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While all these self righteous countries have their troops in the Middle East they may as well be used after the Iraquis are dealt with and their oil made available for the US gas guzzlers. They should be sent to drive the Israelis out of Palestinian territory and to ensure their they stay out. That would make the Middle East a more equitable place, for a short time anyhow!


could it also be that France wants to suck up to a customer who has bought billions of dollars worth of military hardware including about 100 Mirage fighters.Now that sounds like the Froggies we know and love.
It could also be that the frogs are taking a moral and humanitarian stance-there,s a first time for everything.


Assistant Moderator
Steve, I think all countries are acting with an eye on to their ownlocal opinions. A poll yesterday still has over 55% of Australians in favour of war... although it was a media poll but in the court of public opinion, thats worth about as much as act of parliament.
I'm still thinking there will be a snap election in Australia after the war starts. This to take advantage of the nationalistic fervour... and before the realisation sets inthat a mistake has been made.

Beast, "should be sent to drive the Israelis out of Palestinian territory and to ensure their they stay out." - Yeah well, that would be equitable...but we both know thats not going to happen.



Assistant Moderator
...acting with an eye on to their ownlocal opinions.
should have read:
...acting with an eye on their ownlocal options.


Put down that weapon....
Or we'll all be gone....
You must be crazy....
If you think you're strong....


Well, Dubya will give us a piece of his mind at 11:00am today. The Yanks have asked the UN not to vote on their latest resolution, claiming (as has JH in Moffo's post) that there is sufficient legal and moral grounds to attack Iraq.

Honestly, this is bloody absurb. The amount of time it has taken to get to this point has made the Cricket World Cup look like the Tilt Train. The majority of decent minded people (might I add, in particular people on this forum) have known since September that Dubya was gunning for Saddam. How many fricking times have I heard Dubya bellow 'If Sar-daaarm Hooosain does nart dis-aaaaaarm, the Unitard States will lead a coalition!!!!! to dis-aaaaaarm him!'.

Mark my words, we will be at war by Friday. It will not be pleasant.There will be no V-Day heroes in 2003, to paraphrase Cold Chisel. I suspect we will look back at this in fifty years time with a fair degree of shame. That is, if we aren't the 51st state by then....

In the meanwhile, I just love this:

<span>PM could face war crime charges</span>
<span>By James Madden</span>
<span>March 18, 2003</span>
<span> JOHN Howard stands to lose more than the next election if he commits Australian troops to Iraq. He could also find himself facing charges of war crimes, according to international law expert Gillian Triggs.
Professor Triggs said yesterday it was possible that soldiers and political leaders from the "coalition of the willing" could be charged with war crimes by the International Criminal Court if the invasion went ahead without UN approval. "It's a far-fetched scenario that John Howard would come before the ICC, as the Attorney-General would first have to agree to his extradition," said Professor Triggs, co-director of Melbourne University's Institute for International and Comparative Law. "But it's possible that if he loses the next election, a Labor attorney-general could decide that Howard should have to defend himself against charges of war crimes." Only those countries that ratified the introduction of the ICC would be subject to charges. Australia was one of 60 countries that signed the statute of Rome last year, affiliating themselves with the ICC. However, Iraq and the US remain outside the jurisdiction of the ICC, having not signed the agreement. Professor Triggs was one of 43 experts in international law and human rights to put their names to an article, published in Sydney and Melbourne newspapers last month, which claimed that a pre-emptive strike on Iraq would be illegal. However, 21 prominent legal figures have attacked that suggestion on the <u>Opinion page of The Australian</u> today. "An invasion of Iraq is legal for two reasons. There are existing UN resolutions that allow for an attack, and secondly, for reasons of self-defence," said co-author Stephen Hall, associate professor of law at the City University of Hong Kong.
<span>The Australian</span>


Put down that weapon....
Or we'll all be gone....
You must be crazy....
If you think you're strong....

fair enuff bomber, but you forgot the last bit

and nothings as precious as a hole in the ground.



