Hmmm, let’s see ....
First step is to admit there is a problem.
Seems that everyone agrees that Hayno playno is crappo, that’s a good start.
Next is Moses. Mitchy witchy whiny lil bitchy. If only the councils would build a decent slope into the fields, he’d be putting in some great halves of footy. He really should be showing his competitive streak by swearing at more of his teammates. There’s no I in team, but there sure as hell is ME, eh Mitchy ?
I feel bad for Parra fans, but then remember rhyno and razorramon.
And who could forget witty.
So apart from those 2 lightweight downhill skiers, the rest of your team is disinterested. Maybe Gutho doesn’t deserve his sentence.
Every red blooded WT supporter is enjoying moses’ tantrums and tears oh so much .
Parramatta doesn’t matter.