Nothing but opinionated shit, which is fine, if you want to believe that go for it but stop throwing around your opinion as if it is a fact.
LOL, nice of you to offer your opinion, or is yoursfact?
Evidence is what I asked for, I know it's a dirty word for people sitting on your side of the specturm but actually drop some my way and I might listen.
But there is no evidence, neitherfor or against, it is all opinion and subjecture, unless of course you blindly followparty propaganda.
but you made a couple of absurd statements I can't quite follow.. I think the people of Iraq, Israel and the Kurds in the north and south of Iraq might actually disagree with you on this one.
My point was related towhat has Iraq done that others haven't. You answered it yourself in the next paragraph but for completeness you can throw in murders in Zimbabwe, tanks in Tinamen Square etc and I think you'll find Israel complaining more about the terrorists from Syria than from Iraq.
using checmical and biologicalweapons on minority groups is a good start
Well that's just another way of achieving the same results as others have. How many chinese have been purged, how many Lebanese were exterminated by Syria, how many Isralies mudered by suicide bombings, how many Zimbabweans assasinated in mid night raisd. Your only discussing the means not the objective or the result, in the end the tools of trade don't really matter do they.
p.s I'm still waiting for the proof of the "wrong reasons" or is this just your opinion?
C'mon Legend, you know there is no proof for the "wrong reasons" just as the US couldn't manufacture any proof for the "right reasons". They could not establish any links to terrorism nor find any weapons of mass destruction but hey, who needs proof. We are all, each and every one of us,only offering our opinions mate.
BTW, I was not referring to you in regard to the use of "hypocrisy", I was referring to Howard, Crean, Bush, Blair and every bloody other hypocritical politician on every side of the fence who are only pushing their own barrows for their own reasons. None of this has anything to do with caring for what happens to the porple of Iraq, nor more than they care for what happens to all the other billions of oppressed people in China & Africa etc. Spare me the righteous propaganda, please.