<table class=articleextrasbox cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=350 align=center border=0> <tbody> <tr valign=top> <td>
</td></tr> <tr> <td> </td></tr></tbody></table>&lt;BOD>


<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="100%" border=0> <tbody> <tr> <td valign=top width=375><span>PM says lack of UN resolution means Canada won't fight in Iraq </span>
Last Updated Mon, 17 Mar 2003 22:59:26 OTTAWA - Ottawa has rejected any Canadian participation in a U.S.-led assault on Iraq.
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=202 align=right> <tbody> <tr> <td>

Jean Chrétien receives a standing ovation from his caucus after announcing Canada's position
</td></tr></tbody></table> Prime Minister Jean Chrétien made the announcement on Monday, as the House of Commons resumed sitting after a two-week break. Chrétien says without the backing of the United Nations, Canada can't go along with any war initiative. Critics have accused Chrétien of wavering and waffling on his position. There is now no doubt where Canada stands. "If military action proceeds without a new resolution of the Security Council, Canada will not participate," the prime minister said. Applause from Liberal backbenchers was sustained and loud. Members of the NDP and the Bloc Québécois joined in, but not the Conservatives or the Canadian Alliance. The government position remains weak says Alliance leader Stephen Harper. "I can tell you that in this political party we will be cheering for success of the allies. If the Liberals are staying neutral, or cheering for Saddam Hussein, they should have the guts to say so. My guess is they don't." The leader of the NDP, Jack Layton, says the Liberals should now join France and Germany in speaking out against the war. Yet there still are questions about whether Ottawa is supporting the war through the back door. There are 31 officers now with the U.S. troops as part of an exchange program, and a handful of Canadian frigates deployed in the region. Minister of Defence John McCallum says the exchange officers are only involved in logistical and support functions, and he says the ships are still needed to fight the wider war against terrorism. "The terrorist risk will, if anything, be greater than before as a consequence of war. So for us to cut and run when the terrorism risk is greater would not be compatible with Canadian traditions," he said. Chrétien says he had informed U.S. President George W. Bush one year ago that Canada wouldn't go to war without a UN resolution, and that he had always been consistent. With the final collapse of diplomatic moves at the UN he says he's just making it official. But while the prime minister was distancing Canada from any involvement in a war, both Australia and Poland announced they would commit troops to help in the fight. Written by CBC News Online staff </td></tr> <tr> <td>&lt;NOINDEX> </td></tr></tbody></table>


Assistant Moderator
"I can tell you that in this political party we will be cheering for success of the allies. If the Liberals are staying neutral, or cheering for Saddam Hussein, they should have the guts to say so. My guess is they don't." -Stephen Harper

I've never been able to understand this attitude... it says that if you are against war, you must therefore be a supporter of Saddam Hussein.

Moreover, war mongers say that peace advocates are in favour of terrorism and fanatical dictators... quite puzzling considering that the opposite is true.


Stephen Harper is leader of our most extreme right-wing party.


Just to follow up on JoeD's earlier post....
Here is a transcript of President George W. Bush's Monday night televised address to the nation.


i heard on the wireless today that howard has told the iraqi diplomats they have got 5 days to leave..

are the iraqi people who live in oz going to be arrested and placed in a POW camp?
(i,m not talking about naturalised oz/iraqi citizens.)
aussie has declared war on iraq..........

the hon helen is a bit cheesed off with bush and howard.
if we dont follow suit and biff the iraqi diplomats,,, is nz sympathetic to the saddam admin ?
if the hon helen brings home our troops/boat in the gulf,,are we at war with oz/us/uk ?



Assistant Moderator
Has Australia declared war yet? I guess Johnny is exercising the dulcet tones so he make some Menzies-styled address to the nation... 'Fellow Citizens... blah blah blah...'

"are the iraqi people who live in oz going to be arrested and placed in a POW camp?"
Ozbash, you're talking about Internment... Iraqi people living in Aust are not Prisoners of War but I wouldn't be surprised if a few get locked up. The notion of thiswould have been unheard of five years ago.

There was Islamic leader arrested a few weeks back for a traffic infringement. Not sure of all the detail but the Police claim that he was causing trouble while the Moslems said he was being harrassed. I suspect that we'll be hearing similar conflicting stories in the very near future as the Arab community is targeted for simply looking different.