Given the success of my bestiality question, I pose another: Is there a moral or ethical reason to bring back capital punishment?
Remember getting this one whilst doing debating in yr 11 English (and no it wasn't mass). Extreme cases call for extreme circumstances. For the real nut jobs that kidnap/bound/torture/eat/use parts as furniture etc it is a no brainer. If someone goes on a rampage American style in takes a few weapons for a walk in a school and gets captured instead of shot on sight then it's a no brainer. If an arsonists lights up a retirement home it's a no brainer. Chuck in captured terrorists as well.
The problem is the modern capital punishment system manages to costs millions per individual and can be successfully dragged out for 10+ years with the bullshit appeals process.
Ontop of the ridiculously difficult procedure to get anything through the system for approval you have to put up human rights spastics that will jump up and down and cry that you can't just put a noose around someone straight after conviction like back in the old days.
These are the same f*&kstains that fight for a persons human rights even though that said person clearly gave those up when they decided to pickup two lady backpackers and take them out into the wildnerness and play percussion on them with a machete.
I had to do some alarming research into what needs to be done to be considered for the death penalty which turned into reading about sick f&ck after sick f&ck and after a fair while of pondering how to finish my argument I came up with this beauty.."some people can find it pretty easy to say these don't deserve to die, but it is a hell of a lot harder to say these people deserve to live"
Apart from being pretty valuable as a hamster to shrinks there is no reason joseph fritzl should have been allowed to keep on living so long. If I can't get an extension to pay off a speeding fine whilst being a pretty law abiding citizen then these pieces of shit should have no chance of extending their lives by keeping their case in court and parking on death row for 15 years and sucking the state/nation out of millions in the process.
Screw the humane side of it as well, the pieces of shit should suffer during the process. Don't even waste a bullet on them, just chuck them in a dark room, lock it up and come back in a fortnight to scoop them into a bag. If you are worried about the effect it has on the individuals doing the procedure then let other criminals do it for you for reductions on their lesser sentences or other death row inmates for a chance at a lesser painful way to go.