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Video taken of idiot fans @ WIN vs Titans


First Grade
are you guys serious?????? is this still going? f**k me, surely some grommits chanting steelers isnt worthyof this much attention.... theres more important things..... like wheres my little kiki???? lol, oh kiki...... hahaha gonna be a long day

heres an idea, lets get big league onto kiki, to show that us dragons got the most beautifull supporters in the nrl.... dont worry kiks, ill be the male model, you can represent the females that support our great (and severly divided) team.

maybe then we can become the st george models and everyone can chant the one name... models (ta ta da) models.......

hahahahaha you are insane. that is all.

although a fan beauty contest may be a good idea. it would be good on Errol. any one want to be a contestant?? :lol:

Steel Dragon

hahahahaha you are insane. that is all.

although a fan beauty contest may be a good idea. it would be good on Errol. any one want to be a contestant?? :lol:

Is this just a lame attempt to see us in a bikini and heels?


I fail to see how a couple of fans chanting Steelers justifies the boycott of Win Stadium. It seems to me a case of cutting off your nose to spite your face. To the Illawarra haters out there - give it up, St George simply cannot survive in the NRL competition as a standalone entity.

Steel Dragon

I fail to see how a couple of fans chanting Steelers justifies the boycott of Win Stadium. It seems to me a case of cutting off your nose to spite your face. To the Illawarra haters out there - give it up, St George simply cannot survive in the NRL competition as a standalone entity.

I dont think we should start getting into a "which club needs the other more" style debate.
And I dont think anyone is talking boycott!
We've been a merged entity for 10 years now, and if memory serves me well, we've won more games than we've lost which makes us a success in my mind. With a premiership around the corner - things are looking rosy.

Once we get that first title - I think we will have well and truly cemented a merged Dragons identity, and the clowns that stir the army will be somewhat silenced.

My line of thinking is 'If you CAN get to a game to cheer on your team, you SHOULD'
Lets drown the clowns with our sound!


I fail to see how a couple of fans chanting Steelers justifies the boycott of Win Stadium. It seems to me a case of cutting off your nose to spite your face. To the Illawarra haters out there - give it up, St George simply cannot survive in the NRL competition as a standalone entity.

your an idiot, as much we all hate doust this has been his plan all along.
join with the steelars keep them happy get a more stable rep with the juniors so we can alwayz in the future have 1st picks at the juniors hehehe

then we close down kogarah for a couple of years while we refurbish it to make it an even better stadium so that when we do leave the piece of sh*t in the middle of our name we can succsefully have 12 home games for the 1st time since 98


I fail to see how a couple of fans chanting Steelers justifies the boycott of Win Stadium. It seems to me a case of cutting off your nose to spite your face. To the Illawarra haters out there - give it up, St George simply cannot survive in the NRL competition as a standalone entity.

jonesy......................seriously mate are you nuts or something. that has got to be the stupidest thing i have ever herd. EVER.


jonesy......................seriously mate are you nuts or something. that has got to be the stupidest thing i have ever herd. EVER.

and im sure you have put up with alot of BS that comes outta phill goulds mouth so that just shows how stupid it was lol

This Year?

I fail to see how a couple of fans chanting Steelers justifies the boycott of Win Stadium. It seems to me a case of cutting off your nose to spite your face. To the Illawarra haters out there - give it up, St George simply cannot survive in the NRL competition as a standalone entity.

I just choked on my coffee. IMO the Dragons would have survived quite comfortably without the merge. We were doing fine before the NRL decided the cull the comp.


jonesy......................seriously mate are you nuts or something. that has got to be the stupidest thing i have ever herd. EVER.

Some of you guys are delusional. I've got two words for you - "WIN Jubilee". Do you think WIN TV, and many other sponsors, would have anything to do with St George if not for the Illawarra and WIN stadium component of the JV?

What is with the Illawarra hate? Just because a couple of stupid kids chant Illawarra at WIN stadium. It's a joint venture FFS, I just want to see the club, St George Illawarra, succeed.

