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Warriors press conference today 24/11

Dr Crane

Live Update Team
We could say the same thing abt Saints playing Melbourne in Perth.

i don't think it's even close to the same thing. perth is playing to an empty market where league needs to stay in the papers every now and then, eden park is going across town because the boss thinks it's cool.


They were geniused to not go with the Waterfront Stadium plan.

It was a pity the Super Dome in Manukau never got off the ground, or at least was given a second thought a few years later.

A stadium right smack bang in the middle of (probably) the codes greatest strength area would have been a ripper.


First Grade
Personally I can get on board with shifting a game. It's not perfect but I think I'm being selfish when I say that. As others have said, the potentially big crowd should be a good way to start the year.

But if they shift any others, or start to make noises about a permanent shift, there's going to be some pretty unhappy campers.

Edit - I agree 10000% that they should have built a waterfront stadium too.
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I think the issue is more that Eden park is seen as a union Stronghold and us Leaguies want to separate ourselves from the union masses.

Which is fair enough I guess, but kind of a stupid way of looking at it. My main concern in regards to a permanent move is getting the scheduling right with the Blues and the NPC team, shouldn't be too hard but could cause a few headaches. Can't really comment on what the grounds are like location/facility wise having never been to either so I guess I'll just leave it there, hah.


see i just done get it.... were talking about 3 stadiums within 20mins of each other.

surely the Blues, Warriors, Auckland & North Harbour Unions can sort something out between them.

For a start the Blues can bloody send more of there games to North Harbour Stadium & Toll Stadium in Whangarei.

2ndly looking at the ITM Cup next season were looking at 6 home games at the most per team.


I think the issue is more that Eden park is seen as a union Stronghold and us Leaguies want to separate ourselves from the union masses.

Which is fair enough I guess, but kind of a stupid way of looking at it. My main concern in regards to a permanent move is getting the scheduling right with the Blues and the NPC team, shouldn't be too hard but could cause a few headaches. Can't really comment on what the grounds are like location/facility wise having never been to either so I guess I'll just leave it there, hah.

whoever thinks like that is geniused.... Eden Park has been redeveloped with a sh*tload of our tax payers money... as far as im concerned RU has f**k all to do with Eden Park now.

it should be Aucklands Regional Stadium now. Make money off Mt Smart for the greater good of the Auckland Region.


in a f**king helicopter maybe
well yeah taking into account Auckland's f**ked up traffic.... anywhere else on Planet Earth apart from NYC it would be 20mins.

Perhaps if the Super-Duper-City Council sold that sh*thole in Penrose and spent the money on fixing the traffic it could be a 20min drive.

Manu Vatuvei

tbh I have no idea what people are talking about re: Eden Park seats being too far from the action. It's not that bad at all (which is why it's a laughably small cricket ground).

Manu Vatuvei

Personally I'd probably go to more games given I live pretty much on the Western Train Line and am a regular train-goer.

I don't really get the whole angst about the location. It's a seriously small town mentality to think that Penrose----> Kingsland is some sort of seismic shift. At the end of the day, neither is in the city, and neither is that far from it. Kingsland is better for Westies and Penrose is better for SA.


Staff member
My only concerns are:
1. Viewing position. I went to the previous World Cup Final at Eden Park and after Carlaw it was like watching from the moon. I have since had season tickets at the cricket and for that it is great. I haven't been since the redevelopment, but can't imagine it is any closer.
2. Size - and how this affects atmosphere. Any player would rather play in a full stadium. Unless a miracle happens this won't occur at Eden Park. If the Warriors attract a lot of new supporters and then turn on a season like '09 the place will be empty.

The sport now has a home at Mt Smart. It still has plenty of capacity. Rather have a full Mt Smart than a quarter full Eden Park.

BTW. The Regional Council will never sell Mt Smart.


Last year I sat up at the back of the Colin Kay stand (West Stand) as it was cold and raining. The view was terrible and so far from the action.


My only concerns are:
1. Viewing position. I went to the previous World Cup Final at Eden Park and after Carlaw it was like watching from the moon. I have since had season tickets at the cricket and for that it is great. I haven't been since the redevelopment, but can't imagine it is any closer.
2. Size - and how this affects atmosphere. Any player would rather play in a full stadium. Unless a miracle happens this won't occur at Eden Park. If the Warriors attract a lot of new supporters and then turn on a season like '09 the place will be empty.

The sport now has a home at Mt Smart. It still has plenty of capacity. Rather have a full Mt Smart than a quarter full Eden Park.

BTW. The Regional Council will never sell Mt Smart.

