Look at you and your purity tests lol.
Not personally, but he wouldn't tell randoms like us anything important anyway.
Not as much as I'd like to in recent times because of Covid and other happenings, but normally I get out to see them at least a few times a year when I'm in Sydney and they're in Canberra. More than most people whom claim to be Bears fans for sure.
Yes, but I don't really use Facebook anymore and didn't really participate that much even when I did. Mainly just ghosted.
I found it pretty boring frankly. It's a little echo chamber largely made up of a relative handful of diehards whom reminisce about the long past glory days. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but to present it as particularly representative of the average NS Bears fan wouldn't be very accurate.
I do know what most Bears fans want broadly speaking. It's not as if it's hard to find out, all you've got to do is have discussions with them and actually listen to what they have to say about the subject, which isn't hard when you're a Bears fan whom moves in those circles and personally knows a bunch of them.
On some level each individual wants different things in their ideal scenario, but very broadly speaking there're three major groups; the "I don't care I just want the Bears back" sorts, the "the Bears belong in NSW" sorts, and the "NS or it isn't the Bears" sorts. All of them have their issues and are unrealistic in their own ways, and generally speaking all of them are delusional about what's actually achievable.
Well more fool you if you'd waste your time on an endeavour that was so obviously doomed to fail from the beginning.
It was plain to see that there was no future on the CC, yet the Bears wasted a decade there at the expense of exploring better options, such as Perth. Yeah I was one of those weirdos saying that the club should look into Perth over a decade ago, and was laughed at, now Perth is in the hot seat and it's too late for the Bears to capitalise on it.
We're at the point that the Bears best bet would be to seriously start investing in a bid for Adelaide. But Adelaide doesn't need them anymore than Perth does, they wouldn't accept the stupid demands either, and it's probably too little too late anyway considering the rate at which the NRL expands.
See this right here is problem with a lot of Bears fans!
They didn't move the goal posts on the Bears, they decided that they weren't ready to expand. Whether or not that was the right decision is debatable, but to act as if it was some personal affront to the Bears is insane.
Besides, even if the NRL had expanded in 2014 it would have been to either Brisbane, Perth, or both (NZ was a smoky as well, but they didn't have an active bid at the time). So the Bears were never really in the running, and the fact that you think they were, or even that it was a fait accompli, shows that your judgment is completely blinded by emotion.
Good luck with that theory.
PVL only has so much influence, and it won't be like Brisbane where there were multiple options of similar levels of viability. He'll have to choose from the best options, and there's at least one Perth bid (maybe even two) whom would present a significantly better bid than the Bears with or without the support of the WA government.
Which video, the Bears have made a couple now. Oh you didn't know, I'm not surprised...
As far as information that's publicly available, none of the interested consortiums in Perth have been approached by the Bears about the possibility of a joint venture, and the only group the Bears have had discussions with are representatives of the WA government.
In other words there is no joint venture, nor would any of the serious consortiums in Perth agree to a joint venture with the Bears given their demands. So why are we discussing something that hasn't happened, and is exceedingly unlikely to happen?! It's the CC all over again, you're chasing the implausible because you like that outcome better than the realistic options available to the club.
Having hope is great, until you allow that hope delude you into believing the unlikely or impossible is likely or possible at the expense of possibilities that are truly possible and likely.
It's not even allowing the perfect to become the enemy of the good. It's allowing the increasingly imperfect to become the enemy of the increasingly less good.
Frankly, I think a lot of other Bears supporters, and even quite a few people within the club, need their hopes and dreams crushed so they can move on and start working towards achievable goals.
Wait, so there are Perth bids?! I've been told bidding hasn't been opened & nobody has raised their hand. Guess it depends on which way the wind is blowing..