Steel Dragon

I think we're all arguing the same point.

I dont think anyone is hating on Illawarra.
Honestly Jonesy - if it wasnt for WIN, the Illawarra half of the equation would be seriously struggling, i'd reckon.

Its not a matter of we need them or they need us. Cant it just be 'we work well together'?
After 10 years - why is it still US and THEM


I dont think we should start getting into a "which club needs the other more" style debate.

Not my intention. I don't think that there can be much disputing that it is St George leagues that provides the bulk of funding to the JV.

And I dont think anyone is talking boycott!

I've heard it banied about here on the odd occasion. Take this example from this thread:

This is why the majority of Dragons, Sydney based fans, and those who travel to all the games dont make the effort to go there. This vid is mainly for those fans of ours who boycott that ground to justify why they do so and see what they are lucky to be missing out on.

My line of thinking is 'If you CAN get to a game to cheer on your team, you SHOULD'

Agree. I'm a huge supporter of the JV and would love nothing more than to see it win a premiership and prosper.

Steel Dragon

This probably gonna help JV relations...
But watching the Broncos match tonight, there was a banner with a stick figure wearing a Dragons jersey and the words 'Til I Die' underneath

I have no problem with the banner at all, but the jersey was the late eighties/early nineties classic 'Penfolds' sponsored jersey. Ie insinuating that the supporter is a pre-merger fan. Which is totally fine.

But why is it somewhat more acceptable to be a pre-merger Dragons supporter than it is to be a pre-merger Steelers supporter?

I dont wanna cause a rift or anything (if anyone knows me, I'm all about the post merger Dragons) but why is there such a stigma about being a ex-steelers supporter?
Just some food for thought, not trying to stir sh!t up or anything.
Some of you guys are delusional. I've got two words for you - "WIN Jubilee". Do you think WIN TV, and many other sponsors, would have anything to do with St George if not for the Illawarra and WIN stadium component of the JV?

What is with the Illawarra hate? Just because a couple of stupid kids chant Illawarra at WIN stadium. It's a joint venture FFS, I just want to see the club, St George Illawarra, succeed.

WIN paid some measly amount for naming right to Kogarah. $75 000 I believe.

That doesn't nearly make up for the lost revenue we suffer each time we play a game at WIN rather then Jubilee.

As always facts don't seem to come into your thinking.

We don't need Illawarra, you need us. That's the truth, and discerning fans know it.


ive been to win stadium lots,season tickets for me

would this chant be acceptable,dragons army chant st george and steelers fans chant illawarra,thats the name as stated lots in this thread

of course only at win stadium because you wouldnt be game to mutter illawarra at kogarah [not after ten years anyway],maybe the dragons army could split into two and try this some time,one half chant st george the other half help out with the illawarra and you will have the whole stadium singing eventually and be one,it would sound great and the players would hear it and i think respond to the us all getting over the hatred

and if this can never happen be honest and read my feelings below

i dont think some could still accept it,steel dragon is right,you're allowed to be a merged st george fan

hope one of the posters is right and Doust will give you back your st george and with your money get your premiership

stuff the gold coast give the illawarra an afl team cause to much hatred for me to continue chasing acceptance in this merger,but hey thats the plan and in years to come the supporters will die off and st george will only be suburb based only whilst regions not suburbs will prosper

and to save me being called an idiot i will do it myself,st george illawarra could be great if it was embraced

Steel Dragon

ive been to win stadium lots,season tickets for me

would this chant be acceptable,dragons army chant st george and steelers fans chant illawarra,thats the name as stated lots in this thread

of course only at win stadium because you wouldnt be game to mutter illawarra at kogarah [not after ten years anyway],maybe the dragons army could split into two and try this some time,one half chant st george the other half help out with the illawarra and you will have the whole stadium singing eventually and be one,it would sound great and the players would hear it and i think respond to the us all getting over the hatred

and if this can never happen be honest and read my feelings below

i dont think some could still accept it,steel dragon is right,you're allowed to be a merged st george fan

hope one of the posters is right and Doust will give you back your st george and with your money get your premiership

stuff the gold coast give the illawarra an afl team cause to much hatred for me to continue chasing acceptance in this merger,but hey thats the plan and in years to come the supporters will die off and st george will only be suburb based only whilst regions not suburbs will prosper

and to save me being called an idiot i will do it myself,st george illawarra could be great if it was embraced

No offence mate, and im probably drunk - but is english your second language?

