Not at all. While medication can help a great deal in some cases, the effectiveness and side effects vary so much case to case that it would be cruel to force people to be medicated.
In the case of dangerous individuals, I'm on board with it, but the average Joe certainly shouldn't be forced to mess with the chemical balance of their body.
I agree with this. I think unless they are dangerous, should be free choice.
Those who do pose a danger, should be medicated. Both for their own sake, and those of the general public. It's sad, but if it prevents issues, then it's required.
Not that they should be named and shamed. I know it's a touchy issue with many moral/privacy issues at stake.
I'll throw a curve ball in here and say that there a a large number of people who suffer from mental health issues self medicate in other ways, via booze & drugs..
whether they intentionally do it or not is up for debate, but it happens quite regularly
No doubt, but in this case. I'm talking purely about pharmaceutical medicine to manage such issues, so they don't pose a threat and are properly managed.
tis true, I have a disability in not being able to talk to hawt women so I fill the void time inw hen I go out by drinking stupendous amounts of booze
I used to be like that, would struggle to talk to girls, now, I'm fine with it. I'm a much more confident person. Takes time I guess.
Got complimented by a pretty hawt girl the other day as well, so those things help. (Confidence).
I gave a disability of not being able to dance, wine helps me to believe otherwise.
I can't dance, I can't dance to save my life.
I know that's true in my case. Can't get my medication here, so I just drink whenever I feel the worst coming on.
Ironically, my worst depression/anxiety days are usually immediately after a big drunken attempt at staving off depression :crazy:
The withdrawal/let-down phase is massive and it commonly known to cause such issues.
Self medication is the best medication.
Medicating myself with beer right now.
I medicate my self with chocolate and banana protein shakes.