Here we go again. perthwrongs, late to the party as always.
sex line? She saying all the things he wants to hear to get him there. For $4.95 p/min he can fantasise all his erotica. “yes Perth are in as next expansion club, yes big man pete cumins will be there in his finest leather get up to celebrate with you, you skrawny hull’ish twink”
Perthwrongs laughs at ya comment but let’s be serious
@Red&BlackBear has been only poster to be even remotely correct in this whole endeavour. Even when the strategy was changing he flagged it on this thread. but perthwrongs, like the turd stain that he is refused to listens and downplay it because it hurts his ego when he is exposed for not really having secret service government officials as sources and his coffee dates with geriatrics claiming to be old reds officials is bullshit and now he is playing catch up. Lol
perthwrong, ding dong