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Wests Tigers shift east


BTW, I love how Longmuir says: "Our club has a geographically broad brand name".

Last time I checked, the club was called WESTS TIGERS. Of course that fits into the Eastern Suburbs. FFS...

"All successful teams from around the world have the strongest markets and best stadiums."

All successful teams from around the world don't travel like gypsies and play at sixty "home" grounds every year, nor do they alienate their fans. But then again, we are hardly successful (since we've failed to make the eight of a p*ss weak comp three years running) so I suppose moving away from your fanbase kind of suits the club at the moment.


You're the one making the allegation.

How many is that? There are over 2,000 members.

And you're the one trying to tell me my allegation is wrong.

Just for you, I'm going to run a poll on the Tigers forum to ask if any members were asked about traveling to the SFS.

I know you are but what am I? etc.


It's a 15 minute walk to the ground (shorter by bus), if that. So that's a total of 30 mins, not 60 mins, correct? I laid out the facts in my original post. If you disagree with the facts based on your experience then that's your prerogative. You may want to walk more quickly or buy a compass however.

Are you serious?

A 15 minute walk from Central to the SFS?


You're full of sh*t.

I went to the test earlier this year. We waited 10 minutes for a bus and it took 15 minutes to get to the pub on the corner. It was another 5 minute walk to the ground from there.

It's good for your story to assume I haven't, isn't it?

Who cares if you have or haven't.

Ok what I'm hearing is whaa I didn't like ANZ whaa I want the traditional ground even though the club can't afford it whaa the club decided to do something different to what I think whaa life is hard whaa...

You're hearing what you want to hear.

What is actually being said is that fans don't generally like ANZ in comparison to Leichhardt and Campbelltown, where we'd like all our games played.

But a move to the SFS is worse than staying at ANZ because it's further away from Campbelltown and a bastard to get to.

According to you, we should all just wear it?

Because it takes less time and it's more comfortable.

There are tolls (7.60) and parking ($22.00 someone said)to pay for. $30 + petrol on top of the cost of getting in. That's a fair bit more than the cost of getting there by public transport.

And it's a f**king abysmal place to get to via public transport.
HTFU, my friend. You can hit the Great Southern, then the KB, then the Excelcior, then that sh*te pub with the Swans jumper out the front, The Hoey, the Cricketers Arms, the Captain Cook and The Olympic before hitting your seats at the SFS.

Stop complaining.

Did that on the way back from the Test.

Not much fun if you're not a drinker....


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
That's your opinion and you're entitled to it, as am I.
It's not about opinion, it's about f*cking fact. There is a train station directly outside ANZ Stadium. You see the stadium the moment you ascend to ground level from the platforms at Olympic Park Station.

Arriving at Central you've either got a further 10 minutes by bus, or a near 2km walk, which according to Google Maps will take around 20 minutes.

The facts are, ANZ is easier to access by both train and car. And probably bus for that matter. It's not about opinion.
Yeah, but it's the Wests Tigers.

Commonsense isn't something our admin is familiar with.
I genuinely feel sorry for your fans... the SFS is truly ridiculous.


First Grade
Are you serious?

A 15 minute walk from Central to the SFS?


You're full of sh*t.

I went to the test earlier this year. We waited 10 minutes for a bus and it took 15 minutes to get to the pub on the corner. It was another 5 minute walk to the ground from there.

Try walking next time then. It takes 15 minutes.

Who cares if you have or haven't.

You clearly do, or you wouldn't have brought it up in the first place.

You're hearing what you want to hear.

What is actually being said is that fans don't generally like ANZ in comparison to Leichhardt and Campbelltown, where we'd like all our games played.

But a move to the SFS is worse than staying at ANZ because it's further away from Campbelltown and a bastard to get to.

It's not further away from Campbelltown by any significant margin.

According to you, we should all just wear it?

If you don't like the decision for you personally that's fine, but stop making excuses for it being wrong for everyone.

There are tolls (7.60) and parking ($22.00 someone said)to pay for. $30 + petrol on top of the cost of getting in. That's a fair bit more than the cost of getting there by public transport.

And it's a f**king abysmal place to get to via public transport.

So you don't use petrol to get to Olympic Park then?

I completely disagree with you, and the facts on travel time I've presented back up my claims.
What I don't understand is why the F*ck didn't the NSW government put a train link in there in the first place?? They could have linked it to the white elephant that is the airport railway link and then somebody may have actually used that line at some point in time. You have the SFS, the SCG and Randwick racecourse all within coo-ee of each other and the closest railway link is a couple of k's away in the city. F*cken stupid NSW govt.

I went out to watch a one day match at the SCG last year and they ran out of parking. State Transit sent us all down to the race course to park and then set up a free shuttle bus to take you to and from the race course. Great idea that, except the free shuttle bus stopped at 10pm. The cricket didn't finish until about 10:15. After we walked around for 20 minutes trying to work out where the shuttles were, we managed to jam into the last public bus for the night that went down near the racecourse which got us there at about 10:55. We got out just as they closed the gates at the race course at 11pm. I reckon there would have easily still been 100 cars parked in the infield at the time.

SFS is ok when there is nothing else on, but when you have somethng on at the SCG or the races on down the road, the place is a shemozzle.


First Grade
Is it just me or is putting the teams where they should be that difficult in the harbour city???

