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Wests Tigers shift east


I find myself parking 10-15mins away from every venue I attend. You save up to 20 bucks and avoid waiting in a queue to leave the carpark at the end of the game. I don't know why some here are so adverse to the idea of walking.

Most of the time you don't have a choice, any free parking close by usually fills up during the lower grades


First Grade
Even if the walk is 30 minutes, that only equates to 6 hours of walking over the year (6 games, 2 trips). Thats right, a whopping 6 hours of extra walking in 365 days of the year.

But when you consider it is about twice the amount of hours the average person from Campbeltown spends at work each year, you can see why they complain.


Even if the walk is 30 minutes, that only equates to 6 hours of walking over the year (6 games, 2 trips). Thats right, a whopping 6 hours of extra walking in 365 days of the year.

But when you consider it is about twice the amount of hours the average person from Campbeltown spends at work each year, you can see why they complain.

Do centrelink pay extra for walking to the footy? Maybe I should ask the souffs dribblers


Do you remember Oasis? In short, the Bulldogs would have had a 35k state of the art stadium ideally located in Liverpool partly funded by the government and significantly funded by Maq Bank. If you actually bothered to read my postings instead of twisting your knickers, you'll know I think that we should have made a move like this a long time ago.

Obviously the current climate will make any such private investment a lot more difficult, but this is a long term project. Doing nothing is stupidity. Wasting yet another 20mil that no one will even notice is beyond my comprehension.

Proposing to stay at Leichhardt is just as stupid as proposing to go back to Lidcombe. Both are decrepid and below standard as top-flight sporting venues. Campbelltown is little better, despite it's more convenient ease of access. I think there is a place in RL for such grounds, but not in a successful NRL. We will never be a big club playing out of a loss-making suburban park.

Liverpool is far from "down the road", making me think you have little or no comprehension of what I'm actually suggesting. In my opinion, it's the perfect compromise in a difficult situation between the Macarthur and the locations of our many scattered fans due to its location and transport links.

More to the point, if we do commit to an area such as this, then we will have a genuine home ground we can call our own, top-class facilities and affordable memberships.

Penrith and Parra continue to fail because of inadequate management. Appointment of incompetent coaching staff has seen to this. Under decent coaches they both made GFs and attracted enormous support. At least they have homes to pack out when winning, despite being unable to maintain any sort of form or promote the clubs in any positive way.

I agree with the difficulties of developing a long-term committed supporter base from the local area. I don't believe it's an issue that could harm us if we didn't succede in the medium term (after an initial boom), because our scattered supporter base will support us anywhere accessible... as they do now.

The benefit of developing local support, in combination with our general supporters is that we will become a much larger club, capable of filling a medium sized venue. The population area we would target, along with bandwagon support would mean we'd need only a fraction of people to get along.

But we'll just keep playing out of local parks and whinging when we have to go to areas outside our heartland.

Finally someone talks some sense. 5 home grounds are not enough, we should build more!



It's 100 metres to the front of the stadium, the closest point. Is that where you sit to watch a game you terminal wally?

And please, buy a watch you thick f**k, you cannot physically walk it in 15 minutes unless there is A) no interruptions whatsover via lights, crossings, those car thingys etc and B)you walk at a pace that would be considered average in an Olympic walking event.
They walk about 17-18km/hr in the olympics in the 20km walk Mr Stickler.

Obviously you are a fat tub of lard! If you aren't walking at 6-7km/hr then you should start walking regularly, I suggest an hour day minimum. It may save your life!

Normal people just cross the bloody road and don't wait for the lights.

EA == dumbest guy on LU.


Yeah, how far's that? 10 mins?

Move Bronco games to Robina or Seagulls and you have a better similie.

Maybe if you drive the Batmobile fool. Logan --> Suncorp at least 30 minutes. I live 20 minutes south from from Red Hill. Sure this post is delayed but you're still wrong.

Dave Q

Lol at West Tigers playing at SFS, may as well play at fugging Brookvale.

The magpie fans will surely vote with their feet.

Ripped off again for the horrendus and unforgiveable crime of living in South-West Sydney.

Its gotta be a rude joke.


Lol at West Tigers playing at SFS, may as well play at fugging Brookvale.

The magpie fans will surely vote with their feet.

Ripped off again for the horrendus and unforgiveable crime of living in South-West Sydney.

Its gotta be a rude joke.

Suits Balmain fans no end, leaving 90% of fans sated.

I would have thought it a bit hard to criticise considering Souths should be at the SFS.


Do you get a nice close free parking spot at the footy every time do you? Anytime I go to Parra we park over near the jail...
A lot of people catch a train to work...
And the car park is a ripoff.
I think the point was not that physical effort was involved, but the sheer time factor involved in getting from Campbelltown to the SFS by rail. It's OK to google maps and state rail timetables, but then add the extra bits, like the traffic ligfhts, the long walk out of central etc. EA is right. SFS is a terrible option for a club representing League fans from Campbelltown.

Besides, if you have to walk for over 10 mins to Parra Stadium, you aint trying. But even that walk is OK, when the car journey is only another 15 mins.
They walk about 17-18km/hr in the olympics in the 20km walk Mr Stickler.

