I got my L's 11 years ago.
f**k I'm old.
I got mine the day I turned 16. Ended up racking about 138 hours.
Cbf quoting.
Religion is obsolete. People do choose it, and that's fine. People also choose to continue using Windows 97. People's choices don't negate obsolescence. Secondly, I never said religions sole purpose was to explain the world before we understood it. It obviously became a lot more than that both for good and evil. But the reason religion exists, like any other superstition, is to explain that which could not be explained. Someone dies suddenly? Gods will. Crops fail? Gods angry. Something goes bump in the night? Evil spirits, need god.
I'm not saying I disagree with the rest. Just the part I originally bolded. While it's purpose is lesser served these days, it's by no means "obsolete" just yet. It's still has a strong following among a range of religions and does give "some" people answers (Whatever they may be, I'm not turning this into a religious debate).
Same for science, we (scientists) don't pretend to have all the answers, even our theories could be wrong and be disproved. They did so last week, by determining the world might actually be 60million years older than once thought. Science does the same things - explain that which could not be explained. Albeit, by different means. But they both give an answer.
The beauty of free-will is people are allowed to believe as they want. As I said, it should have no place in government, they should pay taxes and so forth. But it's by no means obsolete in society.
P.S: Love the Windows97 relation. :lol:
Was walking up Foveaux Street to work this morning. Saw a lot of people around, staring at something. Followed their stare to see a garbage truck and a mangled bicycle next to it. Saw two people trying to help a person under the garbage truck. They weren't moving.
Everything feels very insignificant right now...
Ouch. That's very unfortunate.