With a 97% survival rate I'll trust my immune system - But those full of fear should take the experimental Jab? Worth the risk? Also note the dates & from US CDC website
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Given the COVID vaccines have been the most funded, researched on the largest scale worldwide and scrutinised vaccines
ever produced, stating it is rushed and experimental is the biggest conspiracy fallacy floating around! The scale of funding meant different stages could be done concurrently rather than researchers having to go cap in hand for each stage like normal, thereby saving time.
More potential side effects and adverse effects are currently being found than normal in vaccine production because of this extra scrutiny.
Did you know more blood clots were found in the volunteers in the Phase 3 trials who had the placebo than those who actually had the AstraZeneca vaccine - they were found because of the extra scrutiny looking for adverse events in those volunteers.
A new Flu vaccine is produced EVERY year!
Over half of those Australians who have recovered from COVID still have lingering detrimental side effects 8 months after. Its not the flu that you just get over! Newer strains are now affecting younger people more and more.
Those adverse events you listed are pretty normal for vaccinations and given how many millions have been given out compared to these numbers - not an issue.
Don't get it if you wish, but you won't be travelling overseas until you do and that's a fact.