Im sure you had a point in there somewhere, but I cant decipher it.

I think youre saying we should split in two and chant out either half of the JV in unison.
Dumb idea IMO.
For 10 years we've been one team. Supporters should get on board as such.
Ok, if theres a Steelers heritage match - go for your life chant 'Steelers' - I wont complain. In fact, I'll probably join in.
If the 'Saint George' chant goes up and on the off beat others are chanting 'Illawarra,' bloody good on 'em. Two clubs - one team. Positive support is always encouraged.

I dunno what youre saying about AFL or suburbs dying off and sh!t, but the St George Illawarra Dragons are in the NRL for the long haul.
We're gonna win a premiership soon.

Get on board!



I can write proper if i want lmao

I go to Dragon games and start the occasional Dragons chant,either 1. only chant Dragons and get the whole stadium singing with you 2. chant St George but also attach the Illawarra at the end making it a chant of St George Illawarra 3. dont chant St George

The answer is to sing Dragons.

These young Steelers fans is just like someone chanting Rabbitohs and the other fans chanting suck.

And i personally think that St George and then someone chanting Steelers has a nice ring to it

If the 'Saint George' chant goes up and on the off beat others are chanting 'Illawarra,' bloody good on 'em. Two clubs - one team. Positive support is always encouraged.
Your quote is what i was getting at.

Im trying hard to get on board!

Steel Dragon


I can write proper if i want lmao

I go to Dragon games and start the occasional Dragons chant,either 1. only chant Dragons and get the whole stadium singing with you 2. chant St George but also attach the Illawarra at the end making it a chant of St George Illawarra 3. dont chant St George

The answer is to sing Dragons.

These young Steelers fans is just like someone chanting Rabbitohs and the other fans chanting suck.

And i personally think that St George and then someone chanting Steelers has a nice ring to it

Your quote is what i was getting at.

Im trying hard to get on board!

Mate, theres no point chanting Steelers anymore.
I hate to say it, cause Im a dyed in the wool Steelers supporter, but we're the Dragons now. Nothing is gonna change that. Not even if I win millions in the lotto and try and buy the team.
We're the St George Illawarra Dragons.

My line of thinking is, chant 'Illawarrra' on the 'Saint George' offbeat. or chant 'Steelers' during our once a year heritage match - if its a 'Steelers' heritage match.

I dont believe its good for the kids who are trying to get on board of the JV Dragons to have others try and separate our team.

Theres no them and us. Its 'we' from now on.

Those idiots chanting 'Steelers' in the videos are just kids trying to stir the Army.
They probably dont even care for the Dragons, let alone the Steelers.
I almost wish they were 'true' Steelers fans.
It would make me feel that little bit better.

But we're all Dragons now. We should show our solidarity at home games!


Hi all, first time poster, long time frickin' mad dragons supporter.

I just had to post as I believe I have the definitive statement that will heal our unseemly tiffs.

Right, what we have to understand is... umm.... is that....... sometimes you just got to..... bugger!!

Bloody herbs have just kicked in. And it was gunna be such a club-defining moment. My apologies :?

Steel Dragon

Hi all, first time poster, long time frickin' mad dragons supporter.

I just had to post as I believe I have the definitive statement that will heal our unseemly tiffs.

Right, what we have to understand is... umm.... is that....... sometimes you just got to..... bugger!!

Bloody herbs have just kicked in. And it was gunna be such a club-defining moment. My apologies :?

Hahaah! youre a fckukin funny bugger abin - hope you can post more often

And that you have a little more to say!
Welcome to LU old mate!

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