Obviously you are a fat tub of lard! If you aren't walking at 6-7km/hr then you should start walking regularly, I suggest an hour day minimum. It may save your life!

Normal people just cross the bloody road and don't wait for the lights.

EA == dumbest guy on LU.

*bark* * bark*
So according to you, using the whole "from train to your seat at ANZ" argument is stupid (which it is) yet you're doing a similar thing here, when it suits your agenda. Good one. :lol:

FFS, you're thicker than two Manly supporters joined at the head.

That argument was with an idiot who claimed it was about equal time-wise to get from the train seat to the seat at the footy at ANZ and the SFS.

The Tigers supporter in the Tigers forum, you must remember him, he's your intellectual peer and God knows you don't have many of them here to talk to on your level.


Closer to Campbelltown?

In which dimension?

f**king stupid decision. They've just alienated the rest of the Campbelltown supporters by adding an hour to the travelling time to 6 games per year.

An hours travelling time????

Only takes me an little over and hour to drive to the SFS and I live out near Tahmoor.


They walk about 17-18km/hr in the olympics in the 20km walk Mr Stickler.

Obviously you are a fat tub of lard! If you aren't walking at 6-7km/hr then you should start walking regularly, I suggest an hour day minimum. It may save your life!
Good call. Next time you visit Parramatta Stadium, park at Lidcombe.
Normal people just cross the bloody road and don't wait for the lights.

EA == dumbest guy on LU.

Hence the need for hospitals, ambulances, surgeons, cemeteries, panel beaters..........

LOL at someone called "Save the children" extolling the values of running in front of traffic on Elizabeth St and Anzac Parade. Dickhead.


An hours travelling time????

Only takes me an little over and hour to drive to the SFS and I live out near Tahmoor.

LOL. You are about 10 mins from the Campbelltown Road interchange at Lurnea. Some residents in Campbelltown could take 20 mins to get to the M5.

As Aretha Franklin once said - You better THINK!

Tiger Hawk

FFS, you're thicker than two Manly supporters joined at the head.

That argument was with an idiot who claimed it was about equal time-wise to get from the train seat to the seat at the footy at ANZ and the SFS.

The Tigers supporter in the Tigers forum, you must remember him, he's your intellectual peer and God knows you don't have many of them here to talk to on your level.

Re-read the posts.

You criticise a bloke for making an argument A, then proceed to make argument B, which is effectively the same as argument A, and, oh why bother. Clearly I need to get the crayons out to draw you a picture.

Re-read the posts.

You criticise a bloke for making an argument A, then proceed to make argument B, which is effectively the same as argument A, and, oh why bother. Clearly I need to get the crayons out to draw you a picture.

Stop talking wank.

The argument with that prat was a different one to the argument with you.

You're both f**king morons though, that's what the arguments have in common.


Ideally, every team should play out of one ground, but as a JV, the Wests Tigers are obligated to represent both areas. This naturally involves playing home games at LO and CS.

Your suggestion to relocate the Tigers to Liverpool would be tantamount to reinstating the Magpies. Why would the Balmain club, and its' former supporters endorse a move to diminish their presence within the JV to nothing apart from the emblem? You are taking the majority of fans for idiots if you think that you could hoodwink us into supporting a resurgent Wests Magpies that shuns the BALMAIN heritage entirely. I would expect former Magpies supporters to feel exactly the same if the opposite were proposed.

The Tigers fans are geographically dispersed and one of the advantages of having multiple home grounds is that more fans have an opportunity to attend a home game. In part, this has contributed to WT leading the home crowd averages in Sydney for 4 consecutive years. However, limiting the club to one home crowd would undoubtedly restrict the support base and it is arguable whether the arrival of new local fans could compensate for the exodus of old fans.

BTW you're right to point out that when Penrith were winning they managed to fill CUA. I distinctly remember the Wests Tigers achieving the same with CS and LO. However, as I asked before, what has happened out Penrith way each time that performances started to wane? You would need sustained success over a very long period to ensure proper local engagement with the team.

Westie, your idea has some merit although only if applied to an entirely new entity rather than a JV of two illustrious clubs with supporters that will always associate their team with the local area. If this is your vision, you ought to campaign for Wests Magpies to be reinstated to the NRL, rather than wishing to corrupt a merger that purports to represent the Inner West and South West areas.

My point is, and this is what people seem to ignore, is that it's time to treat this venture as a club in it's own right.

What we've been doing has, and continues to fail.

Sure it would be a shame to lose places like LO to top-flight football, but as it is, it's not a sustainable option, let alone a marker for success. On a side note - I think it would be lovely to have Wests and Balmain playing in a fully fledged and viable 2nd tier competition utilising older grounds to provide a certain footy experience which is rapidly becoming unsustainable at the top level.

Any decent fan would have travelled to Campbelltown for our big/important/winning games over the years. What I'm hoping for is to cut a large amount of the travel factor out of such a prospect and provide a culture of success such as at clubs like the Broncos so that every game is a big game.

This will obviously mean bringing in new staff to promote our memberships above the levels achieved by the WA Reds in Jim Beam Cup and a coach who can actually achieve consistent success in the salary cap era.

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