Bronco, this war is legal because the earlier resolutions that were imposed by the U.N were merely suspended and if Saddam failed to comply with these resolutions to disarm, they could be re-activated at any time which is exactly what the U.S, U.K and Australia have done.
Willow, you say America and Britain left countries in worse shape after they conquered them, well what about Japan and Germany? Both countries are economic powerhouses along with France and they were the three countries who took the brunt of WWII, much of it their own fault. How many of these countries currently have a military dictatorship or puppet ruler? Current GDP figures show France, Germany and Japan as some of the wealthiest countries in the developed world.
I also think Vietnam has prospered in the last twenty years and this is directly related to the war.
As it stands, the people of Iraq are already up shit creek without the intervention of the U.S.
Did anyone see the Denton program on the ABC the other night? There was a lady who paid $10,000 USD to flee Iraq with her two sonsafter the govt took her husband, poisoned him and sent him home to die. He returned home and could not speak, within three hours he was completely paralysed and by the next morning he was dead. We also have the attack on the Kurds in the North and South with biologial and chemical weapons which killed many innocent people. So how much longer must this be allowed to continue?
The thing that really amazes me is everyone is quick to condemn the U.S, U.K and Australia but I have hardly heard a peep about Saddam Hussein and his muderous campaign.
So i'd like to know exactly what the world was supposed to do about this man? Are we to sit back and wait and let hundreds of thousands more innocents die while the the circus that is currently the U.N debateon how best to appease every country with a self serving interest. And with Husseins two sons likely to replace him, a dictatorship would be in place for at least the next 50 years.
I'm sure most of you will come back with the U.N should have been allowed more time but France was going to veto any move for military action regardless of the weapons inspectors findings. And the reason for this is they are selling arms on the black market to Iraq and are also receiving oil illegally so there nobility is nothing but a lot of sanctimonious BS.
Also, how could the U.N control anything when history has shown they are incapable of stopping regimes like Hussein. Does anyone remember the ethinc cleansing in Kosovo? I'm sure we all remember that one, you knwo when Howard took the refugees in? Well, the U.N sat that one out because Russia vetoed a move to use force. This was also the case in Rwanda in 1994. Bascially the U.N are powerless to overcome beauracracy due to all permanent security council members putting their own interests before that of humanity. So I say, why bother at all? It's pointless and a waste of time.
Now to that flea Simon Crean. His cronies must be on the phone ringing the Australian public because he has backflipped that many times i'm starting to get dizzy watching him. He has no credibility and this is proven by his current stance. Australia at the moment are still involved in enforcing sanctions on Iraq and that was brought about by the previous Labor government. Can anyone seriously say Saddam if left alone would not develop WMD and all these years of political gesturing have amounted to what?
Now to that slimeball Bob Brown. He has learnt pretty quick from Crean because he previously said for Australia to do nothing about Saddam Hussein was the worst course of action for the governemtn to take. So which is itBob?
So i'd like to hear an alternative rational solution on how to disarm Iraq without force? Inspections have failed on every occasion.
Both Brown and Crean have spoken about the killing of innocents in Iraqbut if France had agreed to the current resolution, the end result would still be the same yet Crean and Brown think that war is ok under those circumstances. I thought they were worried about the killing of innocents? Maybe they are but just not enough to let the issue cloud their personal ambitions and are that desperate for the scraps from the Australian electorate they will do anything to get their mugs on the tv.