she made to make sure us kids didnt miss out.
As an adult I have also dealt with a close family member with the same problem. The amount of money involved was staggering. Most of it gained through theft, lies & deceit. No different from a junkie.
I still havent seen anyone calling for the death penalty for poker machine owners. Most of them sell beer as well & that starts a whole new adventure in addiction.