so in a meeting at work today and one of my colleagues says "poor rolf Harris"
I'm really glad i was able to stay professional in my response to that statement, as my blood boiled..
Rolfie wants a hug
arggghhh... after reading how old peeps were when they first had sex, I started feeling really shit about myself, but then.... JW came along15 as well here. I touched my first boobs (that weren't my own) at 19, and my first kiss was when I was 12..
ummmmmmmmmmmmmm... I wanna change my last name, to my Dad's.. my maja has a serious problem with this, but I wanna be like f**k YOU, you don't get to decide. Am I wrong to think that I should have had my Dad's last name from birth? It's not like he was absent? From what I hear, she only took that away from him out of pure spite, and then when my brothers were born, she used the excuse that she didn't want us to have different last names. Anyway, it isn't really about that, I just want some serious changes in my life. I've always had in the back of my head, that I would like to have my Dad's last name. Does she have a case to be in my face with this?
My Dad will never have another partner lol
Mis, I don't like hyphens. At all. So, that isn't an option, and kinda defeats the purpose of making serious changes haha
I'm confused as to why you have your mother's surname to begin with. Isn't it customary for the child to take the father's surname?
Yes. One would think. Unless you're a spiteful bitch, wanting to hurt your partner. She f**ked him over so bad with me. Even with the Godparents. He chose the Godfather and she chose the Godmother, but on the day of the christening, she announced her brother as the Godfather because they had a massive fight two days earlier. She didn't tell my Dad until it was announced, and his best mate that was to be named, was devastated.
arggghhh... after reading how old peeps were when they first had sex, I started feeling really shit about myself, but then.... JW came along15 as well here. I touched my first boobs (that weren't my own) at 19, and my first kiss was when I was 12..
ummmmmmmmmmmmmm... I wanna change my last name, to my Dad's.. my maja has a serious problem with this, but I wanna be like f**k YOU, you don't get to decide. Am I wrong to think that I should have had my Dad's last name from birth? It's not like he was absent? From what I hear, she only took that away from him out of pure spite, and then when my brothers were born, she used the excuse that she didn't want us to have different last names. Anyway, it isn't really about that, I just want some serious changes in my life. I've always had in the back of my head, that I would like to have my Dad's last name. Does she have a case to be in my face with this?