Thankfully now the Regional Council doesnt own it anymore... since they dont exist anymore.

now that the Auckland Super City Council has taken ownership... they can make use of the other 2 stadiums already in Auckland.

Theres no way Auckland should have 3 stadiums... and after doing up Eden Park and North Harbour having more room for expansion... its just stupid to keep Mt Smart going...

ive got nothing against Mt Smart... but the Warriors on there own dont have big enough attendances to justify there own stadium.

The Council cant go cap in hand to central govt asking for assistance with bits and pieces around the place while they sit on Mt Smart making debt for them... when they could be actually making money from it.

Dr Crane

Live Update Team
they'd be idiotic to demolish the only remotely central and decent mid-sized stadium, and the only good quality large concert venue in the city.


Staff member
Regardless of who owns it it was gifted to the city and as such they can't sell it.


Live Update Team
I emailed the Warriors the other day voicing my opinion, and here's the reply from Wayne:

Dear Ali

Thank you for taking the time to write to the club and I’m sorry you are disappointed about the club you are a member of taking the Round One match to Eden Park. Whilst we have had some other members like you express their concern we have also had many more very excited about the historic nature of the event and opportunity to grow our membership and general support in Auckland.

In the hope that you decide to attend the match I would like to explain some of the details and reasoning behind this decision:

  • We are not making any permanent move to Eden Park – this is purely a one off event that we will assess fully afterwards
  • The club remains very committed to Mt Smart Stadium however the bottom line is that despite coming 5th in the NRL, winning the Toyota Cup and winning the Club Championship last season our attendances averaged only 13,000 and are amongst the lowest in the NRL. Consequently the low gate revenue places huge pressure on the club to not only remain financially viable but also be able to equip our football department to be competitive.
  • We want to be a dynamic club that can win the NRL, attract the best players and provide the best member, training and coaching facilities. To do this requires increased investment and that can only come through improving attendances to games.
  • We also want more members as they are the heart of the club and essential to our survival. We think new people will see us play at Eden Park and then follow us back to Mt Smart – hopefully as new members.
  • Our coaches and players are all hugely excited about playing in New Zealand’s biggest venue and one that offers them the best opportunity to showcase the game to the widest audience. Just like coaches and players of other NRL club’s who play at other large multi sport venues like Suncorp, ANZ Stadium, Etc; we believe our team should be offered the same opportunity to play at these types of venues.
  • In an effort to improve revenues and grow support many other NRL clubs play at more than one home venue, and there is no reason we should not consider these opportunities as well.
  • Yes, we may well continue to play all games at Mt Smart Stadium. However presently there are issues with seated capacity and other improvements required to bring the venue up to modern day standards. We are already in dialogue with the new Auckland Super City Council on this and our aim is to give members the best facilities possible.
  • We also hope that the success of this event at Eden Park will lead to the NRL bringing other big rugby league events (that can only be played in big venues) to Auckland – we want to grow the game here!
I appreciate you have some some personal reservations about us holding this match at Eden Park and we understand the challenges with transport, parking etc. However you are a full season member of the Vodafone Warriors and not Mt Smart Stadium. We are undertaking this to build a stronger and more successful club for you and all of our members; and still providing you with the full 12 home matches at excellent value over public prices. The potential for us to play at Eden Park has been widely talked about for the last 12 months – we certainly have not misled anybody and as soon as we have confirmed the agreement we have made the announcement. A key part of these negotiations was to ensure all members received at least the same value and standard of their seat at Mt Smart Stadium and we have been assured of this.

We are extremely committed to you and all of our members; and will be working extremely hard to ensure the event is a fun and unique experience for us all. I do hope you will reconsider and support us at this game.

Most importantly I appreciate your support and effort in contacting the club. I am happy to correspond with you by phone, email or in person at any time so please don’t hesitate to contact me should you wish to discuss this or any other matter.

Kind regards

Wayne Scurrah // Chief Executive Officer

// Mobile: +64 21 500 437 // Direct line: +64 9 526 8826


Dr Crane

Live Update Team
ah, maybe they're trying to twist the council's arm to get some more upgrades for mt smart.


ah, maybe they're trying to twist the council's arm to get some more upgrades for mt smart.
thats what i read into it...

and thats what pisses me off about it... why the f**k upgrade Mt Smart when they just pumped millions upon millions into Eden Park.


because a bunch of Leagues are still hanging onto that chip on there shoulder because there Grandad was forced to play Union in school.... :roll:

if the Govt had spent millions in developing Mt Smart instead of Eden Park i would be calling for Eden Park to be bowled down and move the Rugby to Penrose.


First Grade
That's a pretty detailed response from Wayne - good to see. (I'm guessing Ali gave him a real bollocking though :sarcasm: )