Ive got a question about the shirts they all wear. Are these shirts supplied by the club or are they supplied by theesupporter group. Does the money paid for the shirts go to the club? If not, would it not be better to encourage members to buy official sharks jerseys or official supporter gear from the sharks' shop in order to maximise their revenue. The Sharks need all the help they can get with revenue, while an extra 50-100 jersey sales every year might not be much every cent counts.
I don't really understand why they manufacture their own supporters shirts, like ok shirts that's fine but actual jerseys?
They would be better spent negotiating with the club to get a % of the jumpers themselves if people became members - That way the club gets a profit as well.
Apart from that they're wonderful.
The only problem I have with them is that they produce their own merch. Great for them to make their own money, but could be better spent on a certain piece of club merchandise, be it a certain type of polo or jersey they can all wear to identify themselves.
simply supporters club shirts, like the 18th man jersey you could say, it feels better looking like a team then all over the joint
to say that we dont buy sharks merch is ridiculous, there isnt a single piece of sharks merch that i DON'T own, hell when sharks auctioned off players signed heritage jerseys, i won 5 of them that cost me a total of $2500 [going straight to the club]
we pour alot of our own money into the club, be it merch or get-togethers at the club for a drink or something
Surely the league needs more such dedicated people.
To be beaten and bruised like them, so often, for scant reward.....this is a devotion of the mightiest kind...
I salute them. And wish there were perhaps twice as many. I wish their stadium was better too...and I wish they had more money.
So its win/win.
Gee, I wonder if they will survive....the supporters could go down the road and support St George Illawarra.
piss off
although they still owe us a fence.
no, join the queue behind the dragons
that was a safety risk and we highlighted it, i accept your thanks in advance
Great group... had some hard times this year. Nice bunch of guys and girls too, hopefully the RA continues to have a good relationship with these guys.
yes it is a joy be apart of when we play you guys at shark park, us in the cage and your mob opposite us, singing our heads off