This is where I have the biggest problem.
To me it makes sense to have a movie where Clark is trying to 'find himself' and feeling a bit alone in the world. He hasn't become Superman yet. He is not the symbol of hope for the world yet.
I get where you are coming from (really!), but there is a difference between trying to find himself and just being a deadbeat bore.
I always take him to have three personas 1) The clean Superman complete with cheesy smile and wink, a symbol of righteousness 2) The bumbling Clark Kent who is deliberately looking to avoid any suspicion by being over the top and goofy 3) Kal-El, the real person behind the cape or glasses, which this origin movie is really all about.
I always imagined Kal-El to be thoughtful, a bit lost and aimless... but never stiff, bored and pissed off with everyone. Take Superman 1979 and Smallville for example, before he took on being Superman or Kent he was always likeable and had an easy going charm about him.
The MoS version of him was too difficult to engage with, he just wasn't written to be terribly interesting at all. It didn't help that Cavill himself was pretty wooden.
Lots of things to like about the movie, but like I said too many glaring problems and this was a big one.