Man, Physiology and Anatomy is kicking my arse. Trying to get it all in over the next few weeks so I nail the exam.
I am only on 59 per cent at the moment, making it my worst subject by a long shot, the exam is worth 45 per cent of my final mark, I want at least a credit for the unit, but the goal is a distinction, which will take almost a miracle, the unit included six hours of lectures tutes and practicals a week and our teachers still struggled to get through the content.
All this because our university decided that all students have to do two shithouse community related artsy crap courses. Because our course is an exercise science course the coordinators decided that they would force our bio teachers to condense physiology and anatomy into one mega subject rather than keep it at two.
We also lost one of our industry experience units, all this for crap that is going to have absolutely no relevance in our future careers.
It annoys me because I am loved learning physiology and anatomy and hate that it feels like we rushed through it.