Souths - SFS
Easts - SFS
Wests Tigers - ANZ/Campbelltown/Leichhardt

That way the stadia might start to actually mean something to the teams again.

Why you would effectively stick Souths in Wests territory and vice versa will never make sense to me...

Only the NRL could countenance such backwards decisions.


First Grade
You know what, im a Bulldogs fan and live closer to Homebush then to Moore park and am a season ticket holder but i would rather the dogs played all there home games at the SFS instead of ANZ, it is simply a crap ground and i would rather be anywhere else.


ANZ is heaps esaier to get to. Get to a train station and you're laughing.

The SFS is a great ground but painful to get to with kids. Train, then bus (as walking is too far). I am also not to keen on being around Central Station at close to 10pm with 3 kids in tow either. At least with ANZ I can choose which station I go to and from.


First Grade
Yeh, im just talking in terms of stadium, transport is a b!tch to the SFS and something needs to be improved


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Try walking next time then. It takes 15 minutes.
Google Maps (click here) tells us that walking would take 24 minutes, a 1.8km stretch. That doesn't include the 5 minutes getting from the platform to the starting point at Chalmers St which I've noted as part of the route. I'll concede about 5 min less on the walk in total because Google Maps goes at old-person speed.

It's not further away from Campbelltown by any significant margin.
Right, and the Pope's not German... :roll:
Google Maps again tells us that Campbelltown to Homebush Bay is 46km, around 45-50 minutes.
The same service tells us that Campbelltown to Moore Park is at least 55km, and while it might show that it's only 52 minutes, that doesn't take into account the incredible volumes of traffic you encounter once you hit Southern Cross Drive and all the way into the ground. That same traffic you are far less likely to hit at Homebush.

If you don't like the decision for you personally that's fine, but stop making excuses for it being wrong for everyone.
:lol: Stop presenting false facts then.
I completely disagree with you, and the facts on travel time I've presented back up my claims.
Oh LOL...
Try walking next time then. It takes 15 minutes.

I've done it 50 times. It isn't 15 minutes. It's about 15 minutes to the top of Foveaux St, unless you're an Olympic walker.

Stop lying.

You clearly do, or you wouldn't have brought it up in the first place.

You haven't done it because if you had, you wouldn't be carrying on with this stupid argument.

You are simply wrong.

It's not further away from Campbelltown by any significant margin.

Only in your universe.

In everyone elses universe, it's plenty further time-wise.

If you don't like the decision for you personally that's fine, but stop making excuses for it being wrong for everyone.

I'm not arguing on behalf of anyone on the Balmain side of the JV, I'm sure it's much of a muchness for them.

But it's an atrocious decision for anyone who lives at or near Campbelltown.

Which, is where the other half of the JV is.

So you don't use petrol to get to Olympic Park then?

Never driven there to see a Footy game.

Wouldn't even consider it when there's a railway station at its doorstep

I completely disagree with you, and the facts on travel time I've presented back up my claims.

You've posted nothing of substance.

you just think you have.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
How is it the NRL's fault where clubs choose to play their games :?

Dave Q

As I live in the western suburbs, Homebush is OK by me.

Plenty of parking and eveything like that. It takes me 45 minutes from closing the front door ( patting the dog) to being seated in my cheap and nasty seats.

I like a bit of space when I watch the game.

Just dont think of eating or drinking there unless you are not in the stock market.

SFS is usually a basket case unless the match isnt well attended. Its expensive too.

It takes twice as long and there is a lot of walking and choring especially if its a big match and you have to park away from the ground.

On the clubs stats, most Souths fans are westies like me, so most of us, we like our Homebush.
Last edited:
As I live in the western suburbs, Homebush is OK by me.

Plenty of parking and eveything like that. It takes me 45 minutes from closing the front door ( patting the dog) to being seated in my cheap and nasty seats.

I like a bit of space when I watch the game.

Just dont think of eating or drinking there unless you are not in the stock market.

SFS is usually a basket case unless the match isnt well attended. Its expensive too.

It takes twice as long and there is a lot of walking and choring especially if its a big match and you have to park away from the ground.

On the clubs stats, most Souths fans are westies like me, so most of us, we like our Homebush.

Hrundi99 reckons you're a liar.

Tom Shines

First Grade
Don't mind the move to be honest.

I'm travelling from the Central Coast so getting just one train to central is better than swapping at straithfield and the concord again.

Plus theres a better pub crawl, culminating in a $7 Steak and vegies at the Capt Cook hotel.

Giddy up.

Yep, and much better than going to the Novotel and lining up for a $5 plastic cup of piss.

Well in.


First Grade
How is it the NRL's fault where clubs choose to play their games :?

Because anyone with even half a brain (which excludes most of the people making the decisions) can see that the NRL should sit down with all of the clubs in Sydney with a view to maximising attendances FOR ALL OF THEM and thus the game as a whole.

A strategy for crowds in Sydney - and the NRL as a whole - might be a nice place to start.

Try working together to maximise the benefits to the game instead of the stupid individual club mentality that has seen Sydney crowds this year drop.

It ain't f**king rocket science...

One good start might be to have the Sydney teams playing in their identifiable areas rather than the complete opposite of that (a la the stupid decision for Souths to play west and Wests to play south... :lol:)