Ddid not really know too much about league,until biting into a north sydney bears shield,the equivilant of todays tazos,from my twisties packet aged about 4.
My 4th class Teacher mrs walker was a mad parra fan and her enthusiasm for parrakind of inffected most of the class, me included.A little while after i started to support them the tv started running those tooheys ads ,which started a kind of cult following cause the ads were after parra lost the gf to manly,but they were the bunnies of the 70's the real strugglers,and became a lot of people's sentimental favourites,mine included .So i was about 9 yo when i started,now 42, married an eel,supporter,and have2 real parra fans as kids and one other that has now started to barrack for m m m elbourne, but he's young and can be re programmed.
one of my first game memories was sitting on the bike track at lidcombe oval,great stuff watching the "old" stlyle of game vertually no holds barred,right up close,ahhhh the memories.
Caylo if your looking for a good place for a season ticket west terrace is preety good,no sun in the eyes ,on the river side,and about 180 for adult season,the only prob is limitation of number of seats you can buy together.