Saw three movies in three days at the cinema the weekend just been :
I'm not a comic nerdboy so I wasn't too worried about certain things that people are complaining about with regards to Superman's decisions and whatnot, just an enjoyable action romp on the big screen. Nothing too amazing but I was fine with it. Found the evil chick strangely arousing.
Went into this with absolutely no knowledge of what it was about or who was in it (apart from Ryan Gosling), and found it bloody enjoyable. Just a good solid drama, I recommend it. Nice cameo appearance from Eva Mendes' nipples (underneath a shirt but screams "LOOKATUSWE'RENIPPLES!!!!").
Iniitially had no interest in watching this (haven't read the book, and not particularly interested in Baz Luhrman's movies in general, though I did enjoy Strictly Ballroom which I saw with the family back when it was first released, though my enjoyment may have been influenced by the fact my parents were ballroom dancers and one of the characters looked just like Ric Flair, but I digress.....), but got invited by a mate so went anyway.
It was OK, I suppose, but it seemed to go for a bit long and I just didn't really like either of Tobey Maguire (he plays the same character in every movie it seems) or Leonardo's characters. I dunno, maybe it's just not me.
Looking forward to Now You See Me (which was previewed on two of the above movies), as I've always had a bit of a guilty pleasure for magicians and magic shows in general.